Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 857: Xingsha

The young man surnamed Fang planted his head into the forest and smashed a large piece of ancient trees.

A muffled hum sounded from the broken branches and grass, and the young man surnamed Fang staggered to his feet. He shook his head, still seeming dizzy and confused.

After a while, he suddenly woke up, raised his hand and saw that the life-saving amulet rewarded by the master had been broken and its power was exhausted.

He had known for a long time that the visitor was not good, and when he found out that it was wrong, he ran away ahead of time, but he was still affected.

"This is the secret preaching technique of Lan Doumen, the technique of lightning?"

The young man surnamed Fang muttered to himself, looking down at the center of the battlefield with a look of astonishment on his face.

Thunder spreads.

The situation of the battlefield could not be clearly seen with the naked eye, but the young man surnamed Fang knew in his heart that the five monks he had bought were probably already bad luck.

He couldn't help but be very fortunate. Fortunately, he was cautious enough not to rush people into the other side's cave, but to recruit a few cannon fodder, otherwise it would be his junior brothers and sisters who are now lying on the ground.

The young man surnamed Fang was about to evacuate, but his figure flickered for some reason, and he was dizzy again.


The young man surnamed Fang was startled for a while, and hurriedly looked inside his body. He was surprised to find that a strange energy that had never been seen before appeared in his body. It was extremely cold, evil, and chaotic.

This force invaded the Zifu, impacted his Yuanshen, caused Yuanshen turmoil, and almost couldn't control the True Yuan in his body.

"It appeared with Thunderbolt, and invaded my body without me noticing it? What kind of power is this! The Thunderbolt Technique is the strongest Dao technique I've ever seen in my life, but it was shelved by Lan Doumen and listed as a forbidden technique! The Dou Niu Peak lineage, who practiced the lightning technique, was expelled and became an abandoned disciple of the Lan Dou Sect, and was expelled from the sect..."

He hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground, expelling this dark force, and suddenly heard the angry cry of the fourth junior brother.

"Jin Huijia! You killed the younger brother!"

The young man surnamed Fang was startled for a moment, and suddenly remembered the tragic death of his master's most beloved junior brother, who died in the Monster Sea decades ago. The murderer is still at large, and as a senior brother, he was punished mercilessly by the master due to his ineffectiveness in protecting his younger junior brother, and suffered a lot.

Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.

The murderer is actually among these five people!

It was a pleasant surprise to find out the murderer who killed the younger junior brother after earning them as cannon fodder.

I am afraid that it is precisely because of Jin Huijia's protection that that person can save his life. This treasure was given to the younger brother by the master, and the young man surnamed Fang knew the power of Jin Huijia very well.

"Kill the younger brother, and still wear the inner armor of the younger brother..."

The young man surnamed Fang's eyes were full of murderous intent, but he was unable to leave for a while because of the evil spirit.


Ma Debao shook the sky and the five extreme whips, like a sea shrimp, jumping back and forth by force, but the good times did not last long. Like the young man surnamed Fang, he fell into dizziness without any warning.


He hugged his head in one hand, his figure was stiff, his true essence was disordered, and the Five Sacred Whip of the Heavenly Squid was trembling, almost unable to hold it.

When he discovered the existence of that unknown force, he hurriedly wanted to expel it, but at this time Kuilong had already killed the other three and chased after him.

His face was full of horror, but due to the impact of the force, his body-protecting essence collapsed, unable to manipulate the magic weapon, and unable to make effective resistance. , die.


Qin Sang escaped from the deserted island and felt something strange in his body.

Looking inside, Tianmu Die danced in the sea of ​​anger as if he was drunk.

He was secretly surprised, not knowing why Tianmu Die became like this.

Rayleigh is poisonous?

His consciousness swept over and found something strange, but unexpectedly there was a sense of familiarity.


Qin Sang recognized the essence of this energy, and it was very similar to the power of the Xingsha he attracted when he was cultivating the "Tian Yao Refining Form", and it was equally gloomy and chaotic.

It was because of this power that Tianmu Die became like this.

However, in the process of cultivating, the attracted Xingsha will be blocked by the Jade Buddha, and then slowly refined out of the body by Qin Sang, and it is impossible for them to remain. The power of these Xingshas may have come in with Lei Ting.

Tianmudie swallowed Thunder and swallowed Xingsha together.

The power of thunder, which is the most yang and strong, and the sinister and chaotic Xingsha, two diametrically opposed powers, why do they merge together?

Time did not allow Qin Sang to think too much, so he hurriedly helped Tianmu Die drive out Xingsha.

Qin Sang has very rich experience in dealing with Xingsha, and Tianmudie only swallowed a small part of the thunder, which has little impact, and can easily help Tianmudie stabilize the primordial spirit.

Then he heard an angry shout from the front.

Qin Sang stared at him, and saw that the wind and waves were high in front of him, and a black-robed man with a strange flag surfaced, stepped on the waves, and stared at him with angry eyes.

At the same time, Qin Sang discovered the figures in other directions. They were all men in black robes in the same dress, holding strange flags of the same shape, and they were connected to each other.

"Jin Huijia? Little Junior Brother?"

Qin Sang suddenly recalled this incident.

At the time of the Wu Chaos, he was followed and robbed by the Wu clan in the demon sea. After counter-killing the other party, he immediately fled. Later, he heard Ran Luo mention that the other party had quite a history and was a direct disciple of the ancestor of the Wu clan's Black Snake Mountain.

Zou Lao and Ran Luo used the power of the business alliance to cover up for him, so as to avoid the follow-up turmoil.

Unexpectedly, they met in the inland sea, and he exposed his identity because of Jin Huijia.

"They are disciples of the Black Snake Mountain, and they are all from the Wu clan!"

Qin Sang's eyes narrowed slightly.

This is the hinterland of the human race. Most of the monks of the Wu tribe are active in the southeastern sea area near the Wushen Continent. Why do they appear here?

Seeing that they were holding the flag formation, they looked like they had been prepared for a long time. It could not have happened by chance.

Qin Sang realized that there must be some problems among the companions who came to the hunter this time, and the biggest possibility is the organizer Fang Fang.

This person is a Wu clan spy, or he is a Wu clan!

There are countless exotic treasures in the Xiuxian world, and it is not surprising that there are treasures that can hide their identity and hide from Tianmudie's perception.

Coupled with the group of mysterious people who can cast the strange thunder Qin Sangton felt that the shadow of a huge conspiracy shrouded him, and countless mysteries emerged in his heart.

The man in black robe blocked the road, transmitted voice to the other brothers, then turned around and waved the strange flag to kill Qin Sang.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qin Sang hurriedly put away his distracting thoughts. At the same time, his figure did not stop at all. After a flash of light, he rushed towards the man in black robe who was blocking the road.

At this time, he finally saw the whole picture of those strange flags.

On the dark flag surface, it seems that the primordial spirits of monsters are sealed. The primordial spirits of monsters are unruly, extremely violent and bloodthirsty. The magic weapon itself has a strong vicious aura, not a kind.

The eighty-one-pole Beastmaster Banner is obviously one, and its power is definitely no less than that of the sky and the cold wind.

Qin Sang knew that if he was trapped, he could only wait to die.

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