Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 857: employer

Xiang An Auction House.

Qin Sang met Alchemist Yi.

However, seeing Alchemist Yi's face looking tired, he found out after asking that, since the Great Desolate Island was trapped, the three major business alliances have stepped up their preparations, and Alchemy Yi has been assigned tasks to concoct alchemy day and night.

"Yi can't help himself, or Qin Daoyou has foresight, is not restricted, and can still be at ease," Yi Dan Shi Niu took a sip and sat on the back of the chair.

Qin Sang saw that Alchemist Yi was saying this against his intentions, "Qin is free and happy, but he has no great power to protect him. He is bullied by others and has nowhere to seek grievances. He can only swallow the bitter fruit by himself. Daoist Yi worked hard, but only This period of time is only, and when the demon sea chaos subsides, you will be able to enjoy yourself again.”

"Easy to say."

Alchemist Yi shook his head, his tone was not optimistic, and said: "The scale of this demonic chaos has never been seen before.

The two sighed with emotion for a while, Qin Sang talked about business, but unfortunately there was no good news from Alchemist Yi.

"Yi has asked many old friends, all of whom have been immersed in Dan Tao for many years, and there is no news about the three elixir of bloodbath. Qin Daoyou can only try to find these elixir..."

Alchemist Yi felt sorry for Qin Sang.

Qin Sang sighed, Alchemist Yi was right, it was indeed a coincidence that he got the bloodbath fruit and Mao Shanteng. In order to blindly taste the scorpion poisonous weed, the only thing he could do was to cast a wide net.

He took out a jade box.

In the jade box are more than a dozen spiritual flowers named Feng Yulan, which are the favorites of Tianmu Die and are of great benefit to its growth.

"These wind and rain orchids, don't dare to bother fellow Daoist Yi, and hope that fellow Daoist Yi will arrange for an alchemist to help refine the elixir."

Qin Sang handed the pill recipe and Linghua to Alchemist Yi.

Alchemist Yi took a look at the pill, and immediately became interested, "Huh? This is the first time Yi has seen this kind of pill and technique. According to Yi's opinion, this medicine should not be given to cultivators after it has been made. Right? Fellow Daoist Qin, wait a moment, Yi will go to open the furnace and make alchemy, and he will come as soon as he goes."

Alchemist Yi was able to explain the purpose of the pill recipe in one sentence, which surprised Qin Sang secretly. Alchemist Yi was willing to do it himself, so he naturally couldn't ask for it. While waiting, he collected useful cultivation resources in the auction house.

Baogu Mountain Cave House.

Qin Sang took out a pill from the jade bottle.

Floral room.

These are the medicinal pills that Yi alchemist made with Feng Yu Lan.

Smelling the aroma of the medicinal herb, Tianmu Die standing on Qin Sang's right shoulder immediately flapped her wings and flew over to grab Qin Sang's fingers, looking impatient.

From Tianmudie's consciousness, pleading and coquettishness also came.

"Give it to you."

Qin Sang smiled and fed the elixir to Tianmu Die.

Tianmudie swallowed it in one gulp, jumping for joy, her big wings flickering and flying around Qin Sang.

Its body size was several times larger than before. At this time, a feathered wing was the size of an adult's palm, but its growth slowed down, although Qin Sang had tried his best to feed it the best medicinal elixir.

It is too difficult for a spirit worm to transform itself. The natural growth rate of a strange insect like Tianmu Butterfly can only be described as extremely slow. Butterfly's third peak.

"The choice of Tianmu Die as the natal spirit worm was the right thing to do. I hope it can be helpful when conceiving a baby."

Compared with Tianmu Die, the state of the fat silkworm made Qin Sang unpredictable.

Before, the fat silkworm took a bite of the amethyst and couldn't fall asleep, and finally woke up. Then he asked Qin Sang for the amethyst, took a bite, and fell asleep again.

Qin Sang became a breeder.

In the process of sleeping, no matter how you call it, it can't be woken up. Fortunately, there is no poisonous beast or poisonous land during this time. But after swallowing these amethysts, the fat silkworm seems to have changed little, and the growth rate is not fast, not as good as Tianmu Butterfly.

"Is it a lot of accumulation, or some other reason?"

Qin Sang couldn't guess.

The fat silkworm is a mystery, its origin is unknown, and it will take the initiative to recognize the master, but its fragile body can treat the poison as a delicacy.

After feeding Tianmu Die, Qin Sang followed a step-by-step process, first feeding the incarnation outside the body, then practicing "Original Spirit Raising Sword", and then went out to receive Xingyuan body training after nightfall.

Boring and orderly, preparing for the next trip to the Hall of Seven Kills.

He had planned to go to Landoumen recently, but for the sake of the high-grade spirit stone, he had to put the matter aside and wait for news in the cave.

After retreating for more than a month, there has been no news from the shopkeeper. Just when Qin Sang couldn't help but want to take the initiative to ask, the ban outside the cave was triggered.

Qin Sang came out and found that it was a sound transmission. After Ju looked at it, with a happy expression on his face, he immediately closed the cave, leaving the avatar outside his body to retreat, and then left in a hurry.

"Friend Qin came quickly this time."

The shop owner laughed when Qin Sang pushed the door and came in.

Qin Sang said repeatedly, "Qin is driven by foreign objects, so what can I do."

"Fellow Daoist, come with me."

The shop owner closes the shop and leads the way.

Qin Sang followed behind the shopkeeper and saw that he was walking in the direction of the gate of Tianxing City. He couldn't help but ask, "What is the identity of that employer, isn't he in Tianxing City?"

The shop owner said: "I'm just a middle-aged person, and I don't know the origin and identity of the employer. Just like Daoyou Qin, we only talk about business. The other party asked us to meet outside Tianxing Island, and I'll bring Daoist Qin there and talk about it yourself. Of course, if fellow Daoist Qin is unwilling, I will send a message here to reject them."

"So, what is the other party's convener trying to do, you don't know, fellow Daoist?"

"Yes," the shopkeeper nodded.

Qin Sang frowned slightly and thought for a while. The incarnation outside the body can cultivate on its own in the cave, and take everything else with him, so he said, "I would like to ask you to lead the way."

The owner said in a slow tone, "You don't have to worry about Daoyou Qin. According to my observation, the other party may have been stumbled by something. It is estimated that they are in urgent need of manpower. As soon as I contacted them, they immediately asked me to bring Daoyou Qin over to meet..."

While the two of them were talking, they walked out of the gate of Tianxing City, set up an escape light, and flew out of the island.

The shop owner took him all the way to the north. After flying for a short time, he came to an island inhabited by mortals. He pointed to the front and said, "The agreed place is on this island."

Seeing that Qin Sang was not a desolate place, UU Reading relaxed his expression, landed on the island with the shopkeeper, and flew towards a Cangshan Mountain.

When he arrived at the front of the mountain, Qin Sang sensed several auras at the top of the mountain, and the other party also discovered them.

At the top of the mountain, there are stone tables, stone benches and clear springs.

A young man sat there drinking tea by himself.

at the foot of the mountain.

Qin Sang was suddenly alert, pressed the escape light, and heard a whistling sound from the top of the mountain, followed by a young man in a white shirt flying over.

The shop owner also stood still, waiting for the young man to come and introduce them to both parties, "Fang Daoyou, this is the Qin Daoyou I think you mentioned. Qin Daoyou, Fang Daoyou is the employer this time. After the servants have brought it, I will retire. already."

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