Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 862: cold wind

far away.

Qin Sang and the others stood empty on the sea, all of them looked solemn, staring at the direction of the island. When they saw the shadow of Kuilong, they felt the coercion of the big demon, and they were vigilant.

Waves splashed on the sea surface, and a black light flew towards Chu Heng's palm.

Chu Heng nodded lightly, "This demon is Kuilong, do it!"

Before the words fell, everyone held the crystal tablet, unfolded their movements, and approached the island.

On the way to fly by, the young man surnamed Fang had already met Kuilong.

Stormy weather!

In mid-air, a golden light and Kuilong were entangled together, and between Kuilong's breath, silver light flickered, and even the lightning that fell from the sky could be driven by Kuilong and slashed towards the golden light.

One person and one monster fight, and it is impossible to see who is stronger or weaker for a while.

Qin Sang and the others held their breaths, quietly landed on the island, and chose an open place.

Not far above them, the youth surnamed Fang fought fiercely with Kuilong, waving gold ropes and whipping Kuilong to attract Kuilong's attention.

The young man surnamed Fang is very powerful.

Jin Suo hit Kuilong, although temporarily unable to break the defense of the scales, but it caused severe pain.

Kuilong's ferocity was aroused, he spat out thunder, and frequently knocked Jin Suo flying. It has a huge body, but it is extremely flexible. It stretches and moves in the air, and the long tail is also flashing with electric lights, like a huge silver sword, forcing the young man surnamed Fang to retreat again and again.

"So strong!"

Everyone looked up and was shocked by the strength of Kuilong.

The power of the bloodline of this big monster must be extremely strong, and its strength is not comparable to ordinary monsters. If there is no cold wind and fierce formation, they may not be able to win the Kuilong.

"Let's set up a formation!"

Chu Heng shouted in a low voice.

At this time, the young man surnamed Fang was retreating in their direction. He was not completely unable to stop Kuilong, but deliberately led Kuilong to him.

Everyone hurriedly acted and set up a great formation before Kuilong arrived.

'Swipe brush...'

The crystal tablet fell to the ground, fell into the ground at once, and disappeared.

The people were hundreds of feet apart from each other, and there was a huge open space in the middle. After the crystal tablet sank into the ground, the cold air permeated the ground, and the roots of the grass and trees in the open space turned blue, but nothing could be seen from the ground.

The cold air accumulates deep in the ground, hidden from view.

Qin Sang and the others hid one after another, waiting for an opportunity.


Qin Sang stared at the two figures that were approaching rapidly, and saw the real face of Kuilong. This monster is still different from the legendary beast Kuilong, like a dragon with one foot.

The scales on its body are like fish scales, and its head is similar to that of a turtle.

The blood on this monster is mixed, and these things are put together to look quite strange. However, its ability to manipulate thunder is extraordinary, and it is derived from the Kuilong bloodline.

Kuilong roared again and again, and thunder and lightning chased the young man surnamed Fang, as if the thunder in the air was controlled by Kuilong. And the thunderball spit out by Kuilong's mouth was even more amazing. It hit a mountain peak, and the top of the mountain was immediately swept away.

The two figures chased after them and finally came to the sky above the great formation.

The young man surnamed Fang flew over here, and his speed suddenly exploded.

'boom! ’

The ground exploded, and debris of grass and trees flew around in the wind and rain, everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of 'bang bang bang' continued, five crystal monuments rose from the ground, the blue light rose, a cold air spurted out from the ground, and it spread violently, and a cage composed of cold air was born out of thin air.

The cage was square, just trapping Kuilong in it.

The cold wind inside was like a chain of chains, whipping Kuilong.

The crystal stele stood on the ground, merging into the cage in a steady stream of cold air. Qin Sang and the others had already appeared, and everyone sat on the top of the crystal stele, urging the formation with all their strength.

Seeing this, the young man surnamed Fang stopped in a hurry, turned around and flew back, with a look of surprise on his face, looked at Kuilong who was trapped in the cold cage, and laughed.

Kuilong's intelligence is not low. Seeing this scene, he immediately understood his situation and let out a shrill scream.

The sound was extremely harsh, Qin Sang and the others couldn't help frowning, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to have been washed away, and they tumbled for a while.

The Kuilong in the cage is almost crazy.

It seemed to be wearing a thunder armor, and every scale was gleaming with silver light, and tiny lightning bursts.

For a while, the cage was in chaos.

The cold air collided with the lightning, the chaos continued, and the roar of the Kuilong came from inside, followed by the deafening sound of thunder.

'boom! ’

A thunderball slammed into the cage.

The cage vibrated violently, and Qin Sang and the others turned pale, secretly shocked. They didn't dare to neglect, they poured their true essence into the crystal tablet with all their might to strengthen the cage.

But before the cage was stabilized, Kuilong's tail twitched again, and its power was stronger than the thunderball it spit out, almost breaking the cage open.

Right now is the new life of the cage, and at the most vulnerable time, under Kuilong's frantic attack, it has become more and more scattered. Even the cage can hardly be maintained, let alone other changes in the spirit array.

When he found out that the cage was abnormal, Kuilong was even more mad when he saw that he could get out of trouble.

Its cry has an inexplicable rhythm, and it can actually trigger the power of thunder in the air, the dark clouds roll, and the power of thunder and lightning is attracted from all directions, and slowly condenses on top of their heads.

When the young man surnamed Fang saw this scene, he looked anxious and shouted loudly, "Hurry up and increase the real yuan, don't let the evil animals get out of trouble!"

While shouting, he hurriedly sacrificed the gold cord in his hand and flew into the air. Jin Suo jumped up and stabbed the sky sharply, breaking up the lightning.

Everyone knows that now is the most critical juncture, and they can't care about other things, they can only instill their true essence with all their strength.

The crystal monument is dazzling.

The cold air burst out, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and the outside was also affected. The trees were covered with a layer of frost, and they were all frozen to death.

At this moment, Qin Sang secretly He felt that the speed of real energy consumption was a bit fast, and Kuilong's strength exceeded expectations. The trapping of Kuilong is not over yet, and he has to persist until the young man named Fang kills it.

If you really deplete your true essence, any small accident may kill you. Looking at other people, they all looked solemn, but forced by the situation, they had to do it.

Qin Sang thought for a while, and silently unblocked the corpse pill, turning it into consuming the real energy in the corpse pill. Naturally, he wouldn't let himself fall into that kind of situation. Once he found out that he couldn't do anything, he would immediately withdraw.

The island is a mess.

On the battlefield, a column of cold air with a diameter of several hundred meters rose into the sky, spinning like a tornado. In the center of the cage, a slender figure is clearly visible, fierce and unusual, the body is wrapped in lightning, and it continuously hits the cold cage.

Under the violent shaking, the terrifying momentum made everyone's heart thump, showing how fierce the battle was.

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