Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1408: 9 ring wrench

"They're already in."


The Ring Master said in a low voice.


He gently turned the 'Nine Rings' wrench on the other hand with his hand to hide the unease and excitement in his heart.


The demon old man and the ring-bearer appeared in front of the Buddha Lotus.


Chi Yan Qi and Fo Lian did not give in to each other, and it was extremely chaotic. Qin Sang and the others couldn't possibly leave behind anything here, so they were not worried.


Up to now.


Apart from Qin Sang and the other four, the Yuan Ying who appeared in the ethereal sea was still the only two of them.


Of course, there may also be other Nascent Souls who came secretly, but did not show up, concealing the spiritual sense of Tianmu Die and the old man.


The **** old man was silent.


He stared at the center of the beam of light.


In the turbid eyes, a strange black filled the pupils, and instantly turned into black magic eyes.


The original position of the pupils has now become two tiny vortexes, as if they can **** in all the light, and the shadows inside reflect the shadows after going out, which is extremely deep.


After a while.


The old man's eyes returned to normal, he coughed lightly, and asked, "Are you sure that the 'Nine Rings' can guide us through the great formation of the Pure Sea Sect?"




The Ring Master hesitated for a moment, and dared not say death, "If there is no accident... this ring was obtained by the master from the corpse of the Buddhist cultivator of the Jinghai Sect. It may be a token of the elder of the Jinghai Sect."


"Accidental?" The old man sneered, "No accident, Jiu Jie has already found the Jinghai Sect, do you still need to wait until now?"


The real person who holds the precepts does not dare to argue.


What the **** old man said is true.


At the beginning, the information his master Jiujie received was very limited.


At least, they don't know about the Buddha Lotus formation outside the Jinghai Sect.


"Go in and talk."


The old **** paused for a while.


An invisible and colorless force erupted, covering the two of them.


Holder originally wanted to sacrifice his magic weapon for body protection, but when he saw it, he replaced it with a silver halberd and followed closely behind the old man.


They passed through a gap in the lotus and entered the beam of light.


The vision hits the power of the bodyguard.


The black bamboo stick in the hands of the old man of the devil trembled slightly, and occasionally an emerald green light flashed, but the power of protection around them was impregnable.


The old **** walked towards the entrance step by step.


Steady pace.


He and the previous Qin Sang and the others decided against each other.


Seeing this scene, the real person holding the ring increased his reverence for the old demon, holding the silver halberd tightly, always ready to deal with the sudden change.


Soon, they came to the door.


After watching for a while, he stepped into it.


'Hoo! ’


The moment he entered the door, a fiery gust of wind blew in his face.


The old man **** raised his brows, raised the bamboo stick and pointed forward, and immediately formed a thin layer of mask in front of him to block the wind.


Unexpectedly, the mask only lasted for less than three breaths, as if it was corroded by something, small holes as thin as pinholes appeared.


In an instant, countless golden lights passed through the mask, like golden needles, shooting towards them.


The old **** snorted lightly, without panic, he flicked his cuffs lightly, and a token flew out from it, which looked the same as the **** decree destroyed by the ring-wielding real person before.


However, this Demon Token is obviously much heavier than the previous one.


The **** caused the wind to rise, instantly becoming the size of a door, completely protecting them behind.


'Ding ding...'


There was a dense crunch.


Chaos Ling and the two retreated again and again, and the evil wind was finally blocked.


The two were unscathed.


The old **** turned around and looked at the **** order. Pieces of golden liquid were stained on it, but before the old **** could take it away, it dissipated on the spot and disappeared without a trace.

"What is it? You can actually treat the real essence as nothing? If there is more, would it be enough?"


With the knowledge of the old man, he couldn't even think of what those liquids were.


Most of Beihai Buddhists are in the relatively stable Crescent Moon Realm, and it is not a climate. The old man's understanding of Buddhism is only superficial.


He pondered for a moment, but he couldn't think of the origin of these things. He turned his head and ordered the real person holding the ring, "Take out the wrench of the nine rings."




The ring-bearer put away the silver halberd and took off the wrench on his hand.


With the protection of the old demon, there is no need to worry about his own safety. The ring-bearer took a posture of sitting in a cross-legged posture, closed his eyes tightly, and supported his wrench with both hands.


Immediately, the imposing manner of the Precept Master changed greatly, and the appearance was a little more dignified, the old man couldn't help but look at it more.


"A Buddhist practice?"


This thought flashed in the old man's mind, and he moved the demon order to the side of Master Ring Holder, looked around, and surveyed the environment here.


Obviously, they have already broken into the guardian formation of the Jinghai Sect at this time, or some kind of guardian restriction.


The moment he came in, the door disappeared.


In the formation, he couldn't tell where he was.


There is chaos in the sky and the ground.


They are suspended in the void, unable to reach the sky or the ground.


That evil wind is just the beginning.


The old **** could feel that there were other attacks coming.


Even in the interval of the attack, the extremely rich red flame aura around is not to be provoked.


The protective power surrounding the surroundings is being continuously consumed by the aura of red flames.


The conventional method can only be forced to break through. By analyzing the changes of the big formation time and time again, we can find out the rules and break the formation. The large array has no owner, and the operation will be sluggish. The probability of success is high, but it is too slow.


Holding the ring and holding the wrench from the Jinghai Sect, it may be able to guide them and easily walk out of the big formation.




The more the old **** looked around, the more dignified his expression became.


These red flame auras should not belong here originally, but now they are everywhere, and they have even turned against customers!


Back then, I didn't know what happened to the Jinghai Sect.


The red flame aura and the guardian formation can coexist and last for countless years, under subtle influence. No one can tell what kind of changes have taken place in the middle, or is it the original grand formation?


The old man's thoughts turned sharply, and he looked at the real person who held the ring.


I saw that the whole body of the real person holding the ring seemed to be covered with a layer of gold The body was like an Arhat, and the real essence was poured into the 'Nine Rings' finger.




Jiujie's wrench vibrated gently, and the words radiated Buddha's light, which seemed to be calling for something.


At this moment, Zhenren Jijie suddenly woke up, his body trembled, his finger almost fell from his hand, and he grabbed it.


Without waiting for the old devil to ask questions, Master Ring Keeper continued to try again.


After several consecutive times, the cold sweat on his face was about to subside.


"This treasure can guide me to perceive the changes in the formation, but it is very difficult. I suspect that it may only be effective at the periphery of the guardian formation. The formation here... seems to have been changed."


The Precept Master said astringently.


This situation was beyond his expectations.


I was hit by the old devil!


The Nine Rings Wrench may not be able to create much advantage for them.


The old **** didn't change his mind, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed through his eyes, "They must be still on the periphery, can they find their location? It seems... we must do it as soon as possible!"






Thanks to the leader of Tong Lingyu who rewarded him!




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