Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1538: Chess pieces (four k)

"Ask the Immortal Way"

in the room.

Qin Sang simulated a miniature version of Zhulan Temple with real yuan.

The key node of the Temple Guardian Spirit Formation.

The cave of the three venerables.

Tallinn and the location of the relic.

It is clear at a glance.

In the 'Zhulan Temple', there are two winding thin lines, which Qin Sang observed before, the two easiest routes to enter the back mountain.

He cooperates with the Tianmu butterfly and has a good chance to sneak into the vicinity of Tallinn.

The problem is how to break through the prohibition of the pagoda and get close to the pagoda before alarming the three venerables.

"The three venerables are too close to Tallinn, they can't be taken by force, they can only be taken by wisdom."

Qin Sang frowned.

He thought of several ways in an instant.

For example, start with the situation in Hanhai.

The vast sea is a vast sandy area in the western desert. The oasis occupied by the Zhulan Temple and other seven monasteries is actually the most fertile area in the core of the vast sea. There are many oases outside, and Buddhism only occupies part of it.

There are countless forces from all sides.

The seven stars in the vast sea advance and retreat together to guard against these external forces.

There are many Nascent Soul cultivators among them. The problem is that they are not united enough. Unless the Buddhist sect is going to forcibly drive them out of the vast sea, no one is willing to stand up.

Qin Sang and Liuli's cultivation base is sufficient, standing in front of the stage, there is hope to unite all parties and conclude an alliance to exorcise Buddha, but those old guys are all treacherous and cunning, how can they easily fall into the scheme of exorcising tigers and wolfs?

It can only be achieved after a long layout, step by step, and guidance to deepen the hatred between the two parties.

Time is no problem.

It is still early for him to break through the late Nascent Soul.

However, too much energy was consumed for this, and he was immersed in conspiracy trifles all day long, unable to concentrate on cultivation.

Then there is the formidable enemy who made Zhulan Temple flee to the vast sea to avoid disaster.

After Zhulan Temple regained its original name in an upright manner, it has always stood in the vast sea and never fell down, not to mention whether that power has been passed down. After years of passing, the blood and hatred have long since faded.

The plan to drive the tiger away is too troublesome, how about adjusting the tiger away from the mountain?

Qin Sang's expression moved slightly, and he increased his true energy to simulate the terrain of the entire seven stars in the vast sea, which almost filled the entire room. He and Liuli looked at each other across the seven stars in the vast sea.

Liuli guessed what Qin Sang was thinking, with a thoughtful look on her face.

Qin Sang, incarnation and Liuli.

There are three Nascent Soul mid-stages on one side of them.

When stealing treasures, Qin Sangzhu had to sneak into Zhulan Temple and do it himself.

If all the three venerables can be lured away, there is no need to leave supporting staff outside Zhulan Temple, and the avatar and Liuli can move freely, which is enough to threaten any temple.

The seven stars in the vast sea are connected with each other, and there must be a covenant of mutual help. When other temples are attacked, it is impossible for Zhulan Temple to sit idly by.

The problem is that there are three venerables sitting in Zhulan Temple, even if two are sent out to support, there is still one venerable sitting in the temple. Once that happens, Zhulan Temple will definitely activate the Temple Protector Spirit Formation as soon as possible.

Qin Sang recalled the prohibition around Tallinn and deduced it.


If he was guarding the temple and found that someone had sneaked into the Tallinn in the chaos, he would immediately think that he had been tricked by the other party to divert the tiger away from the mountain. The target of the other party was some kind of treasure in the Tallinn.

His first reaction was definitely not to try his best to stop the opponent, but to sweep away all the items in Tallinn and retreat into the core of the spirit array.

Therefore, Qin Sang had to do it, break in and get the Buddha bone relic before alarming the Venerable.

I don't know how many times I have deduced it.

Qin Sang shook his head slightly, the difficulty was too great, the pagoda forest prohibition was connected with the spirit formation protecting the temple, it was difficult to hide from the perception of the person who controlled the spirit formation.

