Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 866: resentment

The aftermath is enough to make everyone change color.

They did not hesitate to give up the crystal tablet and escape from here.

But the situation is worse than they imagined.

The cold air recoiled and met the thunder light.

The two forces collided, and there was a loud bang and a squeaking sound, like the sound of water vapor being evaporated.

For a while, the cold air seemed to block the lightning, but if someone was in the collision place at this time, they could see that the cold air was being consumed at an alarming rate.

High in the sky, those people saw the scene of thunder light pouring out, and they laughed happily and let out a bad breath.

But when they saw that the Heavenly Cold Wind Formation was actually defending against the Lightning Technique, anger surged up again. Following the middle-aged man's order, everyone used the Secret Technique again, condensing more lightning.

'Boom rumble...'

The thunder light condensed into a thick bolt of lightning, which fell from the sky, as if with the might of destroying the world.

They are obviously not easy either.

The cultivation base is low, and the figure is swaying.

The strongest middle-aged man was also pale.

Compared with them, Qin Sang and others were even more miserable.

They thought that the cold wind formation was enough to buy them time to escape, but the truth was even more cruel than they thought.

A large hole was forcibly broken open by the cold and windy formation.

"The sky and the wind are going to be destroyed!"

Qin Sang was shocked and horrified.

The power of the thunder light was so terrifying that it destroyed the great formation, but it was still menacing, making the scalp numb. The terrifying power that could only be possessed by the Yuan Ying Patriarch was displayed by this group of cultivators who were only in the Core Formation stage.

The sight was overwhelmed by the lightning, and nothing could be seen.

However, Qin Sang could clearly sense the force of Yang Zhigang falling from the sky, with a powerful destructive power, destroying all the forces trying to resist.

'Snapped! ’

The crystal tablet shattered.

The cold mist dissipated in all directions.

Qin Sang's figure trembled, and the cold and wind formation was destroyed!

Although Qin Sang was on alert when those people appeared, he didn't expect the change to come so fast, the other party was still at such a long distance, and the shot was so fierce.

Not only Qin Sang, but also other people can't think of it, it's completely unheard of.

Fortunately, Qin Sang had been distracted and locked on the Nine Dragons talisman, and immediately the sword light and Jiaoying intertwined, rushing out of the island at the fastest speed, escaping the range covered by the thunder light.

Others are not far behind, making their own responses.

Due to the location of the crystal monument, the five people are in different directions, and at this time they can only flee in different directions.

Only Chu Heng didn't move, his eyes were a little desperate.

Although his cultivation base is high, his best method is formation restriction. Escape techniques and Dao techniques of responding to the enemy are not good enough. In this situation, there is no room for him to use his abilities.

If you can't escape, you can only resist with all your strength, and there may be a chance of survival.

The one who performed the most was Ma Debao. This man was always a chicken thief. Like Qin Sang, he was already on guard when the other party appeared.

Only listening to the rapid whip sound of 'papapa', the whip shadow vibration brought a strange fluctuation, and with this force, Ma Debao's body suddenly bounced out.

Qiu Ji and Luo Kun somehow got in touch, and they planned to join forces to resist.

Among the five people, Qin Sang's escape technique was the fastest, but he still couldn't escape the shock of thunder light.

His figure flickered for a while, and then stopped in a hurry, the thunder light was already close at hand, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and a golden light suddenly erupted from his body.

The center of the golden light is a pair of golden armor, which is the golden armor.

Since Qin Sang obtained this magic weapon, he has protected him many times. Because the spiritual material used is extremely strong, although it is a low-grade magic weapon, it is still not weak.

In the Hall of Seven Kills, Jin Huijia was damaged and repaired by Qin Sang. With his understanding of the art of refining, he incorporated new spiritual materials during the repair process, and his defense was even higher than before.

'boom! ’

Thunder falls.

Jin Huijia's power completely enveloped Qin Sang.

Qin Sang only felt a huge force slammed into him, and with a grunt, he was sent flying. At the same time, he heard a crisp cracking sound, and he was shocked to find that the body of Jin Huijia had cracked.

This magic weapon has just been repaired for a few years, and it is facing damage again.


More than just damage.

In an instant, countless cracks filled the entire treasured armor. This treasured armor that has followed him for decades and made great contributions is about to be destroyed!

Jin Huijia's sacrifice is not meaningless. Qin Sang clearly felt that most of the power of Leiguang was blocked by Jin Huijia, and the most dangerous moment had passed!

Unexpectedly, before Qin Sang was fortunate, the remaining power spread through the gap of Jin Huijia.

The thunder fell on the body and invaded the body, and a numbness suddenly filled the body.

Qin Sang's figure froze, and his heart was anxious. These thunder powers were easy to expel, and UU reading would not cause much damage, but it affected his actions and reactions.

But then I felt a burst of relief, and the numbness disappeared. Only then did I find that Tianmu Die was dancing lightly in the sea of ​​​​qi, using the divine power to control thunder, and swallowing the invading thunder.

Compared with the thunder light in the sky, the lightning on Tianmu Die's wings is so delicate.

However, most of these thunder lights were first consumed by the sky cold wind and fierce array, and then blocked by Jin Huijia. When they passed through Qin Sang's body protection essence and penetrated into the body, they were already very weak and were easily swallowed by Tianmu Die.

"it is good!"

Qin Sang was overjoyed, secretly praised his own life insect Gu, and then performed the escape technique again, without looking back. He has already felt that there is a familiar aura behind him, extremely violent, it is Kuilong!

Kuilong was dead, and was released from the spiritual formation at the last minute, and it was not afraid of the lightning technique at all, it wanted revenge!

Chu Heng tried his best to survive under the thunder technique, and survived the most violent wave, but he didn't know the danger was approaching, and he was bitten in half by Kuilong without any resistance.

Qiu Ji and Luo Kun joined forces, and the situation was much better than Chu Heng. He sensed the sneak attack of Kuilong, but was shocked to find that he was paralyzed by the power of thunder, his true essence was stagnant, and his reaction was slower than before.

They resisted desperately, but Kuilong was already crazy, and regardless of his injuries, he swallowed the two of them one after another.

The distance Ma Debao escaped was second only to Qin Sang, and he also found out that Kuilong was going wild. Although he was in a much more miserable state than Qin Sang, he still tried his best to shake the sky and fight for his life.

Although Kuilong was seriously injured, it should not be underestimated. The death of his companions, the injuries of the wounds, and the situation of the strongest young man named Fang are unknown.

There are some mysterious people who are staring at them in the distance.

Qin Sang had no desire to look back at all, and rushed out of the island.

At this moment, there was a scream of anger from the front, "Jin Huijia! It's the little junior brother you killed!"

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