Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 177: Jindan disciple

  The golden light that forbids the transfiguration forms a wall, sealing the forbidden area.

  ‘Boom! Bang! ’

   Under the impact of the evil spirits of the earth, the trembling was restrained, and there were loud noises.

   However, the evil spirit of the earth rushed here was the end of the crossbow, and the momentum soon became noticeably weaker.

Seeing that the evil spirit outside began to decline, Yu Daiyue's expression was happy, then remembering something, he turned to ask Qin Sang, "Junior Brother Qin, after the evil spirit recedes, you and I will search the cave separately. Junior Brother Li is Fengming Master. Uncle’s personal disciple has a body protection tool rewarded by Master Fengming. As long as he does not fall into the crypt, he may have a chance to survive. We had better save him, otherwise I’m afraid it’s not good for Master Fengming. Confess."

Qin Sang originally planned to find an opportunity to throw Wu Yuesheng's relics into the crypt. He had this intention, and he immediately agreed, and asked one more question, "Friend Baiyun is a casual cultivator, hard to say. I remember Brother Wu is Cha Yu Disciple of Uncle Taoche, in that case, Brother Wu should also have hope of surviving?"


Yu Daiyue shook his head, with a hint of resentment in his tone, "Junior Brother Qin doesn't know that Master Jin Dan, in order to get a baby, must fight for the first line. He must seek the truth with all his heart. It is no different from us. There are a few who are willing to be distracted and accept disciples. ?

   In order to prevent no one to follow, our Shaohua Mountain forced the Golden Core monks in the gate to collect a sufficient number of disciples and give instructions on spiritual practice. Because of this, although there are many people who have come to the master of the Golden Core, they have to be divided into three, six or nine grades. Only a handful of people can really get attention, and all of them are extremely talented.

Junior Brother Wu can’t compare to Junior Brother Li. Junior Brother Li has outstanding talents. Master Fengming highly valued him. He was able to reward him as soon as he broke through the foundation-building period. The chosen one is the true personal disciple.

And like brother, I only met Master once on the day of his apprenticeship, and got a few suggestions, and then I can only rely on myself. Maybe Master doesn’t remember having such an apprentice, unless I can break through the late foundation period. , In order to be recognized by the master.

   Fortunately, we have teachers to rely on, which is better than the casual training outside. But even so, the brother has been wasted for decades in the early stage of foundation building, and there is no hope of breakthrough. Otherwise, why bother to go to Hongchen Gourd?

   Junior Brother Wu was even more miserable. On the day of his apprenticeship, Uncle Cha said that he felt a sense of retreat, and he drove out without even letting him in the cave. How could he be rewarded with a magic weapon. "

  In the world of immortality, both the righteous and the devil values ​​the relationship between master and disciple. Once you worship the master, it is not the nominal relationship of superior and inferior in the master.

   Before apprenticeship, I listened to Daomen Peak. I exchanged the spirit stones I earned from doing handyman duties. It was a fair deal, and the two owed nothing to each other.

   And the master has the grace to teach the disciples to teach and solve puzzles, and the relationship is closer than the Taoist companion. The teacher respects the disciple, and the disciple respects the master, and it is justified.

  This kind of relationship cannot be changed even if the world is turned over.

   In time, even if the disciple’s cultivation level surpasses the master, he must be respectful and respectful when he sees the master, and there must be no slightest scorn, otherwise he will be cast aside by the people of the world.

Except for Senior Brother Wen, Qin Sang didn't have much contact with other monks during the foundation-building period, and it was not easy to inquire about such secret matters. After hearing Yu Daiyue's words, Qin Sang knew that there was inside information in it, and the only trace of regret disappeared. Up.

   His unbearable talent, even if he didn't have the experience of the furnace ding, he would not be taken seriously by any Jindan master who was lucky enough to be in. It was no different from now, but it would be better to go alone.

   Qin Sang was originally worried that Wu Yuesheng would have a magic weapon rewarded by Uncle Che, and there might be a secret note left by Uncle Che. Because he didn't know which one it was, he decided to throw it away.

  Since those artifacts were not rewarded by Uncle Che, and Wu Yuesheng didn't care about his uncle or his grandma, Uncle Che didn't care about his life and death, and there would be no Jin Dan Master personally investigating it, so it's okay to stay.

   The Chiyan Sword is Wu Yuesheng's life-saving spirit sword. The spirit sword has Wu Yuesheng's breath, and it is difficult to completely erase it in a short time. You only need to destroy the Chiyan Sword and some related objects.

   After waiting for a while, the rumbling outside gradually disappeared, and the restricted golden light was no longer turbulent.

   Qin Sang and Yu Daiyue looked at each other, manipulated the array together, opened the restriction, and saw that there was only some unsatisfied earth evil air in the front hall, strands of air, extremely cold.

   However, such a small amount of evil spirits did not threaten them, and the two immediately followed the agreement and acted separately.

   Qin Sang went straight to the outside of the cave, galloping all the way, and when he reached the entrance of the cave, he used falling clouds to hide his figure.

Returning to the crypt, I saw that the soaring earth evil spirit had already fallen, and the cloudy wind barrier in the sky was directly broken through a huge gap, and even the top of it was close to the cliff, a huge round hole appeared, and the blue sky could be seen. .

   It was noon at this time, the sun was blazing, the sun was shining into the crypt, and the scenery was quite peculiar.

   The fierce sun couldn't dissipate the icy cold, and the depth of the crypt was dark, as if there was a black dragon tumbling inside, it was very terrifying.

   Qin Sang guarded himself cautiously, approached the evil spirit of the earth, quietly threw the Chiyan Sword and other things in, watched the evil spirit of the earth engulf them, then returned to the cave and searched patiently.

In the end, the two met in the sky above the crypt. They searched the entire division of the Celestial Corpse Sect carefully, but failed to find Li Zai, even the relics Li Zai probably failed to escape. Entering the cave, was swallowed by the evil spirit of the earth.

   Yu Daiyue smiled bitterly: "Junior Brother Qin, we have to discuss the excuse, and then report to the master. If Master Fengming is furious, he will have to be skinned for his brother's death."

   Qin Sang nodded and killed three of his fellow students in one trip. The teacher would definitely not sit back and watch, but fortunately, he was not the proposer, and Yu Daiyue was under more pressure than him.

The yin-wind barrier was slowly recovering. The two hurriedly flew their swords out of the crypt. Seeing the scene around the peak, they couldn't help but feel a little shocked. The surrounding area was affected by the evil spirit of the earth. .

   Such a big movement, I don't know if it will attract the attention of interested people. The two dared not stay too much, watching the direction of the teacher's door, and galloping away.

The two flying swords were faster than flying magic weapons, and they arrived at Shaohua Mountain in a month. Qin Sang found a reason to separate from Yu Daiyue and hide some invisible things. Not long after he arrived at Huilongguan, Seeing an old man in a crescent robe drifting towards him.

   "I have seen Brother Chu."

   Qin Sang recognized that Brother Chu was the first seat of the Law Enforcement Hall. It seemed that Yu Daiyue had already reported the process.

   "Senior Brother Qin."

   Senior Brother Chu did not scream sharply, "You should know the purpose of the old man. If there is nothing urgent, please follow me back to the teacher's door. I heard that Qingting younger sister entrusts the funeral to you?"

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