Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1430: Wishful Jewels

The three spirit worms had taken Wanlingguo.

Qin Sang put them outside and observed them for a while, but found no obvious changes.

Myriad Spirit Fruit cannot directly improve the cultivation of Spirit Insects. According to Master Mugu, the benefits are reflected in spirituality. This is the most commendable, and it is also the reason why it can improve the success rate of the Ascension Ritual.

"You won't see the change until you've digested the power of the medicine."

Qin Sang nodded lightly and let them fall asleep.

Then, he re-banned the remaining Myriad Spirit Fruit and took out the root.

Roots contain spirituality.

If you cultivate it, you can get a new Myriad Spirit Fruit tree, and Myriad Spirit Fruits will continue to flow.

But Qin Sang didn't know how to cultivate the Myriad Spirit Fruit Tree. The growth cycle of this kind of Spirit Tree must be very long. Even if it survives, it is unknown which year and month it will bear fruit.

"I have the opportunity to check the relevant information."

Qin Sang secretly said, walked out of the quiet room, and found a place with the most spiritual energy in the cave dwelling, arranged the most conservative prohibition on cultivating spiritual medicine, and put down the root.

This place is hidden, first keep the broken roots here, and then bring them back to Qingyang Temple when they go back.

Then, he returned to the quiet room and took out five jade boxes.

In each of the five jade boxes, there is a spirit medicine, plus the one for Tan Hao, there are six plants in total.

Among them, Lingzhan flower has the highest value.

Qin Sang is going to ask someone to make Yinxiang Dan, which can improve his consciousness, and take it himself.

Although Qin Sang deliberately concealed it in the secret passage, the old devil cannot be sure that he did it, but this kind of old devil has always been killed by mistake.

Qin Sang urgently needs to continue to improve his strength.

"Tinder Golden Lotus" is the fastest way to advance to the second level.

Divine Sense Transformation, comparable to that of a great cultivator, even if you walk in front of the old man, you don't have to worry about being seen through the disguise.

The fire lotus seeds have already formed, and Qin Sang has been refining the magic fire. The breakthrough is only a matter of time. Taking Yinxiang Pill can speed up the process.

The remaining four elixir are not elixir to directly improve cultivation or strength. Each has its own function, but none of them is what Qin Sang urgently needs.

It is best to exchange for the treasures you need.

Qin Sang suddenly remembered the Ten Thousand Demons Conference nine years later.

Originally, Qin Sang had already decided to participate in the Ten Thousand Demons Conference. If this happened, it must be carefully considered.

In such a grand trading event between Nascent Soul cultivators, there are bound to be countless rare treasures born. The materials for the Golden Shenjian, the spiritual items of the Ascension Sacrifice, and all kinds of peculiar secret techniques will all have the opportunity to be obtained there.

He wants to prepare for the late Nascent Soul breakthrough, a secret technique that can increase the probability of breakthrough, and he will not refuse.

It just so happened that Qin Sang had some elixir that he could use to trade. It would be a pity to miss it.

Qin Sang estimated that there were not many precious spiritual objects in Baihua Valley. Even if he took out Myriad Spirit Fruits, he could get one from Baihua Valley, and he needed at least two.

For Huoyu Centipede and Tianmu Butterfly.

But the location of the Ten Thousand Demons Conference is Chaos Island, the old lair of Chaos!

Tan Hao still has to practice for decades before he dares to try to make a breakthrough. It is too late to participate in the Ten Thousand Demons Conference. He is only in the golden stage and cannot replace Qin Sang to participate in the top trade fair.

The Ten Thousand Demons Conference is the biggest event in the boundless sea, and Yuan Ying and the demon king from the outer domain are also attracted. It is impossible for the old man to cover the sky with one hand, right?

Qin Sang tapped the jade box in his hand with his finger, with a thoughtful expression on his face, ready to make a decision after inquiring.

According to the characteristics of different elixir, he changed the method of sealing, and then took out the three magical treasures obtained in the Buddhist temple.

Conquering the Demon pestle, I have already analyzed it with Tan Hao.

Qin Sang put it aside first and tried to refine it again later to change its form.

The jewel and the seven-story Buddha are placed in front of him.

Both treasures are extremely pure and evoking.

Qin Sang turned his eyes and landed on the orb, holding it in his hand.

"Wishful Jewel..."

Qin Sang whispered silently.

On the way, he had already tested it, and when his divine sense penetrated into the jewel, these four words appeared in his mind automatically, which should be the name of the jewel, but there was no detailed introduction, so Qin Sang needed to explore by himself.

He held the orb in his hand, closed his eyes slightly, and concentrated on analyzing.

An hour later.

Qin Sang's expression moved slightly, and the Ruyi orb in his palm suddenly changed, as if there were water waves rippling inside, and then suddenly a rich golden light erupted.

For a while, Qin Sang seemed to have a little more Buddha-nature in his body, becoming a walker bathed in the Buddha's light.

The change has not stopped, golden light emerged, and without Qin Sang's control, a circular light golden shroud was formed around him, covering him.

Unexpectedly, the hood was crumbling, and it only lasted for three breaths before it shattered silently.

This is because the wishful jewel has not been fully refined by Qin Sang.

After several attempts, Qin Sang finally forcibly maintained the hood.

He looked at the pale golden hood beside him and thought, "It's not an attacking magic weapon, it doesn't seem to have any special effect, could it be..."

Qin Sang's heart moved, he held up the Jin Shenjian, split a sword light, and stabbed him.

'Ding! ’

The sword light was blocked, and the hood shattered.

Next, Qin Sang groped and figured it out.

The wishful jewel is not the magic weapon of Qimen that Qin Sang expected, it is a magic weapon for defense!

This is a very good result. After the Jiu Ming Xuan tortoise shell was used to refine the Sun God Tree, Qin Sang was missing such a protective treasure.

The best defensive magic weapon is the one that can sense danger and protect the master on its own.

Ruyi Orb is not like this, but it can be stored in Dantian. As long as Qin Sang's thoughts move, he can immediately release the hood.

The problem is that Qin Sang can't tell the grade of the wishful pearl!

He asked himself that he was not low-level in the art of refining.

"It's a little weird. Could it be because of the Buddha's treasure? Isn't the art of refining weapons mastered by Buddhism the same as what I learned?"

Qin Sang gently rubbed the wish-fulfilling orb with his palm, "I won't know its true power until I finish the sacrifice. It shouldn't be too long."

He made a little sacrifice, put the orb into his dantian, and kept Nascent Soul as his company.

It was only when he picked up the seven-story pagoda that he realized that this thing was even weirder than the orb.

"Isn't this a magic weapon?"

Qin Sang's stunned voice sounded in the quiet room.

Just now, he used all kinds of methods, divine consciousness, true essence, and even the demon body, the seven-story Buddha remained unresponsive, lying quietly in the palm of his hand.

The light emitted by the seven-story pagoda has always been the same, without the slightest fluctuation. Qin Sang couldn't help but suspect that these lights were derived from the material of the seven-story pagoda itself.

Even if it is necessary to use the Buddha treasures used by Buddhist monks, it should not be like this.

Unfortunately, he knew too little about Buddhism.

Isn't it a magic weapon?

Qin Sang repeated this question in his mind.

What Gan took the odd risk to get is such a thing, Qin Sang was a little unwilling, and tried again with various means, but the result was still the same.

This road does not work, we can only start from the Jinghai Sect and the Buddhist Temple.

Qin Sang recalled the information he learned from Tan Hao and the furnishings in the Buddhist temple.

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