Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1707: Omen Illuminating God

It is difficult for Qin Sang to accurately describe her current state.

Not really that the temperature outside has dropped, but a change of mood.

A certain power is approaching him, or in other words, under the guidance of the scriptures, he took the initiative to approach that power. The so-called 'great power' is naturally the extraterrestrial demon. In the process of 'approaching', even if he has not really touched the demon's magic, he has already developed an instinctive fear due to the suppression of the rank.

In addition, his consciousness has an inexplicable connection with the boundless void due to rituals, which will also bring about coldness and panic.

This shows that the incantation of "Tianmo Zhaoshen" has taken effect.

Qin Sang is still able to think about these things now, thanks to the Jade Buddha.

It is certain that other people who practice "Tianmo Zhaoshen" will definitely feel differently from him.

At this time, others would never dare to have the slightest distraction. The initial fear made them tremble, guard their minds, and were ready to interrupt the mantra at any time.

Qin Sang looked calm, meditating on the scriptures silently.

Not surprisingly, the next step is to wait for the devil's magic to come.

It never occurred to Qin Sang that what Qin Sang waited for was not the demon's will.

Without warning, the 'coolness' suddenly disappeared, as if the connection between him and the extraterrestrial demons had been cut off. There is no record of this kind of situation in the scriptures, Qin Sang was slightly taken aback, and then 'heard' a sound...


Like the coolness, it didn't really come from his ears. There were wind, grass and trees rustling in the surrounding environment, and there were no unusual noises.

Mingyuewei, who was protecting the law outside the mountain, didn't notice anything unusual.

But Qin Sang really 'heard' it.

It seemed to be a strange sound made by the friction of two rusty iron plates. It was shrill and sharp to the extreme, making one wonder if it was made by a living creature.

The moment she heard the strange sound, Qin Sang's complexion changed suddenly, her heart beat heavily, her whole body tensed up unconsciously, and her scalp exploded.

It wasn't that the strange sound had any effect on him, but it was as if he had sensed the emotion emanating from the strange sound and felt the same way, so he couldn't help reacting.

Rage, surprise, fear, despair...

what else?

Qin Sang couldn't explain clearly, Shen couldn't understand.

The strange sound seems to be emotional, and it seems to be Qin Sang's illusion.

For example, due to fear of extraterrestrial demons and fear of the unknown, any unusual sound may cause him to think about it, automatically find the corresponding image, and trigger deeper fear.

This is also an explanation.

Because Qin Sang's response to the strange sound is actually a model lake, it may come from infinite distance, or there may be an unknown barrier between them.

Moreover, the strange sound was extremely short and fleeting, like a scream before dying.

Qin Sang even wondered if there was an illusion. If he hadn't had confidence in the Jade Buddha, he would have started to examine himself for demons.

Why did the ritual change?

Could it be that the Holy King of Qinghu deliberately erased the key content, or is "Tianmo Zhaoshen" already incomplete?

Qin Sang has seen too many incomplete cheats in this world, so he naturally thought of this direction. But he thought that he had already penetrated the scriptures and pondered over and over countless times, but he didn't find any signs of incompleteness or hidden changes.

what is this?

Mystery failed?

The 'coolness' disappeared, and the strange sound stopped abruptly.

Just when he thought that there was a problem with the ritual, and he failed to attract the demon's magic this time.

Suddenly, Qin Sang felt the 'coolness' again, and it was more violent than before. At the same time, he also sensed an inexplicable force, coming from the unknown, coming to the altar!

Heavenly magic!

'Wow! '

Rich black awns burst out from the seven high platforms.

With the handle pointing north, it's winter all over the world!

Qin Sang's position was at the northern end of the spoon handle, and what he felt at this moment was also the endless coldness.

This situation is exactly what is recorded in "Tianmo Zhaoshen", when the rituals take effect and begin to attract the demons from outside the territory into the body.

Qin Sang was stunned.

There were many accidents in an instant, and he didn't have time to make any response, and he didn't have time to figure out the ins and outs of the accidents, so he felt that unknown force rushed into the altar and poured into his body.

'boom! '

The seven high platforms shook violently.

The black light shot straight at Xiaohan.

Fortunately, Qin Sang had set up a partition circle nearby in advance, otherwise, the vision of this place could be seen thousands of miles away, attracting interested people.


Qin Sang's expression changed drastically.

The power that was attracted was indeed exactly the same as that described in the scriptures, and it was indeed the magic of the heavenly demon.

But according to the description in another part of the scriptures, the process of receiving and guiding, the arrival of the demon's magic should be gradual. The altar can cover up the aura of the practitioner and guide the magic into the body. In this way, stealing the magic secretly, the demon is killed outside the territory. Interrupt before alarm.

But the magic he attracted was extremely fast and powerful.

In an instant, the strength of the magic that Qin Sang received was already at the level of extreme caution in the scriptures, and the ritual must be interrupted immediately.

The magic is surging, if it is someone else, they must have been shaken, and those with a slightly weaker heart will be full of demons.

