Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 172: Sky Corpse Talisman

   The owner of this Heavenly Corpse Order should not have a low status in the Heavenly Corpse Sect, but it is not considered to be a very high level. Therefore, the Heavenly Corpse Order only contains fragments of the "Tianyin Corpse Jue".

   Qin Sang picked up the black pocket again. It turned out that the object was called the corpse puppet bag. It was a unique magic weapon of the Heavenly Corpse Sect.

   Refining the corpse puppet bag also consumes a lot of spiritual materials. During the refining period, disciples can only use that bulky coffin to store zombies.

   Putting away the three things, Qin Sang thoughtfully looked at the living corpse in front of him, recalling the contents of the Tianyin Corpse Talisman in the "Tian Yin Corpse Art".

  The disciples of the Heavenly Corpse Sect left a mark of God's consciousness in the Heavenly Corpse Talisman, and manipulated the living corpse through the Heavenly Corpse Talisman.

   There must be a heavenly corpse talisman in this living corpse’s ‘primordial god’. Because of the death of its owner, no one controls it, it reveals its bloodthirsty nature.

   If you take this heavenly corpse talisman as your own, wouldn't you just conquer a corpse puppet that can rival the monks in the foundation-building period?

  Looking at the strength of the evil corpse, before it was refined into a living corpse, it was very likely to be a monk in the middle of the foundation period.

   Thinking of this, Qin Sang couldn't help but feel hot in his heart, and glanced at the Baiyun Mountain Man. I am afraid that this man also dared to take the risk with this kind of thinking.

   After all, if you get a living corpse puppet, you can double your strength directly. This is just a good thing.

   In the future, no matter if you are exploring secret realms or encountering dangers, you can put up the living corpses that are not afraid of death first. I don't know how much danger can be avoided.

   I just don’t know if it can be done?

   Thinking of this, Qin Sang carefully sorted out the secret technique of the sky corpse talisman. Among them, the secret technique of controlling the sky corpse talisman was not difficult. Qin Sang tried a few times and easily mastered it.

Unexpectedly, when Qin Sang activated the mystery technique and sneaked into the living corpse and tried to control the living corpse, the living corpse suddenly let out a furious roar, and the sky corpse talisman also trembled suddenly, sending a violent and fierce counterattack. , Almost tore Qin Sang's consciousness to pieces.

   Qin Sang hurriedly cut off the connection with that strand of spiritual knowledge, his face turned pale, his eyes sank, and he realized that his thoughts were too naive.

   Every corpse talisman is carefully refined by the corpse refiner. In the process of refining the corpse talisman, the imprint of the soul is integrated into it. Although the imprint of the soul of death is still there, it is not so simple to replace it.

   Unless the original owner disperses the imprint of the soul, it is impossible for him to subdue this living corpse.

However, Qin Sang was not without gain. After he learned the secret technique of the corpse talisman, although he could not use the living corpse for his own use, the living corpse was ownerless and could also use the secret technique to influence the life through the talisman of the corpse. The corpse's actions prevented it from exerting its full strength.

   Since it was determined that he could not be subdued, Qin Sang stopped delusional and directly killed the dog.

   The living corpse has no owner, no one can help it withstand the influence of the secret technique. The black yellow armor on his body was originally agile, and the strands of it blocked the ebony sword's sword energy. Under the influence of the secret technique, it immediately began to stagnate, and its effectiveness was greatly reduced.

Qin Sang was distracted and urged the ebony sword, taking advantage of the stagnation of the profound yellow armor and the surge of sword energy, he stabbed at the same position one after another, leaving a line of bone wounds, until the earth evil energy on the living corpse was too late to repair. The sword penetrated the Sha corpse's head, strangling its'primordial spirit'.

  ‘Boom! ’

   The living corpse fell to the ground, not like the previous evil corpse, turning into a pool of ashes, still able to maintain a human form.

   Qin Sang shot a flame, burned the living corpse, waved to put away the ebony sword and the ten-point Yamaha banner, adjusted his breath slightly, then turned his head to look at the bodies of Baiyun Shanren and Wu Yuesheng, with a pensive expression on his face.

