Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 869: Kououban

Only a few Beast King flags can't make a big formation, and its power is estimated to be limited.

Qin Sang wasn't really coveting the treasures. Taking away these beast king flags would make the opponent's formation even more vulnerable, and he might miss out when dealing with those mysterious people.

Of course it would be best if both sides could be hurt.

As long as it can cause trouble to Black Snake Mountain, he is willing to do it.

Qin Sang has already sensed what happened on the island. Chu Heng and others lost their lives one after another. He is the only one left, and it is impossible to join the camp of those mysterious people. There are many people in the Black Snake Mountain, and it is very difficult to take revenge now. Charge some interest up front.

Nine secluded devil fires surrounded the Beast King Fan.

Qin Sang is also not sure whether Jiuyou Demonic Fire can cut off the connection between the Beast King Fans, so let's give it a try.

There were ten Beast King flags controlled by the man in black robe, one of which was destroyed by the **** divine light, and the remaining nine were trembling violently, trying to break free from Qin Sang's shackles.

But under the wrapping of Jiuyou Demonic Fire, Beast King Fan's struggle suddenly weakened.

Losing the master's control, the other beast king flags were far away in the sky. After being cut off by Jiuyou Demon Fire, they suddenly became docile. Qin Sang took all the nine-pole beast king flags away without much effort.

In the distance, the black-robed man shouted angrily.

Qin Sang looked up and sneered, and then the flood shadow and sword light on his body lit up together, turning into a flash of light, disappearing into the wind and rain in the blink of an eye.

It rained heavily in the middle of the night, and the dark clouds covered the sky and the sun.

The other Black Snake Mountain disciples were encircling the target. Unexpectedly, the Fourth Senior Brother not only missed, but lost his life. In fact, he did not see the process clearly.

When they found out that there was an accident, it was too late.

Moreover, none of them can escape Qin Sang, so they can only watch Qin Sang go away.


The second senior brother's eyes were splitting.

The other people are in a dilemma, and they don't know whether to continue to encircle the target or go after the murderer who killed the fourth senior brother. Judging from the speed of that escaping light, it is estimated that if you want to catch up, you will not be able to catch up.

They looked at the second senior brother in unison, and they were more worried about another thing.

The senior brother was still on the island, and was affected by the thunder light. There was no news. Even the fourth senior brother was killed and did not come out to stop it. Could it be that something happened?

'boom! ’

'Whoa! ’

A huge figure was knocked out from the island and smashed into the sea, causing huge waves.

Then the young man surnamed Fang flashed out, holding a blood sword, and threw himself into the sea.

Kuilong howled wildly and fought against the youth.

The young man surnamed Fang is not like Chu Heng and the others. He has a spirit talisman to protect his body, and his injuries are not serious, but he is affected by Xingsha, which makes his action a step slower. Kuilong was originally a severely injured body, and the two collided, and the judgment was made.

Kuilong attacked the youth surnamed Fang, but was beaten violently.

"Big Brother!"

Everyone in Black Snake Mountain was overjoyed and clamored.

"Senior Brother, Fourth Senior Brother is dead!"

"Avenge Fourth Senior Brother!"

"Kill that person, cramp and break bones!"


The big hand made of Zhenyuan choked Kuilong's throat, and the young man surnamed Fang was suspended under the body of Kuilong, like a warrior who captured the dragon with one hand, very mighty.

His face was frosty, he didn't look at Kuilong, and stared at Qin Sang's escape direction. He already knew the tragic ending of the fourth junior brother.

But he was delayed by that strange force and didn't arrive in time. There is another point that he is unwilling to admit. The other party's escape technique is stronger than his, and it is impossible to catch up.

"First catch the abandoned disciple of Landoumen, and the blood debt of this person will be counted later!"

Young people surnamed Fang can only make choices and focus on major events.

He suppressed Kuilong and finally killed the big demon.


Qin Sang fled, but did not go far, making sure that there were no chasing soldiers behind him, he disappeared in the light, circled in the air a little, and found a rock in the distance to fall.

He looked at the direction from which he came, his eyes flickered, he pondered a little, set up a concealment restraint, sat crossed on the reef, and called out Tianmu Die.

Before the situation was urgent, he couldn't check Tianmudie's state carefully, and now he was a little worried.

Tianmu Die suffered a lot, and after flying out, it flew around Qin Sang non-stop, and then hugged his wrist and stopped moving, her big wings fluttered, as if she was aggrieved and coquettish.

Qin Sang gently stroked and comforted Tianmu Die, and by the way, helped him check his body.

"Fortunately, Tianmu Butterfly doesn't absorb much, otherwise it would be a bit tricky. The Xingsha described in "Tian Yao Refinement" is very terrifying, and it will cause big trouble if it invades the primordial spirit. The primordial spirit of the spirit insect is still too fragile, and It's not like a monster of a realm. The realm of Tianmudie itself is not high..."

Qin Sang's expression softened a little, with a look of deep contemplation on his face, "Is that power really a star evil?"

He is very familiar with Xingsha. This kind of power is gloomy and chaotic, why can it coexist with Thunder? Is the opponent using a thunder-controlling technique, or a formation?

What role does the star play in it?

"Tian Yao Refinement" uses the Xingsha to refine the blood of the demon race. Qin Sang is not a descendant of the demon race, so he can only refine the Xingsha and waste it all.

If you can get this thunder method, maybe you can use it as a waste.

The first thing is to first find out the identity of the mysterious group of people and why the group of Black Snake Mountain disciples ambushed them.

Qin Sang was not in a hurry to leave, because he was confident that he was far superior to others, and he could come and go freely.

He stroked Tianmu Die and thought of the ebony sword and the star conch. These two winning supernatural powers have been used up and cannot be recovered in a short period of time, so be careful when you act later.

Then, he spread out his palm and took out the beast king banner he just grabbed.

The Beast King Fan was bound by the Jiuyou Demonic Fire, and he was very peaceful.

Qin Sang was worried that the connection between these beast king flags was still there, and the other party could use this to spy on his own movements, and immediately urged his divine sense to investigate.

After a while, Qin Sang's expression brightened, and he found something.

"Sure enough, there are marks left! Broken!"

The mark on the Beastmaster's banner was forcibly The golden light on the banner disappeared in a flash, and the connection with the other Beastmaster's banners was completely cut off, and Qin Sang was in control.

"In every Beast King banner, there is a monster beast primordial spirit locked..."

While Qin Sang erased the mark, he also found out the details of the beast king's flag, and was surprised. The quality of the flag banner is not high, and the material is lackluster, but the refining method is exquisite, and the main power comes from the soul of the beast.

"The Beast King Banner has very high requirements on the manipulator, and requires very powerful consciousness. The monks in the late stage of the formation of pills can only control about twenty poles. And the number is too small, although they can force the formation, the power is too weak, and it is useless. Yuan Ying Patriarch can of course manipulate this set of Beast King Banners, but the power is too weak... It takes so much effort to refine it, so it can only be used with others. It's a good weapon for combined strikes. I'm alone, I don't have a sect, and I don't accept apprentices, so I'm a bit tasteless..."

Qin Sang said with some disappointment.

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