Capturing the Venerable who went out for reinforcements and letting Venerable Chengyuan exchange them with relics is one way, but it is the next strategy.

Although Xiaoxiangzi mentioned that monks in the transformation stage can perceive the miraculousness of the relic, but there are countless Buddhist secrets, and the Venerable Zhulan Temple and the Venerable Hongyi came from the same sect, knowing that the relic contains secrets, There is no guarantee that nothing will be found.

Compared with the chance of breaking through with two fellow students, which one is more important?

In order to transfer all three venerables from Zhulan Temple, it is still necessary to unite with external forces.

Or be patient for a while, wait for the situation to change, and wait for the opportunity to move. The Buddha bone relic has been stored in Zhulan Temple for many years, and it has been safe and sound, so there is no rush.

As the saying goes, there must be echoes if you never forget.

As long as there is enough patience, there will always be opportunities.

Qin Sang was thinking about these thoughts, and suddenly thought of something, her eyes brightened, she suddenly raised her head, and found that Liuli happened to look over, obviously thinking of it too.

"Moonlight Bodhisattva!"

The two spoke in unison.

In recent years, the name of Moonlight Bodhisattva has become more and more famous, not only in the West Desert, but also in the Central Plains and Northern Wilderness.

The whole world is watching the jokes of Buddhism.

The term "debating scriptures" has never been cared about by anyone, and now it is often talked about and talked about with great interest.

It even sparked a debate about the truth in the world of cultivating immortals in Zhongzhou.

Moonlight Bodhisattva is still wandering in the western desert, haunted by ghosts and ghosts. I don't know how many Buddhist practitioners gathered in the western desert and searched wildly, but he couldn't hurt a single hair of him.

Every time he appeared, he always appeared in an unexpected place and time, and then disappeared without a trace. During this period, the nearby eminent monks must have lost face, and they would never dare to mention the matter of debating scriptures again.

The Buddhist sage is very patient and has not yet appeared.

Since Moonlight Bodhisattva takes pleasure in beating the Buddha's face, how could he let Han Hai go?

If Zhulan Temple closes the temple and does not fight, the embarrassment will be even worse. It would be better to face the battle openly and say "admiration" at the end to show freedom.

What's more, the temples have already faced the Moonlight Bodhisattva as an enemy, and the eminent monks have studied the scriptures carefully, so there may not be no chance of victory.

Moonlight Bodhisattva is now more cautious, and the debating scriptures is no longer as grand as before. The location is often carefully selected, and it is chosen in a place that is not easy to besieged.

If you come here, there is a high probability that you will set up a dharma altar somewhere on the outskirts of the seven stars in the vast sea.

Using the Moonlight Bodhisattva to attract the attention of the Seven Stars in the Vast Sea, when Zhulan Temple sends out a venerable to fight, and Liuli makes a big fuss again, Qin Sang just sneaks in.

Qin Sang took a few steps back and forth, thinking it was feasible.

It depends on when the Moonlight Bodhisattva will arrive here.

Of course, Qin Sang would not pin all his hopes on one person, he discussed with Liuli, while continuing to collect information, he contacted the Hanhai forces and made two-handed preparations.

As expected.

The Hanhai forces are very afraid of Buddhism, unless they have to, they don't want to go against Buddhism.

In order to prevent people from guessing their real purpose, Qin Sang only maintained the relationship in the name of making friends and secretly looking for a breakthrough.

Flash forward seven years.

During this period, Moonlight Bodhisattva disappeared for five full years.

Qin Sang couldn't help wondering if the Buddhist sect became angry and sent a master to get rid of this person secretly.

In the past seven years, Qin Sang's understanding of the Zhulan Temple's protective spirit array has been far from the same, but he has never found a suitable opportunity.

The Venerable Zhulan Temple has been meditating in the temple for many years and has never left for half a step.

He had already given up on Moonlight Bodhisattva, and the two of them found a cave nearby, where they practiced and made long-term plans.

