Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1370: travel

The latest website: "Her primordial spirit seems to be merging with the light, it shouldn't be a bad thing..."

Qin Sang looked expectant.

Since he issued a bounty in Beichen League, he has received many clues in the past three years. Li Yuchu and other disciples have been running around to investigate, and Qin Sang has also been out of the customs for this purpose.

But the results were not what he was looking for.

Then, Qin Sang took out other things from the Thousand Ring Ring, screened it again, and thought about what preparations needed to be done before leaving.

After thinking for a while, he took out the Jin Shenjian again.

Jin Shenjian is still a top-grade magic weapon.

In order to refine the Sun God Tree, most of Qin Sang's savings were consumed.

The last time I promised Master Canghong, I got several precious spirits, some of which have been forged into other things by him, and some of them were left to Jin Shenjian.

Qin Sang had already had a case, so he turned into the fire room and began to re-refining the gold sword.

the next day.

Qin Sang came out of it, looking as usual.

"Unfortunately, it's still a little too hot! The best magic weapon is not so easy to refine. I have eighteen magic flags in my hand, so I'm not in a hurry. It's enough to be able to use the Seven Soul Killing Formation. …”

Although it was unsuccessful, Qin Sang was not depressed.

Everything is ready, he is not going to delay any longer, and shoots a streamer out.

The white cat took the order, turned around and went out of the valley to pass the news back to Qingyangguan and Qianshan Bamboo Sea.

Li Yuaxe happened to be in the sect, and Shangguan Lifeng and others were traveling abroad.

Not long after, Li Yufu and Tan Yien came to Peach Blossom Valley.

Qin Sang explained a few words.

Before, Qin Sang had carefully discussed with Jing Yu, and there was no need to wait for her.

That night, Qin Sang floated out of the valley.

Li Yufu, Tan Yien, and Bai Mao stood in front of Peach Blossom Valley, waiting for Qin Sang's figure to disappear for a long time before they straightened up, all with reluctance on their faces.

The white cat guards the Peach Blossom Valley.

Li Yufu and Tan Yien returned to Qingyang Temple to make arrangements.

Qin Sang was alone on this trip, and he didn't bring little demons, only Yuan Ying Fu Puppet beside him.

Not long after Qin Sang left.

There is specious news from the Xiuxian world.

It is said that Qin Sang continued to retreat and cultivate in Peach Blossom Valley, preparing to break through the late Nascent Soul in one go, shocking the world; there are also sayings that Qin Sang went out to travel and was struggling to find a receiving platform in the ancient fairy battlefield...

Once brilliant in the battle of the Three Domains, and breaking through the middle Nascent Soul at a shocking speed, Qin Sang has become a legend in the Northern Star Realm.

His legends are widely circulated in various fields and are talked about with great interest.

In these people's minds, Qin Sang's becoming a great cultivator is a foregone conclusion, and it only depends on the time. There were even people who were extremely bored, betting on whether Qin Sang could break through the legendary divine transformation period.

However, even if there is a day, the people who participated in the gambling battle have already turned into dead bones, and the bet cannot be cashed.

Other Nascent Souls are afraid of Qin Sang's strength.

What's more, there is Jing Yu's caregiver in the middle of the transformation.

Therefore, even if Qin Sang does not show up for a long time, there is no force to touch Qingyangguan's bad head. Qingyangguan dominates the north bank of Yuncang Daze and is more and more prosperous.


The southern sea area of ​​Beichen Realm.

The sea breeze is breezy and the water is calm.

Qin Sang casually pinched a stealth tactic and walked with his sword, without deliberately speeding up.

Flying for a while.

I don't know how far I flew, but I clearly felt that the wind and waves here became bigger.

The further you go, the stronger the wind and waves.

'Boom rumble...'

The waves were surging, and they didn't stop for a moment.

The wind howled, and the thunder rumbled.

Having spent more than a hundred years in the Canglang Sea, Qin Sang was all too familiar with this scene. Such a big wind and waves must have been affected by the storm belt, indicating that he was approaching the storm belt.


In less than a stick of incense, the storm belt came into view.

Qin Sang's figure stopped, his eyes moved, and he looked at the iron curtain-like storm belt ahead. Unsurprisingly, the scene here is no different from the storm belt around the Canglang Sea.

After entering the storm belt, go straight to the south, you can pass through the storm belt and enter the three realms of the North Sea.

But it's easy to say.

There are many dangers in the storm belt, and it is impossible for you to fly safely. Once negligent and disoriented, it will never be possible to get out of the storm belt.

And this is very likely to happen.

Qin Sang took out the full moon rhino horn in advance.

I remember that Yuan Zhu said that the powerful monster of the Monster Sea once entered the storm belt with the Moon Moon Rhinoceros Horn, trying to find the Canglang Sea and change the situation where he could only be beaten.

Yuan Zhu's cultivation base is not enough, and it is not clear whether the effect of Moon Moon Rhinoceros Horn will weaken or blur if it enters the storm belt too deep, but it just reminds Qin Sang to be careful.

Thinking about it, the distance between Beihai Three Realms and Beichen Realm should not be too far away, and the Moon Moon Rhinoceros Horn will not fail.

The storm belt stretches as far as the eye can see, and there is no definite safe way to enter it.

Along the way, unless he is lucky enough to encounter the ancient Xiu's estate that has not been destroyed, there is no place for him to adjust his breath and recover, and he must break out in one breath.

Especially in the second half of the journey, the real energy was consumed so much that there was no way to retreat, only to rush forward, and the pressure was enormous.

Mainly for these two reasons, the cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage did not dare to cross the storm belt at will.

Qin Sang thought of Chen Yan.

When she left Beichen Realm, her cultivation was only in the early stages of infancy.

Come to think of it, either there is some kind of auxiliary treasure, or there is an unknown secret path. Her master is a great monk, who may have left something for her.

True Yuan infusion.

Mochizuki's rhino horn emits a soft light, and the mysterious induction guides Qin Sang.

Qin Sang clenched the Moon Moon Rhinoceros horn, found a random place, and broke into the storm!

'boom! ’

A grey hurricane hits.

During the Jindan period, Qin Sang had gone deep into the storm belt to avoid Old Demon Mu, and now it is even more difficult for him.

Qin Sang's figure was erratic, dodged calmly, and shot forward.

The storm is boundless.

There are no living creatures here, no starry sky and no end in sight, extremely depressing.

A lonely figure, without looking back, marched forward bravely in the storm.


The Three Realms of the North Sea.

An empty sea.

The sea is not calm.

But there are no clouds here, and it doesn't look like there will be a storm.

'Crack! ’

Suddenly, there was a sound of thunder in the distance.

The thunder was earth-shattering.

A azure light flew from the like a cyan rainbow, with a speed comparable to that of a thunderbolt, galloping through the air and turning into a light spot in the blink of an eye.

And after the blue light flew by, there were two more escaped lights, one red and one black, chasing after the blue light, and the breath was as powerful as the blue light.

Shocking spirit!

The ones who chased down Qingguang were actually big demons in the transformation stage, and they had all manifested demon bodies!

The main body of the Scarlet Escape Light is a one-legged bird with a head like a sarcoma, which is ugly. From the outside, you can't tell what kind of blood it is, and the whole body exudes red blood, and the stench is pungent.

The feathers of the one-legged divine bird didn't seem to be red at first, but were infected by blood energy.

The one-legged divine bird has a slender body, wide wings, and a hundred feet long, like a cloud of blood.

In the triangular demon eyes, there are bloodthirsty and excited eyes, and they are locked in the direction of Qingguang's escape!


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