Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1382: Ice Festival

Asking Immortals Chapter 1382 Ice Festival

The frogfish opened his mouth and wanted to say something else.


The restriction of the cave was opened, and a rat demon pushed out the door.

The appearance of the rat demon is similar to that of ordinary mice, but the difference in size is too great.

This rat demon is comparable to the size of a calf, with thick limbs, and the fur all over the body has a neon color, as if there is a brilliance flowing all the time.

This is how the rainbow rat got its name.

The rat demon's eyes rolled, showing weakness and exhaustion that could not be concealed.

Bi Fang and other demons all looked at Dongfu, and when they saw the rat demon, they all showed joy.

However, after seeing the state of the rat demon.

The two demon kings, a man and a woman, looked at each other with a gloomy expression, and their silhouettes flashed, appearing on both sides of the rat demon, like two bodyguards, vaguely guarding the other three demons.

Cunning fox smile, very charming.

A look of fear flashed in the frogfish's eyes.

Bi Fang didn't seem to see it, his expression remained unchanged, looking at the rat demon, he asked with concern, "Friend Hong! How is your injury?"

"One day, this revenge will be avenged! Ahem..."

The rat demon looked in the direction of the Crescent Moon Realm with hatred in his eyes.

Its voice was like that of an old man, and it looked like he was out of breath.

After a few coughs, the rat demon calmed down, turned his head to look at Bi Fang, and said in a low voice, "Fellow Daoist, this king will not die for the time being! However, I need to rest for a while before I can complete the supernatural powers and completely transform my avatar into my main body. Body. During this period, only the demon body can be shown, and the cultivation base is greatly restricted. It is inconvenient to take action, so I can only trouble you.

Bi Fang breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Can fellow Daoist find out the hiding place of the traitor from Xuantian Palace? I'm afraid that person has already escaped from this sea area."

Unexpectedly, the rat demon shook his head gently and smiled bitterly: "It takes a lot of energy to perform that secret technique. I can't afford it in my current state. At least I need to rest for a few days to recover..."

Saying that, seeing Bi Fang and other demons showing disappointment, the rat demon paused, "Don't worry, fellow Daoists, he has been seriously injured by me several times, and this time he was exhausted and almost dying. If it wasn't for his surname Shen The accidental disturbance of the scorpion broke a good thing. I have already captured this person! Now, he is bound to hide and heal his injuries, and he cannot run too far. I can sense that he is still somewhere in the nearby waters, waiting for me to recover some repairs. To get him out immediately."

Bi Fang and Jiuhu looked at each other and said worriedly: "I'm afraid that the old ghost Feng and the surnamed Shen will find it first! They even planned in advance to kill fellow Daoist Hong, and they may have found some clues."

Hongshu knew what Bi Fang was afraid of, and sneered: "My main body is under siege, and I feel that there is no hope of escape, so I decisively blew myself up, and I didn't let them succeed."

At this time, the Banshee King beside the Rainbow Mouse said: "Daoist friend Bi Fang, don't worry. The traitor of Xuantian Palace is good at concealment, and it is not so easy to be caught. Daoist Hong personally takes a lot of trouble to confirm that. Human hiding place."

Hearing this, Bi Fang's expression softened slightly, and he comforted him: "Daoist fellow Hong has suffered! When this matter is over, we will definitely take a sigh of relief for fellow Taoist!"

Rainbow Mouse was noncommittal and turned back to the cave.

All the demon kings just continue to wait.


Unknown space.

Darkness shrouded.

In the dark depths, faint blue fluorescence loomed.

This seems to be underground.

Where the fluorescent light shines, an irregular black stone wall can be seen. The rock protrudes on the stone wall, the teeth are interlaced, and the surface of the stone is actually covered with frost.

The chill emanated from the blue fluorescence.

There were four icicles standing on the ground, arranged in four directions, each of which was one person tall, covered with runes, and the fluorescence came from the runes.

In the middle of the four icicles, the chill condensed into a huge ice block.

The white ice cubes were suspended above the ground, and in the middle of the ice cubes lay a person, sealed in the mysterious ice, motionless.

This man was dressed in white, his face was pale and bloodless, without the slightest fluctuation, as if it were a dead corpse.

I don't know how long ago.

A blush appeared on the face of the man in white, and he suddenly became a little more angry, his eyelids trembled, and he woke up.

Burning text

There was a faint sigh in the space.

The man in white looked at himself inwardly, he was horrific, and his expression was bitter, "Although the ice sacrifice secret technique can be restored, the overdraft is actually the root of my own. , Before that, we must first solve the serious troubles of the confidant..."

Fluorescence flashes.

The man in white closed his eyes, and his breath was silent again.


'boom! ’

The stone gate suddenly burst.

Now only Bi Fang and three demon kings, a man and a woman, are guarding outside.

They were startled, and suddenly got up and looked at the rainbow rat who rushed out of the cave.

Rainbow Rat's eyes were red, his breath was short, his head swayed back and forth, and his expression was restless.

"What happened?"

Bi Fang had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he was still able to keep his composure.

The rainbow rat gasped, "The mark has changed! That person is cracking my secret tracking technique!"

Hearing this, the face of the three demons changed greatly.

Immediately afterwards, the Rainbow Mouse let out a cold snort, "Dare to take the initiative to touch the mark, I don't know whether to live or die! This king will fulfill him now! Please help me with three fellow Taoists!"

The three demons turned their surprise into joy.

I saw the Rainbow Rat open its sharp mouth and let out a screeching scream in the sky.

The whistling sound was extremely sharp, like a magic sound penetrating the sky, and it was clearly audible outside the island.

The nearby demon soldiers heard the whistling sound, and there was a sudden Some bird demons were flying in the air, their bodies were stiff, and they fell into the sea.

Not to mention the chaos outside.

At the same time as the rainbow rat whistled, it spit out a mouthful of blood essence, suspended in the air. Bi Fang and the three demons looked at each other and shot at the same time to help the rainbow rat stabilize the blood.

Rainbow Rat's eyes are like electricity.

After a while, the blood and essence burst out.

There was tiredness in the eyes of Hongshu, and he snorted: "Go!"

After all, the rainbow rat shrank in size and became the size of an ordinary rat, and jumped up.

At the same time, the male and female demon kings flickered, one turned into an eagle demon shaped like a falcon, and the banshee king turned into a green snake, and together with the rainbow rat, jumped on the back of the eagle demon.

Bi Fang also manifested the demon body.

One black and one equator, two escaping lights flew out of the demon island and went straight to the west.

Not long after they flew out, there were waves on the sea surface, a green line separated the water surface, and galloped, it turned out that it was a frog fish carrying a cunning fox.


at the same time.

Unnamed Island.

Island Lord Shen is at a loss.

Suddenly, he felt something strange coming from the bloodworm in his palm, his complexion changed slightly, and he was busy urging secret techniques. Then he found that the bloodworm was tense and pointed straight to the west, and he easily determined the location of the traitor in Xuantian Palace.

Surprised and delighted, Island Master Shen immediately rushed out of the hall and took out the communication treasure to communicate others. When it was Daoist Master Mingyue's turn, he hesitated.

Hesitate for a moment.

Island Lord Shen still decided to ask Daoist Mingyue to go with him, just in case.

During this time, the demon clan showed no sign of withdrawing their troops, and they were obviously unwilling to give up.

Although the mastermind, Rainbow Mouse, has been besieged and killed by them, Island Lord Shen is not sure whether Bi Fang has any other way to lock down the traitor of Xuantian Palace. +Bookmark+

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