Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 852: chase

Qin Sang watched Shuangtou leave, the figure stopped suddenly, turned around, and stared coldly at the rapidly approaching opponent.

In fact, he is still full of doubts, and does not understand why the other party values ​​Su Nu so much.

He didn't know much about the magic monks, and the first teacher he worshiped after stepping into the immortal way was the magic door.

Demon cultivators in this world don't value true demonic energy.

Not to mention that true demonic energy is extremely rare, even if it is found, it cannot absorb and utilize this kind of power.

Because of this, Qin Sang had no choice but to doubt the two people's unusual attitudes towards true demonic energy and plain women. The connection between the two major business alliances and the true devil energy seems to be closer than he imagined.

What kind of secrets are hidden in this?

In addition, in the process of escaping from the demon island, Su Nu has been obedient and obedient, and she should not be an unruly person, but she couldn't help even a few offensive eyes, which made Qin Sang suspicious.

Doubt her character or intentional.

If it was intentional, Su Nu's purpose and her relationship with Yue Xiangu would be very intriguing.

Of course, these are just Qin Sang's suspicions. He hasn't been in contact with Su Nu for a long time, and he hasn't even said a few words. He doesn't understand her temperament.

Qin Sang's task is to protect the plain girl Zhouquan, she can't be lost, and she doesn't want to get involved in a turmoil that has nothing to do with her, so similar thoughts flashed by, and she didn't think about it.

"I have no intention of becoming enemies with the three, why should the three be aggressive?"

Qin Sang stood in the way of the three and asked loudly.

"We just wanted the girl to share our cultivation experience, but the daoists are like a bird frightened. We misunderstood us! Now the demon sea is the world of demon beasts. If we and other immortal cultivators don't join forces, how many days can we survive?"

The beard man persuaded him bitterly.

There was a murderous intention in his eyes, especially after seeing the double-headed scorpion, he immediately sent a voice transmission to the fat member, "Junior brother, this person even has a demon spirit beast, no wonder he can come and go freely in the demon sea. This person is not simple. , it's not easy to kill him, and we may have to pay a small price. Let him go first, and the first thing is to catch the girl, we must catch the live one..."

The three communicated through voice transmission and quickly decided.

Beauty Beard took out a magic talisman, and while secretly urging it, the real body disappeared out of thin air. At the same time, the talisman transformed into a phantom of a beautiful bearded man, which was enough to turn the fake into the real.

The other two didn't change their expressions, guarding the phantom, aggressively attacking Qin Sang.

The real body of Duke Meibeard sneaked into the dark, changed direction quietly, and bypassed Qin Sang.

Qin Sang was vigilant, and woke Tianmu Die early, opened his Tianmu, glanced around, and easily saw through the phantom of Duke Meibeard and found his true body.

He kept calm, took the initiative to attack with his sword, and pretended to know nothing.

Until he got close to the real body of Duke Meibeard, suddenly the sword light turned sharply.

In an instant, the sword glow in the sky was like the Milky Way hanging upside down, accompanied by the roar of thunder, which was breathtaking. Straight like a forest of swords shot out of Qin Sang's hand, under the hood of the beard in the dark!

Duke Meibeard was shocked, shocked by the amazing swordsmanship, and hurriedly activated the magic weapon of his life, not caring about stealth.

A crystal square seal shot out from his dantian, shining silver, and the top rune was transformed into a silver word 'town'.

Jianmang hit the upper print.

The word "Zhen" of Dou Da flew out from the square seal, spinning rapidly, and the sword lights along the road collapsed one after another, but at the same time, the handwriting was also scattered, and the silver light fluctuated on the square seal, which was under enormous pressure.

"What a powerful swordsmanship!"

Duke Meibeard was forced out from the shadows, with a serious expression, staring at Qin Sang, "I'm really misunderstood. The strength of fellow Daoists is really rare in the three major business alliances, but I have never heard of you."

"It's not enough to talk about a simple repair in the poor road."

Qin Sang spoke, but he didn't hesitate. The ebony sword **** was haunted, and the swordsmanship he learned in Jianjing was used by him, and the silver words were shattered abruptly.

The sword glow is like a waterfall, and the momentum is like a broken bamboo.

But not waiting for the ebony sword to approach, Fang Yin flew back and condensed new silver words. The beard master held the magic weapon, and the figure quickly retreated.

Just then, the other two arrived.

Seeing this scene, the two of them hurriedly took action, instead of helping Duke Meibeard resist the spirit sword, they urged the magic weapon to take Qin Sang directly, and attacking him would surely save him.

Guns are coming.

Qin Sang secretly said that he had no chance.

When he pretended not to know and planned to make a sneak attack, he secretly prepared the blood filthy light and the star snail, just waiting for the beauty of the beard to reveal his flaws, killing him first, and then taking care of the other two.

However, Duke Meibeard was a master of the late stage of the formation of pills after all, and was accidentally attacked.

Qin Sang couldn't find a suitable opportunity to shoot, and the other two caught up. With one enemy and three, and the opponent's strength is so strong, he had to fight the idea of ​​​​killing the opponent and deal with it patiently.

As the magic weapon approached, Qin Sang's figure flashed, and at the same time, the magic flags around him turned and gathered into a formation.

Qin Sang had one enemy against three, and knew in his heart that this would not last long. When Duke Mei-beard adjusted and the three formed a battle, they would be able to suppress him in turn. Moreover, the real energy in his body was consumed very quickly, and the elixir he had swallowed before was just a drop in the bucket. .

So, after lingering for a while, Qin Sang took the initiative to sell a flaw.

Duke Meiyan got rid of the entanglement, caught people eagerly, and explained that his companions were entangled in Qin Sang, while he went to hunt down Shuangtou.

Qin Sang turned a blind eye to this, recalled the ebony sword, saw the opportunity, and swept out the **** divine light, hitting the magic weapon of life outside the rich members.

"Senior brother save me!"

The Ebony Sword and Jiuyou Demon Fire came together, and the rich man lost his magic weapon, and he was completely terrified.

The cultivator Liu hurried to save him, but he could only block the demonic fire.

Duke Meibeard saw this scene, his eyes were split, and he hurriedly turned around to rescue, but Jianying had already drowned the rich man.

'boom! ’

A silver word dissipated the sword energy.

Qin Sang took his sword and stood, UU reading www. Looking at the rich man covered in blood, felt a little regretful. In the end, this person did not know what means to use to save his life.

However, this person has also been seriously injured, the sword energy has entered the body, and there is no combat power in a short period of time.

The **** divine light is worthy of originating from the top ten sacred trees, and has repeatedly helped Qin Sang to win the game.

Duke Meibeard was also stunned, holding his junior brother's seriously injured body, unbelievable. He thought that even if the two of them could not fight, they would at least be able to entangle each other. Unexpectedly, they lost so quickly and so miserably!

What kind of magical power is that smear of blood?

"If you dare to entangle the poor road again, this person will be your fate!"

Qin Sang snorted coldly, pointed to the rich man, and Yu Jian left.


Duke Meibeard was extremely angry, his killing intent filled his chest, but he was extremely calm, "In the middle stage of the Yaodao District, the three of us, even fighting me, and the magic weapon came out one after another.

He asked his younger brother to refine the sword energy in his body by himself, and brought a cultivator surnamed Liu to pursue him.

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