Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1385: despair and determination

"The rat demon is not dead!"

Island Lord Shen exclaimed.

Master Feng flew at the front, and he frowned when he heard the words.

He personally set up an ambush with Island Master Shen, ambush and killed the rat demon, and saw the rat demon fall with his own eyes, but he missed it!

Could it be that the one killed before was not the real body of the rat demon, but just an incarnation?

The situation does not allow Master Feng to think carefully.

The imprint loses its sense, but the direction is clear.

His figure was like smoke, his escape technique did not stop at all, and he flew for a distance, and suddenly saw a black shadow appearing on the sea in front of him, which was obviously an island.

The island was dark and uninhabited, but it was a deserted island.

Master Feng was overjoyed.

The appearance of a deserted island here is no accident, the Xuantian Palace traitor is likely to be hiding here!

'call out! ’

Master Feng flew to the edge of the deserted island, unceremoniously released his consciousness, and searched the deserted island.

Unexpectedly, no difference was found.


Secret cave.

When all the Yuanying and the demon king entangled, they appeared near the deserted island.

The frozen man in white felt something different, and his eyelids trembled slightly.

"It came so fast..."

A sigh came from the quiet secret cave.

However, the expression of the man in white did not mean panic.

The cold air condensed above the mysterious ice and turned into a circular ice mirror, reflecting the scene near the deserted island.

In an instant, the calmness in the eyes of the man in white disappeared without a trace, and his face was ashen!

"Why so many people!"

If it weren't for the frozen state, the man in white would probably jump.

He made arrangements, and this time he was 60-70% sure that he could escape and get rid of the rainbow rat.

The man in white never imagined that during the time he was frozen, there would be so many changes outside, and now there are six demon kings attracted, as well as the human race Nascent Soul to join in the fun.

Even if he was targeted by so many people in his heyday, he could not escape.


Filled the heart.

The man in white had a bitter face.

If he was given another chance, he would never choose to betray Xuantian Palace, but it was too late to regret it now.

Suddenly, the ice mirror revealed the rainbow rat on the back of the hawk demon.

The rainbow rat was resurrected with the help of the clone, and the secret technique has not yet been completed. It was in a weak state, and its strength was greatly damaged. It was only the induction mark, and it was consumed.

Staring at the rainbow rat.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the man in white, a hint of determination appeared, and his arms shook lightly.


Xuan Bing made a crisp sound.

Cracks gradually covered the entire piece of mysterious ice.


The battlefield between Qin Sang and Bi Fang.

Demon fire and blood flame clashed, and the fire burned the sky.

The battle has reached a fever pitch.

Bi Fangyao's eyes were fierce, as if he could pass through the raging flames and stab Qin Sang.

The power of the magic fire is that it has only seen it in its lifetime.

The human race did not know when such a master came out.

Under the impact of the magic fire, the blood flame was forced to shrink, and if it continued, I am afraid that it would soon show its failure and be completely suppressed by the magic fire.

However, Bi Fang did not show his full strength.

Because it still has to keep a hole card to guard against Qin Sang's Nascent Soul puppet.

But unexpectedly, after fighting for so long, Qin Sang had no intention of releasing a puppet. On the bright side, the puppet may have been damaged too much before, and it is not easy to repair, so it cannot be taken out against the enemy.

Bi Fang's eyes rolled, and he had a plan in his heart.

Others have flown too far and can't be dragged on any longer.

The blood flames danced wildly, quickly condensed in the middle, and then began to fight back against the magic fire.

Qin Sang was behind the magic fire, manipulating the magic flag with an indifferent expression. Seeing this scene, my heart moved slightly, and it seemed that Bi Fang could be forced out again.

The thought just flashed.

Suddenly, with a roar, a column of fire composed of blood flames rushed to the sky.

The pillar of fire was extremely thick and turned into a cloud of fire in midair.

Qin Sang was about to make a move when he saw the fire cloud changing for a while, and it turned into a real Bifang divine bird, independent on one foot, divine power unparalleled in the world, staring in all directions!

He hurriedly looked at the center of the sea of ​​​​fire.

Bi Fang's real body disappeared and merged with the blood flame to become this blood flame Bi Fang!

‘Shuh! ’

Xueyan Bi Fang turned his neck, and the eyes formed by Xueyan stared at Qin Sang.

Qin Sang felt his whole body tense, as if he was being stared at by a peerless beast.

Immediately afterwards, a cold hum exploded in Qin Sang's heart.

Xueyan Bi Fang withdrew his gaze, looked in the direction where Master Feng and the others fled, his wings folded together, and a stream of fire suddenly shot out, followed by his body.

The magic fire soared, traversing the sky, stopping Bi Fang.

Unexpectedly, Bi Fang's strength increased sharply, and he forcibly broke through the blockade of the magic fire and broke away.

The blood-colored fireworks were like rain, falling all the way, and the scene was poignant.

The magic fire did not chase and kill Bi Fang, but gathered in the center, turned into a flame dragon, and flew back to Qin Sang.

Qin Sang stood out of thin air, looking at the direction where the blood flame Bi Fang flew away, hesitated a little, put away the magic flame, and chased away.

He didn't want to force Bi Fang to fight to the death, so he did not spare no effort to deal with Bi Fang. When the heat was almost over, he stopped being aggressive and let Bi Fang leave.

After delaying Bi Fang for so long, Master Feng couldn't say that he was wrong.

In addition, Qin Sang was very curious, what treasures are ahead, so attractive to the masters of the two races.

From Master Feng's actions, Qin Sang could see that they must know something.

It's just not clear, whether Master Feng has just seen through the intentions of the demon clan, or whether he has known it before, but deliberately hides it from himself, for fear that he will give birth to evil thoughts.

The content of the transaction was to ask Qin Sang to entangle Bi Fang when there was a war.

Master Feng concealed key information, but it was not a breach of his promise.

That being the case, don't blame Qin Sang for wanting to get a piece of the pie.

And Qin Sang just has this strength!

Qin Sang knew in his heart that once he made a show of competing for treasures, not only the demon kings, but Master Feng and others would immediately turn against him.

Therefore, Qin Sang was going to keep calm and wait and see.

He still has ideas for Baihua Valley.

Unless it is a last resort, he is unwilling to make enmity with Master Feng.

Unless it is a treasure that is useful to his practice, Qin Sang will not rashly take action, just take this opportunity to make a deal with Master Feng.

Thinking of this, Qin Sang's speed was not slow at all.

He sensed the current position of Yuan Ying Fu Puppet. During the time he was fighting with Bi Fang, Yuan Ying Fu Puppet gradually followed and was adorning the back.

Originally, the puppet was left outside to guard against Master Feng and others. If he accidentally fell into a trap, he could rescue him from the outside.

Now it seems that is no longer useful.

However, there is no time to take it back.

It doesn't hurt to stay outside. In case of a life change, Yuan Ying Fu Puppet can respond outside.

Unknown ahead.

The situation is bound to be very chaotic.

Qin Sang and Bi Fang's escaping skills were among the top among the powerhouses. Although the fighting was delayed for a while, it didn't take long to see the escaping light of the others galloping.

Qin Sang still didn't stop, and shot from time to time to harass Bi Fang.

In fact, most of the attention is on the people in front of them.

Not long after, Qin Sang also saw the outline of the deserted island, and found that everyone rushed to the deserted island.

to the place!


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