Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1425: Hongluansha

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At this time, the bell rang.

They noticed the effect of the bell, and they looked around subconsciously, but they couldn't find the source of the bell, so they had to give up and pay attention to Jinding.

"Xu is someone who was kind to Jinghaizong."

Yuyi Yuanjun turned away from this thought and no longer delved into the origin of the stone statue.

Look down.

There was a confession in front of the Buddha statue, but the stone statue was empty.

It seems that faith is more important.

Something on the confession caught her eye.

In addition to the pure water, candles, incense sticks and other things that should have been there, there are three things that are obviously not ordinary things.

In the middle is a Buddhist altar.

The shrine is only one foot high, and the surface is embossed with lotus patterns. The decoration is complex, dynamic and gorgeous. The whole is dark red, and the naked eye can't tell what material it is.

On the left side of the shrine is a Ganoderma Lucidum, and there is a Bodhisattva sitting cross-legged on the Ganoderma lucidum.

On the right is a round orb.

The orb is the size of a baby's fist, without any pattern on the surface, pure like water.

Below the confession are several corpses. They are all sitting in a squat posture. No trauma can be seen from their bodies. It seems that they died here silently, which is very strange.

Several other magical treasures were placed beside the bones.

A pair of arm-length golden forks, placed on top of each other, are sharp and sharp.

A round, slightly raised mirrored magic weapon, similar to a heart guard.

A treasure pestle, the power is heavy.

In a flower basket, the flowers in it are still charming, even swaying gently, which are the images of strange flowers in Buddhist legends.

There is also a small jade sword, which can be vaguely seen through the fingers in the hand of a bone.

Here are all the magic weapons that can be seen outside the Golden Dome Hall.

Yuyi Yuanjun's eyes swept across these magic weapons.

First rule out the golden fork, jade sword, treasure pestle and heart guard.

Because these high probability are the treasure of attack or defense.

With her cultivation level, there is no shortage of similar magic weapons, and the most important thing is often the magic weapon of Qimen, which has a unique effect.

The remaining four magic treasures, flower baskets, ganoderma lucidum and Buddhist altars have strong Buddhist colors, which may be Buddhist treasures that can only be motivated by Buddhist cultivation.

Only that pure orb is the most unique and eye-catching.

Although the position of the shrine was obviously more important, Yuan-jun Yui was still attracted by the Pure Orb.

Immediately afterwards, Yuanjun Yuyi frowned slightly, because she found that the old man was also staring at the pure orb, and he made no secret of it.

"He's also eyeing the Orb. Also, everyone's thoughts and visions are similar..."

Yuyi Yuanjun sighed secretly, hesitating in his heart.

Is it worth it to offend the old devil for a magic weapon that doesn't know the function?

After weighing it up, Yuyi Yuanjun looked away, hesitating between Lingzhi Ruyi and the goggles. If you can't get an orb, it's not bad to get a defensive magic weapon.

"Go ahead!"

The demon old man made a low voice.

He needs Yuyi Yuanjun to cooperate to break the ban and take away the treasures in the hall before the seal collapses.

Yuyi Yuanjun tapped his head lightly, raised his right hand, and a red light flew out of his cuff.

The red ling appeared, twisted for a while, and then one after another pale shadows entangled in the red mist flew out from the inside, and they were all the souls of men with extraordinary charm.

These spirits were naked and happy, as if immersed in something wonderful.

"Fairy's Hongluansha has become more and more pure," the old man who was confused gave a glance, with a hint of vigilance.

Yuyi Yuanjun looked at these souls with love and pity, his eyes seemed to be rippling with spring water, he smiled tenderly, and Yu pointed at the Golden Dome Hall lightly.

‘Whoosh! ’

Hong Ling rushed to the front of the ban and immediately dispersed like a cloud of mist.

The expression of the man inside changed greatly, and the fierce spirit rushed towards the ban, lost his reason, and devoured it frantically.

The old man who was chaotic took a deep look at the place, then flashed to the other door, raised the black bamboo pole, and slowly pierced into the restraint, his eyes slightly closed.

The next moment, the Golden Summit Hall shook violently, and it was forbidden to shake.


Inside the hall.

The exit of the secret passage is behind the stone statue.

Qin Sang, who was hiding in the secret passage, sensed the violent fluctuations from the ban, and his eyes narrowed slightly. While sensing the ban, he was distracted and alerted to the change of the seal behind him.

In case the seal collapsed ahead of time, he could only evacuate first.

The decoration of the hall appeared in my mind.

Qin Sang's goal was also locked on that orb.

Although he did not have a defensive magic weapon at hand, relying on the Thunder Escape Technique and the Nascent Soul Talisman, it was enough to deal with most dangers and was not urgently needed.

As for the blessing treasure pestle that Tan Hao named, it was the closest to the secret path. Qin Sang knew that what Tan Hao really wanted was not necessarily this, but it was the easiest to get.


'boom! ’

'boom! ’

'Boom rumble...'

The loud noises in the Jinghai Sect even overwhelmed the bell.

The pagoda and the golden dome were shaking violently.

The Master of Precepts forced himself to ignore the coldness on his shoulders and concentrate on breaking the ban. The three of them were on guard against each other, and they were all ready to go, ready to open the pagoda and be the first to rush in.

Comparatively speaking, the old demon and Yuyi Yuanjun seem to be more harmonious.

Yuyi Yuanjunyu pinched a strange magic formula and kept it still, only Hongluansha and those men were busy, and they merged into the restraint little by little.

The old man was even more motionless, and the black light emitted by the black bamboo poles had already polluted a large area of ​​the ban.

As time went by, the Buddha's light in the Golden Dome Hall became dim and shook violently.

at this time.

The spiritual formation in the air suddenly cracked, and several figures flew in, all of them with strong breath, all of them were Nascent Soul cultivators.

Due to the passing of the aura of the red flames, there are more and more flaws in the guardian formation. These people entered the formation later than the old man, but they broke in so quickly.

They didn't have time to rest, and they saw the situation of the golden dome and the pagoda at a glance. They looked at each other and rushed to the golden dome without hesitation, even if there were old demons there.

But the demon old man and Yuyi Yuanjun completely ignored it, because the ban was about to be broken, and when those people came over, they could only see the empty Buddhist temple!

In the secret passage Qin Sang felt that the aura of Chi Yan behind him was getting more and more violent, the seal was about to collapse, and his expression was extremely solemn.

He couldn't see the situation outside, but he was sure that the forbidden power of the Golden Dome Hall was passing by rapidly.

"It's now!"

Qin Sang shouted in his heart, crushing the magic talisman in his hand.

'puff! ’

In the medicine garden, the magic talisman in Tan Hao's hand exploded into a flame.

Tan Hao's eyes suddenly narrowed, he shook off the fireball, and stepped on the ground, inspiring Qin Sang to pass on his set of arrays. All the arrays were placed at the key nodes of the medicine garden's prohibition, and at the same time, he rubbed the misty rain with his palms. pot.

'boom! ’

The intense purple mist suddenly rioted, rushing to the sky, dyeing a piece of void purple, and in the purple-red mist, faint shadows of spiritual medicines flickered.

The sudden vision instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The demon old man and Yuyi Yuanjun were also shocked by the vision!

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