Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1396: Masutei Festival

The latest website: Qin Sang has the original Wu clan's natal insect Gu secret technique, and is not interested in the changed inheritance of Baihua Valley.

What he was curious about was how much Baihuagu knew after the fourth transformation of the life insect Gu!

It is impossible for the low-level disciples of Baihuagu to understand these secrets.

Qin Sang lost interest after contacting a few disciples. After reading the classics in the Sutra Collection Building, he returned to the Bamboo Building for meditation and waited for news from Lan Jingsi.

During this period, Qin Sang took out the ice box again and tried to break the seal.

The results remain the same, with slow progress.

He didn't feel discouraged at all, the stronger the seal, the more valuable the treasure, which was worth looking forward to.

at the same time.

The Valley of Flowers forbidden area.

Lan Jingsi sat cross-legged on the futon, her figure melted into the darkness, and it was quiet.

In front of her, a complex and unusual spiritual formation was arranged, shaped like an altar.

After a while, Lan Jingsi raised a hand and tapped her jade finger towards the center of the spirit formation.

The spirit array lit up with a burst of white light, emitting invisible fluctuations, and the light was uncertain.

After a few breaths, it returns to darkness, and everything is as usual.

Lan Jingsi's expression remained unchanged, and she continued to enter into meditation.

After an unknown amount of time, Lan Jingsi repeated the old trick.

This time, a new change finally appeared.

The white light vibrated and quickly converged towards the center of the spirit array, forming a ball of light.

Then, a man's voice came from the ball of light.


Lan Jingsi opened her eyes, looked at the ball of light, and said, "Senior brother, you guys came out from inside? What happened?"

"It's just a test on the periphery... I haven't really entered... Not very optimistic..."

It may be that the distance is too far, and the voice on the opposite side sounds a little fuzzy and choppy.

"What happened...Use the precious Heavenly Ting Talisman...there are only three left..."

The voice conveyed the emotion of worry.

Seeing the misunderstanding of the senior brother, Lan Jingsi hurriedly said: "Don't worry, senior brother, there is nothing wrong in the valley! A few days ago, Master Feng brought a person and wanted to visit the senior brother..."

"Friend Feng Daoyou's friend... who..."

After a stick of incense.

Lan Jingsi flew out of the forbidden area and flew straight to the bamboo building where Qin Sang was.

Qin Sang felt in his heart, and immediately opened the ban on the bamboo building and invited Lan Jingsi to come in.

"I just received a reply from my senior brother," Lan Jingsi said straight to the point without giving any scruples. "My senior brother said that he can reveal it to fellow Daoists... The fourth transformation of his spiritual worm advancement is based on a secret technique."

Qin Sang was surprised. He didn't expect it to be so easy. In addition to being pleasantly surprised, he did not relax his vigilance, and said solemnly, "What do you want from fellow Daoist seekers?"

Lan Jingsi shook her head, "Fellow Daoist, let me explain the pros and cons of this secret technique first."

Qin Sang listened attentively.

I just heard Lan Jingsi say, "This technique is called Spirit Ascension Ritual, and its essence is to use external forces to stimulate the potential of the spirit worm and force it to leap to a new realm."

Ascension Festival.

Qin Sang recalled that he had never heard of this kind of secret technique in the Witch God Continent.

Using foreign objects to stimulate the potential of spirit worms, will it cause serious damage to spirit worms?

If the price of harming the future is exchanged for a promotion, Qin Sang will definitely hesitate.

Without waiting for Qin Sang to ask her concerns, Lan Jingsi took the initiative to explain, "This is the first time I use the Ascension Ritual, and the impact on the spirit insects is not serious. The damage is irreversible. Even if you use the Ascension Ritual for the first time, the success rate is less than 20%, and it is our Baihuagu cultivator. Under the premise of making adequate preparations, fellow Taoists have a certain chance of success when they use the Ascension Ritual on the Fire Jade Centipede. lower than us!"