Unexpectedly, after disappearing for many years, Moonlight Bodhisattva reappeared, and the second sutra debate set up the Dharma altar in the vast sea. Even though it was thousands of miles away from the seven stars in the vast sea, it was obviously aimed at them.

The news spread quickly across the seven oases as if it had grown wings.

Qin Sang and Liuli had been staring at Zhulan Temple, and got the news immediately.

The edge of the oasis.

Two eminent monks in cassocks sat cross-legged under the bodhi tree. One described him as skinny, like a legendary ascetic, while the other was much younger, with a fat head and big ears, but a dignified appearance.

Behind them stood a group of young monks, twirling Buddhist beads in their hands, without saying a word.

The bodhi tree is a sacred tree of Buddhism.

In today's world, the real bodhi tree has been extinct, so Buddhism uses another spiritual tree with branches and leaves similar to the bodhi tree, which is far-fetched and regarded as bodhi.

Outside the Bodhi tree, there is a long yellow sand.

The gust of wind poured into the ears, and the monks were calm and composed.

At this moment, some figures flew in the distance.

"Brother Chengzhen."

"Junior Brother Guanhui."

Before people arrive, the sound is heard first.

The two eminent monks sitting cross-legged under the tree stood up and bowed in return.

When the two sides met, they took up Dunguang and entered the sand sea.

After they disappeared, two figures emerged from the sand dunes in the distance, it was Qin Sang's incarnation and Liuli.

"Unexpectedly, Venerable Chengzhen of Zhulan Temple has also broken through the middle stage of Yuanying, and his cultivation is quite superb. Fortunately, he did not act rashly."

Qin Sang said softly.

These are the eminent monks sent by Hanhai Qixing to participate in the debate.

Fortunately, Zhulan Temple attaches great importance to the debating of scriptures, and even dispatched two venerables, and only venerable Chengyuan is left in the temple, which is a rare opportunity in a thousand years.

Qin Sang and Liuli looked at each other, it seems that there is no need to use the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain!

Zhulan Temple.

Qin Sang pretended to be a monk of Li Buddha, sneaked into the temple in advance, and hid in the dark, even if Zhulan Temple was closed.

However, Zhulan Temple did not take much action.

Over the years, the monastery visited by the Moonlight Bodhisattva has only hurt her face, and there has been no substantial loss.

Over time, the purpose of the Moonlight Bodhisattva has gradually become known.

After debating the scriptures with him, after losing, he handed over the classics collected in the Buddhist scriptures pavilion of the temple, and let Moonlight Bodhisattva read them. This person is not greedy and will not covet the true biography of the monastery.

When Venerable Chengzhen set off, he asked his disciples to engrave the classics on jade slips in advance and bring them over.

Over the years, Moonlight Bodhisattva has kept the rules and never crossed the boundary, so the Buddhism has never reacted violently.

Perhaps, in the eyes of a real virtuous and eminent monk, it may not be a bad thing for such a person to guard against Buddhism.

However, Qin Sang took advantage of this debate, and its nature was bound to change.

"I met Senior Brother Qingyun."

On the mountain road.

The two novice monks guarding the mountain saw a young monk coming from the front yard, and hurriedly bowed to salute.

The monk returned the salute with palms together, unsmiling, and said in a serious tone, "Uncle Jiansi is ordered not to allow any idlers to enter the back mountain. The two junior brothers must watch carefully."

Hearing the name of the Prison Temple, the two young monks shuddered and hurriedly obeyed.

The monk nodded and continued to check around.

It was Qin Sang who used the secret treasure to disguise himself as the monk, and swaggered into the back mountain.

The real monk has been knocked out by him.

After many years of investigation, he already knew Zhulan Temple like the back of his hand, including the names and duties of the disciples in the temple, so the disguise was naturally flawless.

In Zhulan Temple, the venerable is aloof and doesn't care about common affairs. The eight deacons are in charge of the temple, and Jiansi is one of them.

Monk Qingyun obeyed orders at the prison temple.