   After a while, Qin Sang burned Wu Yuesheng's body as well, but sealed the body of the Baiyunshanren in an ice coffin.

   In the "Tianyin Corpse Art", the method of refining the evil corpse puppet is exactly the corpse of the monk during the foundation period. The people of Baiyun Mountain had the intent to kill first, and Qin Sang naturally would not have the slightest kindness towards him, and he planned to refine him into a corpse puppet.

   is not like a living corpse, after being refined into a corpse puppet, it is only slightly weaker than before.

   Use Baiyun Mountain people to refine evil corpses. The final strength should be stronger than the thirteenth-level monks in the Qi Refining Period. The physical body can withstand the attacks of the monks in the Foundation Building Period, but it can only cause some trouble. It is a good helper.

  Especially he is preparing to enter the ancient immortal battlefield to experience. The corpse puppet is more useful. In the sparsely populated ancient immortal battlefield, he is not afraid of being discovered the existence of the corpse puppet.

   However, Qin Sang didn't dare to treat Wu Yuesheng's corpse in the same way. Baiyun Mountain was a casual cultivator, without a strong backstage, and no one would help him avenge him when he died. Wu Yuesheng was different.

   At the same time, Qin Sang knew that Shaohua Mountain would not sit back and watch a disciple in the foundation building period disappear inexplicably. After going out, the alive must face the teacher's hearing.

  There are countless peculiar methods of cultivating the immortal world. In case of any clues, it is of course that Wu Yuesheng took the initiative, but Qin Sang's practice of refining the same sect into a corpse puppet is also unforgivable.

   Even Wu Yuesheng's Chi Yan Sword, which had been sacrificed for life, was looking for a chance to throw it away.

Qin Sang sealed up the remains of Liujiang again. After all, Liu Jiang helped to take the road. Qin Sang didn't move his mustard bag and was about to return it after seeing Liushan, but he didn't know that Liushan saw this unrecognizable corpse corroded by corpse poison. What's your mood?

   Then, Qin Sang stretched out his hand and took the relics of Baiyun Mountain and Wu Yuesheng into his palm, and then erased the battle traces in the hall at will. When the evil spirit from the ground surged, all clues would be wiped out, so you don't need to be too careful.

   While cracking the prohibition on the mysterious gate, they were distracted to check their relics.

   Wu Yuesheng’s magical tools and all the things that can be related to Shaohua Mountain must be thrown away, and the spiritual stones, pill, and spiritual materials can be kept.

   This person's net worth is quite rich. The spirit stone alone is equivalent to more than 800 low-grade spirit stones. Coupled with the heritage of the Baiyun Mountain people, Qin Sang has harvested more than 1,200 low-grade spirit stones.

  After breaking through the foundation building period, Qin Sang studied hard in the cave. The five middle-grade spirit stones issued by the master did not move, plus he originally had about a thousand low-grade spirit stones.

   Two thousand two hundred low-grade spirit stones can buy a good top-grade magical implement. Among the monks in the foundation-building period, Qin Sang can be regarded as a small person.

   In addition to the Chiyan Sword, Wu Yuesheng had several great artifacts, and Qin Sang could only throw it back into his mustard bag with a painful expression on his face, preparing to throw it away. Compared with Wu Yuesheng, Baiyunshanren looks much shabby. The strongest magical weapon, the Tiandou, has been destroyed. Only the wooden staff named Jianglong staff can see the remaining magical instruments. It is a top-grade method of excellent quality. The device also has a magical effect.

  The main body of the dragon stick should be a piece of spiritual wood, but unfortunately it has been refined into a magic artifact, mixed with other spiritual objects, destroying the structure of the spiritual wood, and cannot be used to upgrade the ebony sword.

After the ebony sword is refined into the wooden spirit sword, it will be stronger if it is strong. In a sense, it has become a lot more fragile. Any discordance will greatly reduce the power of the spirit sword, or even collapse directly, and can only be integrated into it. The most original spirit wood.

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