Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 840: Evil spirit

Worthy of being a big demon, a powerful body, especially the weird scales on its body, the luster on it has strange power, and the star snail did not kill it unexpectedly.

Of course Qin Sang wouldn't just stop like this, he won the power and took back the star snails, his figure flashed, and he approached the remnant of the fish monster.

The double-headed Ya cuts off the back of the fish monster,

At the last moment, the fish demon's eyes were red, leaving two jealous eyes, and then I didn't know what secret method was used to explode the demon's body!

The flesh exploded, the flesh exploded into blood mist, and **** fluctuations swept out.

Not only is the powerful force hidden in the fluctuations, it seems that there is also some kind of corrosive force.

Qin Sang's complexion changed slightly, his figure stopped abruptly, and he hurriedly urged the ebony sword to cut out a sword curtain to resist the impact of the fluctuations.

Then I felt a huge force hitting it, the sword screen was torn apart by the wave, and Qin Sang took advantage of his hind legs and was forced to dodge.

The double-headed Ya was too close to the fish monster and couldn't avoid it in time, so he roared and displayed his magical powers while retreating.

Fortunately, the fish monster was originally seriously injured, and the power of self-detonation was greatly reduced. The double-headed Yan reacted fast enough. As soon as the blood mist rushed over, it was blocked by the blue energy.

The hair on its body was mottled, corroded by blood mist, and looked embarrassed, but fortunately, he was not injured.

But the blood mist is very strange, some of it intrudes into the blue qi, causing the blue qi to turn into two colors of blue and red, and it is still trying to drill into its body.

Double-headed Yan made all efforts to clean up the blood mist. Although it prevented the blood mist from continuing to erode, it was difficult to completely remove them.

Just as Qin Sang's double-headed Yan dodged, suddenly a blood rainbow shot out from the blood mist, rushed into the herd at an astonishing speed, and fled quickly.

"Demon Pill?"

Qin Sang's complexion changed slightly, the fish demon didn't die, but only blew his body, leaving the demon pill to escape.

At this time, it was too late to stop the fish monster from escaping.

Qin Sang didn't chase it either. The most important thing now was to get out of the room as soon as the powerful auras were very close.

The fish-monster who had lost his body was not a cause for concern. Qin Sang just glanced at the blood rainbow, ignored it, and walked over to Shuangtouyan to check its condition.

The blood mist is not a concern, but like gangrene attached to bones, it is difficult to remove it for a while.

Qin Sang worried that the power of the fish monster was attached to the blood fog, and he could track them through the blood fog.

At that time, being chased by the fish monster with a group of monster beasts was also a big trouble.

Thinking of this, Qin Sang's heart moved, calling out the Nine Nether Demon Fire.

The blood fog encountered the demon fire, and it was unable to resist it. When it was burned by the demon fire, a foul smell came out.

"Kill! Kill them! This king wants to eat their meat and drink their blood!"

The fish monster who escaped from the dead screamed frantically in the herd, and hated the culprit who caused it to lose its body.

In the screams of the fish monster, the other monsters were almost crazy, and they rushed towards Qin Sang.

The blood mist was finally cleared, Qin Sang and Shuangtouyan walked side by side, opening the way with an ebony sword, and smashing a **** path among the beasts!

Before the big demon arrived, those little demon couldn't stop Qin Sang and Shuangtou Yan at all.

Those powerful auras, after discovering that the fish monster was almost beheaded, were obviously frightened, a little hesitant, and missed the best time.

The fish-monster lost his body and couldn't protect himself. He didn't dare to chase after him. He watched Qin Sang's momentum like a broken bamboo, getting farther and farther, and his cry became more angry and stern.

Qin Sang rushed outwards, fled a certain distance, and threw his palm upwards, throwing out the picture scroll.

Feihua formed an illusion, and the surrounding little demon was confused and lost his goal.

In the beast tide, this kind of illusion has little effect and will be easily broken.

However, for Qin Sang, it was enough as a cover.

He recalled the double-headed Yan, and started the Heavenly Demon Transformation!


A pair of phoenix wings opened behind him, and Qin Sang's aura changed, and the demon aura on his body suddenly became rich.

This is a peculiar change Qin Sang discovered after practicing this exercise.

From the beginning of the practice of "Sky Demon Refining Form", before the sky demon changed, the change happened imperceptibly.

In order to pretend and show the enemy's weakness, he had taken the initiative to take the Sha Yao Pill, and he had a faint demon aura.

Therefore, at first he did not notice his own changes.

It wasn't until he broke through the second layer of "Sky Demon Refining" that he realized that his demon aura seemed to be a bit stronger than before.

And when he learned how to transform into a demon and was using this magical power, he was surprised to find that his demon spirit was almost comparable to the demon beast of the demon spirit stage.

This weird change made Qin Sang really nervous for a while, worried that by practicing this technique, he would turn himself into a monster.

After a long period of time, Qin Sang was sure that there was no other change in his body other than the demon energy, and then relaxed, suspecting that it might be caused by the phoenix wings behind him.

With a demon spirit, and with the gorgeous phoenix wings that resemble Qingluan behind him, Qin Sang felt that he could be disguised as a big demon.

After falling into the beast tide, Qin Sang had this idea whether he could start the Heavenly Demon Transformation, confuse the demons, and escape.

He only cultivated to the second level of "Sky Demon Refining", the Sky Demon Transformation still has many flaws, and it is naturally impossible to hide the eyes of the big monsters.

But it should be used to confuse those little demons with low intelligence, which should have a certain effect.

Having been entangled by the fish monster for so long, the road opened by Jin Guang has been closed, and Qin Sang can only find a way to break through.

Sure enough, as soon as the illusion appeared, it was dissipated by the beast tide.

In the next moment, Qin Sang and Shuangtou Yan disappeared out of thin air.

He wrapped his body in phoenix wings, blended into the beast tide, and after quietly showing up, he was pleasantly surprised to see that the hostility of the monster beasts around him was much less.

The demon energy that the sky demon transforms into can really hide from the demon beast's perception!

The monsters regarded him as the same kind, and the resistance became smaller, and Qin Sang's movement when he broke through was naturally much smaller. Compared with the chaotic beast tide, it was not conspicuous at all.

When the fish monster led his subordinates to catch up, he was shocked to find that they had lost the trace of Qin Sang.

Even the great demon with the best nose, sniffing everywhere, couldn't find this person, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

The fish monster was furious, but couldn't think of any good way for a while, so he could only give up the idea of ​​swallowing the treasure and contact the leopard monster urgently.

After getting rid of the Qin Sang's heart was relaxed, and he flexibly shuttled between the beasts, and finally rushed to the periphery of the beasts, and saw the night sky and the stars in the distance.

He didn't know that because of the Heavenly Demon Change, his aura changed, and he escaped a catastrophe by mistake.


When Qin Sang got away, the people in the business alliance fell into a bitter battle.

They were besieged by a large group of big monsters, and many of them were like Crane Monsters who had opened their minds and were terrifyingly powerful.

These great monsters are not only strong, but also orderly and difficult to deal with. No amount of masters could resist such a fierce attack, and soon fell into a bitter battle.

Madam Liu and Jin Ying regretted that they did not choose to go with Qin Sang.

They still don't know that Qin Sang was involved.

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