Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1410: master's degree

I don't know if the Jinghai Sect is so vast.

Or the illusion caused by the formation.

With the help of Tianmu Die, Qin Sang carefully observed the surrounding environment and gradually found out, but it was not enough to change the current situation.

Two more hours passed.

They didn't know where they came from.

The strange wind not only did not have the slightest tendency to stop, but it became more and more violent and continuous.


The wind howled, filling my ears.

From the outside, they seemed to be in a sea of ​​fire.

The strange wind fused with the aura of red flames, like a stream of fire, drowned them and scorched them all the time.

At the same time, be wary of the occasional gold liquid.

The four of them concentrated their minds and did not dare to relax.

They have a hunch that new changes may be coming soon!

"and many more……"

Qin Sang suddenly stopped everyone.

In their astonished gaze, Qin Sang stared straight ahead, hesitated for a moment, then suddenly accelerated, holding the bronze mirror, galloping forward.

The three master Mugu quickly followed.


The four figures suddenly stopped, looking at the scene in front of them, their eyes filled with surprise.

at this time.

The front of them was no longer empty, filled with red and gold light.

The rays of light are extremely dazzling, blocking their way, and there is no end in sight, up and down, left and right.

There is no doubt that the red light is emitted by the aura of red flames.

The aura of red flames here is extremely strong, turning into a sea of ​​fire.

Before they got close, they felt the heat was unbearable.

You know, this is still after a period of catharsis.

The source of the golden light is the 'swastika' characters that appear and disappear from time to time. These runes rise and fall in the sea of ​​​​fire, and even merge with the red flame aura.

Their guesses are confirmed here.

For countless years, the aura of Chi Yan has indeed merged with the formation.

The 'swastika' character text was impacted by the aura of red flames, and it was difficult to tell what it was supposed to look like.

Look carefully for a long time.

Qin Sang and the others just realized that the original composition of the 'swastika' character script is likely to be the golden statues of countless Buddhas and Arhats, with a wall of thousands of Buddhas!

But at this point it was beyond recognition.

Master Mu Gu turned his head to look at Qin Sang.

Without waiting for him to ask, Qin Sang took the initiative to say, "Wanlingguo is behind the Thousand Buddhas Wall."

"Looks like we have to pass the Thousand Buddha Wall," Mu Gu nodded thoughtfully, frowning slightly.


The cultivator Qi snorted softly and raised his hand to point to a junction of red-gold rays of light.

There was a gap there.

"The two of you were right before, the pros and cons are mixed, and this is our chance!" The monk surnamed Qi said happily, "Will we be able to enter the Pure Sea Sect after passing through this Thousand Buddha Wall?"

"How can it be so easy!"

Qin Sang poured cold water on him, "Although we need to be vigilant all the way along the way, we haven't encountered any danger to our lives. Myriad Spirit Fruit is still far away from us, and the Wall of Thousand Buddhas is by no means the end. According to the poor way, we are now Possibly on the outskirts of the guardian formation."

"There is such a thing as liquid gold, just the periphery?"

Both Qi Wang's faces were a little ugly.

If it weren't for Qin Sang and Mu Guzhu, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to go very far.

Master Mugu's expression remained unchanged, and he said solemnly: "Since it's here, let's be safe. First, find where you can cross."

The four carefully flew to the Thousand Buddha Wall.

The closer they got to the Thousand Buddha Wall, the more nervous they became.

Although the red flame breath has been integrated into the runes of the Thousand Buddhas Wall, this fusion is not as harmonious as water and milk, but devours and collides with each other to achieve a delicate balance.

If they want to pass through the Thousand Buddha Wall, they will inevitably break the balance, attracting two forces to jointly strangle.

If you wait for a while and wait for the aura of Chi Yan to decline to a certain level, the danger will be greatly reduced, but the advantage of them coming in early will be gone.

They were in the formation and could not see the whole picture of the formation.

No one knows whether the person entering later will be another change in the formation.

The four of them groped and searched on the Wall of Thousand Buddhas.

Soon, three cracks were locked.

Qin Sang secretly activated his Tianmu supernatural power to observe the changes in the power around the gap. After careful analysis, the four finally determined that one of them seemed to be the smallest.

This crack is in the middle of the two Arhat statues.

The faces of the two Arhats have been swallowed up by the red flames. One of them can barely see the distorted facial features, but there is no Buddha image at all. Instead, he looks like an evil ghost born from fire.

Around the gap, the 'Swastika' character vibrates frequently, extremely unstable.

"Fellow Daoist, you and I join forces to attack from here, and forcefully rush in while the Qianfo Wall and Chi Yan's aura have not yet merged."

Qin Sang stared for a while, then pointed to a point in the gap and said.

Master Mugu nodded, turned his head to Qi Wang and said: "You are responsible for resisting the strange wind, and don't let the aftermath of other places affect this place."

"it is good!"

Qi Wang and Wang nodded, and they all sacrificed their magic weapons and looked around.

Qin Sang also subconsciously let Tianmu Die watch.

In fact, the strange wind here does not stop, and there is no place to hide. Even if there is a fifth person, it is impossible to hide around them without being detected.

He was just habitually alert.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual in the surroundings, Qin Sang and the others acted according to the plan and approached the Thousand Buddha Wall.

But no one found out.

In the distance, two illusory figures were approaching them.

It was the old demon and the real person who kept the ring.

There is an invisible shield around them, from the 'Nine Rings' wrench. The shield seems to be thin, but it can mobilize a part of the power of the spiritual array to protect it, and the strange wind will not attack the shield and treat them as nothing.

In this way, they silently walked through the strange winds without any fluctuations.

It's just that the palm of the hand of Jiu-Ji's real person is holding the wrench of the nine rings, and the veins are showing at this moment.

His expression also seemed very labored.

The big formation has been changed, and the previous token is difficult to exert its effect. This kind of shield cannot be maintained all the time, and it can only be effective in the periphery.

Qin Sang and the others could not see them.

However, they could clearly see the vision in the strange wind ahead and locked the positions of Qin Sang and others.

Qin Sang and Mu Guzhu knew nothing about it.

They came to the Thousand Buddha Wall and spared no effort to mobilize their true essence to resist the forces outside.

When they came closer, they realized that the crack was much wider than they had imagined. The aura of red flames was intertwined with the characters of 'Swastika', constantly changing.

Qin Sang and Master Mu Gu glanced at each and both sacrificed their magic weapons.

Jin Shenjian is enough.

‘Whoosh! Whoosh! ’

Snake spear and Jin Shenjian went hand in hand and plunged into it fiercely.

The timing and location they chose was extremely clever and did not directly cause the two forces to riot.

Due to the different division of labor, Qin Sang's position is slightly higher.

'puff! ’

A small hole appeared in the crack, and immediately the surrounding red gold light squeezed inward, and this period was the best chance!

Qin Sang was overjoyed, his figure moved slightly, and he was about to call them to come in with him, when a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and Tianmu Die warned!

"Be careful!"

Qin Sang's face changed greatly, and he shouted angrily.


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