Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 796: Star snail

  Chapter 797 Star Conch

  Physician cultivators are very rare, and it is even rarer to be as strong as a man with a hooked nose. Most of the cultivators Qin Sang had seen in the past were of low level of cultivation and tried to find another way, but the top cultivating techniques were more difficult to find, and the difficulty of training was also extremely high, resulting in mediocrity in all aspects and wasting time in vain.

  Qin Sang turned his head to observe the opponent from time to time, and found that the man with the hook nose had not used magic weapons from beginning to end. It was probably a pure physical exercise.

  The wings, between the opening and closing, are like a green rainbow, bursting out at an astonishing speed, which is a perfect match with the powerful flesh of the hook-nosed man.

  In this way, Qin Sang not only couldn't get rid of the opponent, but the distance was being drawn closer.

  The eagle-hook nose man had a heart to kill Qin Sang, and he was chasing after him.

  Qin Sang knew that he could no longer continue. The other party had no signs of exhaustion, and it was almost impossible to get rid of the other party. He would soon be overtaken and he had to think about ways to get out.

  Thinking about this, Qin Sang swept around, suddenly changed direction, and took the initiative to fly to the place where the hurricane's power was the densest.

   There are countless condensed gray air floating in the sky, and the power of these tangible hurricanes is very terrifying.

  Due to the intensive hurricanes, there is little room for them to move.

  Only in such a chaotic place can Qin Sang have a chance.

The eagle-hook nose man saw through Qin Sang's intentions at a glance, but he didn't show any fear, changed direction without hesitation, and followed him.

  Between chasing and fleeing, the distance between the two is getting closer and closer.

  Qin Sang could almost perceive the sharp gaze of the man with a hook nose, like a man on his back. The arrogance and unscrupulousness of the other party caused Qin Sang's heart to become ruthless, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, and he stopped abruptly, turning around and glaring.

  The next moment, a lightning bolt shot from the center of his eyebrows.

  Lightning came first, and then the thunder came faintly, rumbling.

  The ebony sword was born, showing an amazing momentum, directly taking the man with the hook nose,

  He only saw the flying sword zoom in rapidly in his field of vision, and then it was split into three, two of which were solid, one was slightly illusory, and then they merged into one weirdly, but the momentum was even more astonishing.

  A strange color flashed in the eyes of the man with eagle hook nose, and then the light wings suddenly closed, dazzling glaucoma suddenly appeared in his body, and his wings became more dazzling.

  The person twisted his body slightly, his fists disappeared and merged into the light wings, facing the ebony sword without dodge, he suddenly waved his wings and hit the ebony sword fiercely.

  ‘Boom! ’

  Sword Qi collided with cyan light and exploded.

  The ebony sword flew backwards.

  The wings of the man with the eagle hook nose were slightly dim. He retracted his fist, shook his hands, and was forced to stop by the ebony sword.

  This sword failed to hurt the man with the hook nose, but it blocked his momentum.

  Qin Sang learned this sword-light combined attack from the swordsman in the sword trail. He was not yet proficient. It was the first time he used it. The power made him very satisfied.

The eagle-hook nose man looked up and down Qin Sang with great interest, and suddenly showed a bloodthirsty smile, "Your escape and swordsmanship should be rare in the human race? I have encountered the first one in so many years. It seems that I am going to kill a human genius with my own hands today!"

  The person’s voice was sharp, and it was a bit harsh.

  Qin Sang was surprised at what he said.

  This person has a faint demon aura, indicating that he took the Sha demon Pill when he was forming the pill, and he was obviously not a member of the Witch Clan, but he was a Human Clan, but he said such strange things.

  He didn't say a word, and Yujian attacked again.

  The eagle-hook nose man seemed to just joked casually, his face became dark, and he slammed his fist again.

  Qin Sang retreated while fighting.

  The strength of the eagle hook nose man is too strong, only using two fists and two wings, the ebony sword is difficult to parry, can not stop his offensive at all, retreats steadily, and soon reveals the appearance of defeat.

  Qin Sang had no choice but to offer the ten-square Yama flag in secret. With a wave of his palm, the ten-party Yama flag revolved rapidly, and a group of Nine Nether Demon Fire shot out and rushed towards the opponent’s door.

   Sensing the breath of the Nine Nether Demon Fire, the face of the man with the eagle hook nose changed slightly, his wings suddenly flapped, and he moved several tens of feet in an instant, looking at the demon fire in surprise.

  The demon fire flew into the air, but Qin Sang felt alive when he saw it.

The man with the eagle hook nose should have misunderstood something. Although the Jiuyou Demon Fire has only a small part of its power, it is enough to bluff people. People who don’t understand it are the first time to see the Nine Nether Demon Fire, like the man with the eagle hook nose. The performance is normal.

  But when you fight with Jiuyou Demon Fire, you can easily feel the power of Demon Fire. However, the eagle-hook nose man didn't dare to touch the Jiuyou Demon Fire rashly with just a pair of flesh fists.

  As long as you don’t reveal the details of the Nine Nether Demon Fire, you can deal with it for a period of time.

  Qin Sang immediately urged the ebony sword and the magic fire to attack.

  At the beginning, the eagle-nosed man bound his hands and feet, but he soon noticed the clues and tried with his light wings, and finally determined that the magic fire was not as terrible as he had imagined, and his expression turned into anger.

  After fighting back and forth, Qin Sang has successfully escaped into the depths of the storm.

Although the eagle hook nose man is not afraid of water waves, he has to retreat from the hurricane created by the power of heaven and earth, and dare not be involved in it.

  In this way, under the interference of the hurricane, even if the strength of the eagle-hook nose man surpassed Qin Sang, it was not easy to kill him quickly.

  The two are in the cracks of the hurricane

Qin Sang's situation became more and more difficult after being seen through by the eagle-hook nose man, and his defeat had already appeared.

The man with the eagle hook nose was like a rainbow. He fisted and flew the ebony sword, and then the five internal organs screamed, waving the light wings, and a green rainbow slammed into the Jiuyou Demon Fire, with a'boom', and completely hit the Jiuyou Devil Fire. Scattered.

  Qin Sang's complexion changed slightly, and he was about to continue to urge the Shifang Yamato banners to gather a new demon fire, and a warning sign suddenly rose in his heart. Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Qing Hong, after breaking the Jiuyou Demon Fire, suddenly a little blue light shot out from Qinghong, and came straight to his true body. UU reading

   "A magic weapon! This person is really hiding!"

  The speed of the blue light is extremely astonishing, only the size of a fist, without a breathtaking momentum, but it makes Qin Sang's hair stand upright.

  Qin Sang slammed Jin Yaosuo out suddenly, and then with a flick of his wrist, the double-headed Yan jumped out of the Hunyuan concentric ring.

  He originally planned to use the double-headed Yan as a surprise weapon, but after seeing the blue light, he released it without hesitation.

  An astonishing scene happened. After being hit by the blue light, Jin Yao lock was only blocked for a moment, and then wailed, the golden light trembled, and Jin Yao lock broke every inch and turned into smoke and dust.

   A medium-grade magic weapon was so easily destroyed in front of Qin Sang.

  At the same time, Qin Sang finally saw the true face of the blue light, it turned out to be a blue snail shell.

  The body on the shell is actually jade white, but there are dots of blue light on it, like beautiful stars, and the strong blue light is emitted by these light dots.

  This star snail is spinning fast, with its tip facing Qin Sang, as if it were natural, but it showed amazing destructive power. After the Jin Yao lock was destroyed, it continued to advance.

  (End of this chapter)

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