Qin Sang was not frightened by her words, and immediately asked, "Spiritual Ascension Festival can only be used to advance to the fourth transformation? How can we increase the chance of success of the Spiritual Ascension Festival?"

Through Lan Jingsi's remarks, Qin Sang heard other meanings, and his heart pounded.

Hundred Flowers Valley cultivators had a higher chance of succeeding in the Ascension Sacrifice than outsiders, probably because they cultivated the Life-Blood Insect Gu.

Qin Sang also has a life-threatening insect Gu!

Moreover, he attacked in the name of Huoyu Centipede, and his real purpose was to find a way to help Tianmu Die.

Whether the Fire Jade Centipede can be advanced or not is not important.

If Tianmu Die can be improved with the help of the Ascension Sacrifice, even if it is only a small realm of the Fourth Transformation, it will be an incredible harvest!

"Daoist friend's first question, the concubine has never thought about it. The ancestors of Baihua Valley all used the spiritual sacrifice in the fourth transformation of the spiritual insect advance, and there is no precedent for using it after the fourth transformation. However, …”

Lan Jingsi pondered for a moment and said, "When the ancestors handed down the Ascension Ritual, he did not specify that it could only be used to break through the fourth change. To stimulate the potential to enter the realm, this idea must be valid in any realm. The difference is only to stimulate the potential. Whether the secret technique is subtle or not, and the preciousness of the foreign objects used. The spiritual objects required for the Ascension Sacrifice are all valuable, and it must be effective in the small realm of the fourth transformation of the spirit insect."

After a pause, Lan Jingsi said again, "To increase the chance of success, you can only start with yourself. The closer the master and the spirit worm are, and the closer and trust the spirit worm is to the master, the more likely it is to succeed. In addition, the master's own cultivation base High and low will also have an impact.”

Saying that, Lan Jingsi glanced at Qin Sang, "To be honest with fellow Daoist, my concubine's own spirit worm is still at the peak of the third transformation. I am going to wait for at least the peak of the early Yuan Ying to consider helping it break through. Fellow Daoist is already Yuan Ying. In the mid-term, there is no need to worry about the cultivation base. But I don't know how fellow Daoists use to conquer the spirit worms, and I don't know how close the connection between you is."

Qin Sang asked knowingly, "The inheritance of the Valley of Flowers is unique in the world of immortals. Can the poor Dao learn from it?"

Lan Jingsi apologized, "It's not that we don't want to, it's just that the Baihuagu practice is special, and it has no reference to the immortal cultivators above the Jindan stage."

Qin Sang nodded and stopped asking.

He was pondering on the surface, but was pleasantly surprised in his heart.

Unexpectedly, not long after coming to Beihai, Tianmu Die has eyes.

Lan Jingsi's word just now was 'jumping', not a simple breakthrough. Isn't it a demanding practice to reach the peak of the current realm?

Qin Sang hadn't seen the content of the Shengling Festival with his own eyes, so he couldn't judge.

If it can help Tianmu Die improve, even if it is only a realm, it is enough.

Without the corpse flower, blood amber and soul Qin Sang still didn't know how to break through the late Nascent Soul.

Help Tianmu Die as soon as possible to equalize her realm, because of the characteristics of the life insect Gu, it is of great significance to be able to provide assistance in the future breakthrough.

Every little bit of improvement is precious!

Qin Sang's thoughts turned sharply, and he was already determined to win the spiritual sacrifice.

However, he knew that things were definitely not that simple, so he did not directly ask the Spiritual Sacrifice for advice. He changed his tone and asked, "What should Master Mugu have to say, please explain to Pindao?"

Lan Jingsi said in a condensed voice, "Senior brother ordered me to spread the word. If Daoist Mingyue wants to know about the Ascension Ritual, I hope he can spare no effort to go to Boundless Sea. Senior brother wants to meet Daoist friend."

With that said, Lan Jingsi took out a jade slip with a chart inside.

She put the chart on the table and let Qin Sang decide for himself.


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