Jade Buddha has never disappointed Qin Sang.

Even if such a change occurred, his spiritual altar was always clear, and he clearly sensed that the magic was still coming, and it was growing at an astonishing speed.

There are indications that this is not the limit of Jade Buddha.

But Qin Sang didn't dare to continue the ceremony!

The world knows too little about the extraterrestrial demons.

There is a saying that the demons outside the territory have no form or form, and those who are infected by the demons will either perish and die in the demons of their hearts, or their minds will improve through sharpening, transcending emptiness, and they will kill their own demons, and they will also kill the demons outside the territory by the way.

There are very few people who have actually seen the celestial demons outside the territory, and there are very few ancient books that record the celestial demons outside the territory.

According to the description in the scripture "Tianmo Zhaoshen", there are also strong and weak celestial demons outside the territory, and there are even existences that can threaten monks in the Mahayana period. Qin Sang has not even broken through the stage of transforming gods, and it is almost impossible to attract too strong extraterritorial demons.

But this magic is obviously beyond the normal range.

"I have no intention of indirectly attracting a demon king among the extraterrestrial demons? Or, the change in rituals has alarmed the extraterritorial demons, and they are watching over..."

A warning sign rose in Qin Sang's heart.

Being watched by demons from outside the territory, the consequences are unpredictable. Qin Sang has the protection of the Jade Buddha, so she dare not try the law by herself.

make a prompt decision.

Qin Sang's ten fingers were like wheels, and quickly completed a seal formula, forcibly interrupting the ceremony and cutting off the connection with the altar. A force erupted from his body, shaking away the black air around him, and he fled back.

The ceremony was interrupted, and the seven high platforms all dimmed for a moment.

Then a scene that shocked Qin Sang happened.

'boom! '

On the high platform located in the direction of Tianshu, the black light exploded, so intense that the entire high platform suddenly exploded.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The roar is like thunder, and it can't stop ringing in your ears.

The seven high platforms exploded one after the other, and fragments flew all over the sky like scattered flowers.

The altar carefully arranged by Qin Sang seemed to be unable to withstand the magic, and it exploded!

The basin was in a mess. After the explosion, seven deep pits were left in the basin.

When the smoke cleared, Qin Sang and the others had disappeared.

Qin Sang didn't know what the altar explosion represented, but it was by no means a good sign.

Returning to Luye, Qin Sang immediately ordered Luye to move and leave this land of right and wrong, while the deity hurried into the cave, crossed his legs into meditation.

Examination of the body revealed no abnormalities.

Qin Sang calmed down, silently channeled "Tianmo Zhaoshen", and sensed the magic in the body. The magic is invisible and qualityless, and it is impossible to accurately determine where it is hidden, but it can be sensed through the spells in the scriptures, and it will continue to be cultivated in the future. Holding "Tianma Illumination of the Nerve", use this magic to sharpen yourself and strengthen your spiritual consciousness.

"Tempt me..."

This idea suddenly popped up in Qin Sang's mind.

After much deliberation, resisted the thought of trying it now.

Glancing at the avatar beside him, after the ritual was over, the avatar followed the deity closely, following the same steps, because Qin Sang was restless and not sure if it was safe now.

Once you feel danger, you can use your avatar to eliminate disasters.

Qin Sang revealed a pensive look on his face, replaying the entire ritual process.

He built the seven high platforms with his own hands, and he engraved the runes and incantations on the high platforms one by one, so there is no possibility of mistakes.

The problem should be in the process of receiving and guiding.

Thinking of that scream, Qin Sang speculated two possibilities.

If it is really the scream of a living creature, are the emotions in the cry real, and what is the source of the despair and fear in the emotion?

"Could it be that the time I chose was wrong, that I happened to be fighting with an extraterritorial celestial demon, and the first extraterritorial celestial demon was killed by a powerful enemy?"

Qin Sang was thoughtful, the problem might not be with him, but on the other side, the celestial demon group outside the territory must not be peaceful and stable.

This is a variable beyond the control of the cultivator, and the possibility of it happening is extremely small. If it does happen, it can only be blamed on God's will.

What if the strange sound is not made by a living thing?

Qin Sang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he murmured: "The storm belt, the barrier..."

There are various indications that the barrier can not help but resist the storm, and also has the power to drive away the beasts. The beasts once crossed the border in groups, and none of them took the initiative to rush into the world of cultivating immortals. It is no accident.

Is it possible to speculate like this.

The barrier that protects the sanctuary can drive away threats from the outside world, including extraterrestrial demons. And he took the initiative to attract the demon, and the voice of the demon entered here through the connection built by the scriptures and the altar. The strange sound was caused by the magic of the demon through the barrier.

Because of this, the extraterrestrial demon was alarmed in advance and watched over.

All these changes can be explained.

When "Tianmo Zhaoshen" was created, this world should not have been like this.

Inside and outside the barrier, there may be differences in running this scripture to receive and guide the demons!

