Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1347: Friends please think 3

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"you dare!"

Yugu returned to the **** altar, and the scene in front of him made him furious.

Above the Bloody Altar.

The sky is dark.

The void seemed to be torn apart by a giant force, filled with spatial turbulence visible to the naked eye.

The mysterious array of blue light converging slowly rotates.

The Scarlet Altar was also affected, and the chaotic forces formed a storm, and the formation was at the center of the storm.

Old Demon Ye was suspended below the array.

The cultivation base is stronger than him, and it seems to be shaky in the face of the impact of the storm, and the body is flickering with strange light.

At this moment, another figure appeared opposite Old Demon Ye, which happened to be where the jade bone was just now.

It is white!

This time, he is no longer peeping from the side, and shows up in an open and fair manner!

Bai floated in the air, as if there was no Old Demon Ye in his eyes, he was doing his own thing.

The fingers of his hands were like butterflies turning over flowers, and one after another incomparably complex and unprecedented peculiar seals flew out of his hands, sinking into the **** altar like flowing water.

With his movements, visions of the altar appeared frequently.

The most conspicuous is the array.

The blue light of the array map became more and more dazzling, illuminating the surroundings to the fullest. The ghost fog and ghosts were dyed a layer of cyan. The array map quickly rotated, and the runes on it became clearer and more complete.

Big and mysterious!

A vast and ancient aura emanated from the array map, heading straight for the bullfight!

Bai raised his head slightly and stared at the array map, the surprise in his eyes became more and more intense.

Old Demon Ye stood motionless and did not intend to take action, quietly watching Bai's movements.

See the pattern change.

A strange color flashed in Old Demon Ye's eyes, and with deep surprise, he looked up and down this mysterious man who suddenly appeared.

In any case, he never thought that in today's world, apart from the lingering devil, there are still people who know how to activate the prohibition on the altar.

Bai did not hide his breath.

Old Demon Ye could easily see that Bai was the body of a corpse king.

Bai's cultivation level should not be as good as his, but for some reason, Ye Laomo faintly felt a threat from Bai, which made him feel a little jealous.

He thought hard, but couldn't think of when such a person appeared in Beichen Realm.

There are quite a few corpse cultivators in Beichen Realm, but very few have broken through Nascent Soul Realm.

Old Demon Ye had basically dealt with him, but he couldn't get in touch with the person in front of him.

"Why did a Corpse King pop up out of thin air, is it an old thing from the ancient times? How many similar existences are there in the Xiuxian world, dormant in the world, waiting for the opportunity?"

For the first time, Old Demon Ye felt that there were still many secrets hidden in Beichen Realm, and even he didn't know anything about it.

Yugu is using this to force him to submit. If Bai can activate the altar, it may not be a bad thing. Ye Laomo thought for a while, but did nothing, let Bai Shiwei wait and see what happened.

But Old Demon Ye's peripheral vision was always locked in the direction Yugu left.

as predicted.

As soon as Bai started, he was sensed by Yugu.


Yugu was furious and rushed towards the altar, extremely fierce.

Bai didn't rush to take his eyes back from the array map, glanced at Yugu, and finally looked at Ye Laomo, and said meaningfully: "Please think twice!"

These words are obviously reminding Ye Laomo to let him see the situation clearly.

Old Demon Ye sneered.

However, Old Demon Ye really didn't make a move.

Bai warned Old Demon Ye, and turned his eyes to Yugu coldly.

‘Whoosh! ’

The jade bone is wrapped in purple light, like a light cocoon. The purple light can't see the real body of the jade bone, but he can feel his momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and an amazing pressure erupts from the light cocoon.

In an instant, Jade Bone bullied him, and a giant purple palm smashed towards Bai.

Bai seemed to be frightened, standing motionless, and did not do anything to resist.

Ye Laomo frowned slightly, doubting whether his judgment was wrong. Even if Bai hides his strength, he shouldn't be so arrogant in the face of Jade Bone, otherwise why would he be so afraid of Jade Bone?

in an instant.

The jade bone is already close to Chi Chi.

Suddenly, a cloud of ethereal starlight appeared below the altar.

This group of stars was very dark at first, and in an instant, a huge beam of light burst into the sky, and the jade bones just flew here, and the figure was engulfed by the beam of light.

In the beam of light, little stars shine.

Like a miniature starry sky.

These bits and pieces are exactly one star stone.

At the bottom of the beam of light, in the middle of the star element stone, a slender figure turned from virtual to solid, and finally revealed his true face, it was Qingjun who had disappeared for a long time!

Qingjun's eyes drooped down, and his jade fingers hooked up with threads of light, arranging the stars!

The star stone becomes a chess piece in his hand, and like a real star, it moves back and forth. It seems to be chaotic, but in fact it contains unique rules.

These star essence stones are exactly what Qin Sang took out from Zhitian Peak.

Yuan Mirage Gate has collected many ancient formations, some of which must be arranged with star essence stones, and this spiritual formation is one of them.

It can be said that the tragedy of Qingzhu was also caused by the Xingyuan Stone.

Qingjun occupied the Yuan Mirage Gate, read ancient books all over, and realized this spiritual formation.

When Bai Fei arrived on the altar and activated the array map, she hid here, and secretly set up a spiritual array, waiting for the jade bone to The jade bone was provoked by Bai, and she did not notice it for a while, and she fell into a trap!

'boom! ’

Starlight shakes.

Inside the beam of light, streaks of starlight crisscrossed, forming a cage, trapping the jade bones in it.

This array has the effect of trapping!

It's a pity that Qingjun's opponent is too strong.

The jade bones were trapped by the spirit array, and they fought back frantically. The rich purple light even had the tendency to drown the starlight.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

The star stone shattered one after another in the impact.

The jade bone magic flame is shocking.

A hint of surprise flashed in Qingjun's eyes. She didn't expect Yugu to be so powerful, and this person was extremely experienced. Whenever she found the weak points of the spiritual formation, she had no time to make up for it.

If this continues, I am afraid that it will not take a few breaths before the jade bones can break through the cage.

'boom! ’

A starlight went out.

Purple Qi is even more fierce.

Qingjun needs to personally preside over in the spirit array, I am afraid it is too late to escape.

At this critical moment, a chain broke through the air, and disappeared into the spirit formation in a flash, penetrating the purple energy like a spirit snake.

‘Whoosh! ’

Qin Sang followed closely behind, Kankan arrived, and his breath was extremely rapid.

He tried his best, but almost missed the opportunity, but he finally arrived in time. He didn't dare to hesitate, pinched the seal formula, and the pattern of the magic-binding rope appeared above his head, and with his fingers, he floated to the top of the jade bone.

‘Wow! ’

The purple light dissipated.

The real body of the jade bone is exposed.

Beside him, there are chains wrapped around him, it is the magic rope!

The magic-binding rope shrank inward, and countless tiny black lightning bolts shot out from the iron rope, stabbing the jade bones like thin needles. (To be continued)

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