Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 818: Booby

Through the strange light, Qin Sang saw a strange sight.

In front of the protective spirit formation, only one person shot, and it has already shown a suppressive trend, and the odd light is scattered and precarious.

He didn't break through the spirit formation for a long time, and this person didn't seem to be anxious at all.

But near this person, a large area of ​​mist enveloped the foot of the mountain, which looked like sea fog at night.

In the mist, there are two people indistinctly.

This is by no means ordinary sea fog, and the sky-eye butterfly can't see through it. It must be a phantom array.

Qin Sang stared for a while before he was sure that they were really two people. The two of them are hiding in the mist, and they seem to be busy, but they are not helping to break the formation.

Obscured by the fog, it is impossible to see who these two people are and what they are doing.

Seeing this scene, Qin Sang was surprised and felt a little strange. He tried to keep approaching, letting the Tianmu Butterfly fully urge the Tianmu, peeping into the mist.

At this moment, in the mist, two people are working together to urge a formation.

One of them was wearing a black robe and the other was wearing a gray robe.

The formation was floating among them, they touched the formation with one hand, and the extremely powerful true essence was continuously instilled into the formation, and the two showed no signs of exhaustion.

With the infusion of the true essence, the center of the array gathered a yellow light, and in a short while it turned into a triangular flag.

The gray-robed man stretched out his hand and pointed to the ground beside him. The small triangular flag trembled lightly and flew past, then quietly sank into the ground and disappeared.

During this time, more than a dozen small flags have taken shape.

A grand spiritual formation is gradually taking shape.

At this moment, the gray-robed man among them seemed to have sensed something. He suddenly turned around and looked outside Liangqiu Island, his eyes sharp and sharp like an eagle.

"What's wrong?"

The other asked in a hoarse voice.

"A funny little guy."

The gray-robed man said indifferently, waved his palms, and the fog became thicker again. Their figures were illusory and disappeared completely, "It should have happened to be passing by, attracted by the movement here, and peeped in the distance. It's a bit capable, and it seems that he has the ability to see through the maze. Fortunately, the old man has a keen sense of spirit, he should not have noticed anything."

"Didn't it mean that there are no masters around, why is it such a coincidence?"

The black-robed man was dissatisfied, "Luo Daotong sent the distress signal. Counting the time, Old Demon Yin probably has learned about this and is coming here. The surname Luo is a lover of Old Demon Yin, it is impossible to ignore it, hurry up. Set up the killing formation, don't let the old demon Yin discover anything."

The gray-robed man nodded, "The Lost Array is still weaker... Don't worry, I made a remedy in time. The kid couldn't see anything. He dared to go to the island, so he should take care of him first. There is more than enough to kill the old Demon Yin. When the killing array is ready, if the old Demon Yin comes to the vicinity, it will be too late even if he finds a difference, he will not escape."

While talking, another pennant took shape.

at the same time.

In the distance, Qin Sang's complexion changed drastically, and there was a turmoil in his heart.

Just now, he approached a certain distance again, making the Tianmu Butterfly fully display his Tianmu and peer into the mist.

Unexpectedly, when I was about to see the figure in the mist, the figure inside suddenly disappeared, as if it had never existed before. The phantom I saw before was just an illusion.

But Qin Sang keenly felt that there seemed to be two eyes looking from the mist, as if they were looking at him, like two heavy hammers, making Qin Sang's heart shocked.

"Something's wrong!"

Qin Sang's pupils shrank suddenly and immediately stopped the Tianmu Butterfly from his supernatural powers.

He didn't think it was an illusion before. There must be secrets hidden in the fog, and there are experts hidden.

Could it be that the people in the mist noticed it? Can easily spot one's prying eyes and cut off the sight of Tianmu Butterfly, what is the cultivation base of the other party?

Qin Sang felt very strange just now, the people who attacked Luo Daotong did not rush.

Coupled with the current discovery, Qin Sang's heart suddenly alarmed. These people are hiding in Liangqiu Island, not breaking the formation and killing people, indicating that their goal is not Luo Daotong.

At this moment, Liangqiu Island seemed to have become a tiger's lair in Longtan, causing Qin Sang's hair to stand upright.

I would rather trust it to have it than to trust it to have nothing.

He dared not stay here, turned his head and left.

In the mist, the gray-robed man gave a whisper and turned his head to look outside the island again.

"That kid ran away, so decisive, did he really find something? But the direction he was escaping was not the Old Demon Yin Dojo, and the impact was not significant."

The black-robed man snorted coldly: "If someone sees our identity and causes trouble to the sect, how can we explain to the sect master?"

The gray-robed man laughed, "This kind of killing formation is newly refined by the Sect Master, and you and I have carefully hidden your identities. How can you be easily seen through by a junior? No matter, send a soul servant out again..."

The gray-robed man thought for a while, stretched his hand into his arms, and took out a gourd.

The gourd is very ordinary, and there are even scars on the yellow gourd, just like the mortal gourd.

The gray-robed man opened the lid and tilted the kettle body, only to see a pale light flashing, and then a small and weak woman appeared in front of them.

The woman's body was illusory, and it was actually a soul body.

The grey-robed man said a few words softly, and then shouted: "Go, make a quick decision, kill that junior. As long as it is above the Dan formation stage and dare to approach Liangqiu Island for ten miles, kill them together, but not indiscriminately. Innocent, otherwise you will be forbidden to eat blood for ten years."

Upon hearing this, the woman showed a feverish expression on her face, bowed to the gray-robed man, and disappeared in place.

Seeing this scene, the black-robed man next to him looked at the man who was breaking the formation again and chuckled, "Your soul refining methods are becoming more and more sophisticated. These two soul servants should have the strength of the peak of pill formation? Who would have thought that the first sect of the dignified and upright path, the elder of the Heavenly Dao Sect, had such a profound knowledge in the ghost path."

The gray-robed man said lightly, "Soul refining is just a little Doer, and it's useless for his own cultivation. The old man's bottleneck is still stubborn and the ghost way is still inoperable. In fact, the soul servant itself is not strong, but the ability is weird. The monk was unable to deal with it, and it seemed weird. UU read and the difficulty of refining was extremely high. The old man spent such a long time and only cultivated these two, and found that it has reached the limit and it is impossible for them to have the element. I gave up my infancy strength. With your and mine cultivation bases, what is the use of this kind of soul servant refining?"

"Yes, cultivation is the foundation."

The black-robed man nodded, and said no more.

For a while, Liangqiu Island fell into silence again.

Under the full urging of the two of them, the speed of the formation was spinning faster and faster, and the killing formation almost enveloped the entire Liangqiu Island.

And this, Luo Daotong, who was inside the protective spirit formation, knew nothing.

He is desperate, trying his best to maintain the killing formation.

The enemy's strength is very strong, the methods are weird, and the flaws in the spiritual formation can be found every time, and the situation is precarious.

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