Qin Sang had observed this person for a long time, and at this moment, his words and deeds were very lifelike, and he encountered several waves of monks one after another, but he did not show his flaws, and he came to the Tallinn smoothly.

It is still the monk from last time who guards the tower forest.


The monk thought it was an order from the prison monastery, but without doubting him, he walked out of the meditation hall and just said something, when he suddenly heard a strange sound of 'Hum Ha', followed by a sharp pain like a needle from the Yuanshen.

The monk turned pale in shock, and it was too late to warn the monastery.

Even though Qin Sang didn't use his soul-stirring mantra with all his strength, it was not something that a mere Golden Core cultivator could resist.

The monk's spirit was injured and he fell into a coma on the spot.

Qin Sang's figure was like a ghost, she approached the monk, gently supported him, and hid him in the meditation hall. She transformed herself into a monk guarding the pagoda, even her cultivation level was exactly the same.

Tallinn is a clean place, except for offering sacrifices and enshrining, few people come here.

Qin Sang stood outside the tower forest, his eyes swept across the restrictions on the periphery of the tower forest, and finally landed on the cliffs deep in the tower forest.

Venerable Chengyuan is in meditation.

How to break the pagoda forest's prohibition, Qin Sang has a secret plan, but he is still waiting for the opportunity, turned around, glanced at the mountain gate of Zhulan Temple, turned and returned to the meditation hall.

After a stick of incense.

A figure walked outside Zhulan Temple, with a cloak covering his face.

The Zhike monk who guarded the gate took a look, and suddenly looked tense, as if he was facing an enemy.

It's just that he didn't hide it, and the breath of the Nascent Soul Stage was fully revealed.

"This mage is polite," the visitor said in a gentle female voice when he walked to the gate of the temple, "Poverty Taoist wandered here and heard that Zhulan Temple is the ashram of youdao eminent monks, so he came to visit and troubled the mage to inform you. "

The person who came was Just listening to the voice, the Zhike monk felt that there was a beautiful woman under the cloak, but he didn't dare to have any evil thoughts, so he hurriedly replied: "Senior, please wait a moment in the front yard. The poor monk will report it to the prison monastery."

"Thank you."

Liuli nodded slightly, followed the Zhike monk into the front yard, and waited in the quiet room.

The Zhike monk immediately reported the matter to the Jiansi, and the Jiansi came in a hurry and confirmed that he was a Daoist Daoist.

In front of the cliff, Jiansi explained the reason.

After a while, a dry and cold voice came from inside: "No see!"

Jiansi was stunned, bowed and retreated, returned to the front yard, and pleaded guilty, only said that the patriarch is in retreat, and will meet again by fate in the future.

Liuli seemed to have expected that she would be rejected, so she walked out of the quiet room without any annoyance, opened her mouth slightly, and agitated her true energy.

"The poor Taoist came from the depths of the desert. Don't fellow Taoists want to know the origin of the Moonlight Bodhisattva?"

Propelled by the true essence, the voice rolled like thunder and spread throughout the entire Zhulan Temple in an instant.

Jiansi was so frightened that his face turned ashen, and he almost fell to the ground.

In the meditation hall.

Qin Sang pretended to be in a hurry and rushed out of the meditation hall.


Venerable Chengyuan described him as old, he was an ancient and rare old man, his cassock was like a human being, old and faded.

The voice came clearly into the meditation hall, Venerable Chengyuan opened his eyes slightly, his eyes flashed, and his figure disappeared out of thin air.

This is the power of the Zhulan Temple Guardian Spirit Formation. The person in charge of the formation can have the supernatural power comparable to teleportation in the temple, and can move anywhere at will!


Liuli looked up at the back mountain, ignoring the terrified prison temple.

at this time.

There was a wave of fluctuations in the void ahead, and the figure of Venerable Chengyuan turned from virtual to real.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Venerable Chengyuan's complexion changed suddenly, and he shouted like thunder.

"How dare!"

(end of this chapter)

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