Since the ghost mother communicated with the upper realm, the Ascension of Firefly took place inside the barrier, and was not affected by the barrier, so Qin Sang didn't think about it, but now she suddenly became alert.

The difference between the inside and the outside may be the trap carefully set by the holy king of the green fox, who is not willing to die!

In any case, Qin Sang is not going to try again.

If the extraterrestrial demon had already been alarmed and stared at this place, if he set up an altar to cast a spell, it would only summon powerful enemies.

The process is full of variables, but fortunately, the result is not bad. The magic of the sky has been introduced into the body, and it is stronger than expected. It is more than enough to condense the magic seal of lifelessness.

Now it depends on whether the outer demon can replace the inner demon and condense the magic seal.

The Inanimate Demon Seal cannot be accomplished overnight, and it needs to be poured with obsession in the middle.

So Qin Sang urgently needs to receive the evil spirit of the Heavenly Demon, otherwise he will have to wait a long time until he reaches the peak of the Nascent Soul Late Stage before starting.

Previously, Qin Sang's main obsession was to wake up Liuying, but Liuying woke up before he got "Tianmo Zhaoshen", so she couldn't use it to water the magic seal.

However, for Qin Sang, no matter what he chooses as his obsession, it shouldn't be a problem, even if he can't accomplish it.

The obsession waters the magic seal, if the obsession cannot be completed before the magic seal is formed, the inner demon will inevitably lose control and lose control of the mind. Senior Sister Qingjun just couldn't complete her obsession with killing enemies with her hands, and she was deeply disturbed by it.

But Qin Sang is not afraid!

The first step was done to receive and attract the magic of the heavenly demon.

The change in the ritual made him a little more apprehensive, and he didn't directly cultivate the "Magic Seal of Infinity", and he was going to wait and see.

Thoughts were flying.

Qin Sang gradually calmed down all kinds of distracting thoughts, and sat quietly to adjust her breath.

After recovering, he took out the treasures brought by the avatar one by one to check and categorize them.

Ice Fire Order and Taiji Sendai's spirit materials should be put aside for now, don't rush for a while.

Then there is the seventh-grade Jade Spirit Bamboo.

Qin Sang asked the avatar to examine it carefully, and this bamboo can be used as a psychic medium for "The Wooden Figure Monument of Houtian".

There are too many things he urgently needs to do right now.

Repairing the "Magic Seal of Inanimate Life" and improving the Celestial Eye Butterfly are imminent, and I can't spare the energy for the time being.

This technique is used as a medium to refine the body of spiritual wood, which can be regarded as an alternative body refining technique.

When he reached the peak of the late Yuanying period, or encountered a bottleneck that he could not break through, Qin Sang would pick up "Heavenly Demon Refining Form" and gradually improve his physical body.

At that time, you may gain enlightenment while practicing and comprehending.

Thinking of this, Qin Sang put away the seventh-grade Jade Spirit Bamboo, and looked at the statues of the Four Sages and the array.

Fingers flick.

The formation of the Four Saints Gathering Spirits was quickly completed.

Sitting in the formation, Qin Sang felt a stream of pure spiritual energy blowing toward her face, silently practiced the kung fu, and easily circulated for a week, her cultivation speed greatly increased, she was very happy.

However, Qin Sang did not indulge in this.

He quickly woke up from the trance, and took the remaining few jade bottles into his hands.

The jade bottles contained spirit pills of different sizes and colors, some filled a whole bottle, and some contained only one pill, and they looked very good.

Qin Sang opened the jade bottles one by one, smelled the elixir fragrance, and judged the grade. In the end, only two bottles were left in his hand, and the other elixir was put away for now.

The extra bottle contains dozens of pills called Ziwu Dan.

This pill is the one he prepares the most. Every once in a while, he feeds the natal insect Gu at midnight and noon, which can stabilize the foundation of the spirit and reduce the adverse effects caused by the rapid improvement of cultivation base.

The other bottle has only one pill, dark yellow in color, with nine small holes on it, which is refined from the seven-star root. The seven stars transform into orifices, and the auxiliary medicine transforms into two orifices, which is called Jiuqiao Yuandan.

They are all secret medicines that can be used in the four transformation stages of spirit insects as recorded in the "Panhu Scripture".

In particular, the Jiuqiao Yuandan is the most precious, which can increase the chance of breaking the level. Before getting the Seven Star Root from the Holy King of the Green Fox, Qin Sang originally wanted to choose another secret medicine that was easier to refine.

After revising the "Panhu Scripture", Qin Sang used witchcraft such as blood refining and **** feeding to improve Tianmudie.

Coupled with the benefits obtained from the near dragon saliva, the entry of the Tianmu butterfly can be said to be advancing rapidly. A few years ago, it could try to break through the bottleneck of the fourth transformation stage, just waiting for the Jiuqiao Yuandan!

Try to ensure that it is updated during May Day, but the update time cannot be guaranteed, please forgive me.

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