Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 872: fruitless

Inside the cave.

Qin Sang set up a lot of restrictions, and then set up a defensive spirit array to be relieved.

Then, he sat cross-legged in front of the avatar outside his body, cut his fingertips, forced out the blood essence, and performed the blood feeding method.

After swallowing the blood essence, the avatar's face turned red for a while, and the breath suddenly increased a lot, and then gradually stabilized.

Qin Sang opened his eyes and thought for a moment. Just like before, he forced out a few drops of blood one after another, and punched them into his body, allowing him to slowly refine them. Then he closed the cave and left quietly.


After a few months, Qin Sang returned to this sea area.

He first went back to the Isle of Thunder.

The island is lush and green, and the place where the blood of Kuilong is sprayed, the vegetation is particularly lush, and the traces left by the war have long been covered up.

Qin Sang appeared in front of a mountain, looking around, recalling the situation at that time. Kuilong came from the clouds. After those people found out that Kuilong was attacked, it didn't take long for them to come to support. It can be seen that their cave should not be too far away.

In case those from Black Snake Mountain did not leave, Qin Sang acted cautiously.

It took him more than half a month to visit almost all the surrounding islands. To his surprise, he found no traces.

Not to mention Dongfu, there is not even an island with spiritual veins.

Qin Sang was not reconciled, and made Tianmu Die open his Tianmu at all times, and probed it more carefully, and the result was the same.

The mysterious figure appeared out of nowhere.

"Did those people come through the teleportation array? Or is the hidden array of their cave mansion so powerful that even Tianmu Die was concealed?"

Qin Sang expanded the search range and even dived under the sea to search for islands hidden under water, but still to no avail.

For so long, there has been no sign of Black Snake Mountain's activity.

In desperation, Qin Sang could only give up for the time being. After the demon sea returned to normal, he would hunt and kill the disciples of the Black Snake Mountain and collect news while taking revenge.

After making up his mind, Qin Sang evacuated from this sea area and returned to Landou Island.


Square City.

The incarnation outside the body is concentrating on cultivation, and the cultivation base is entering the realm quickly, and has already broken through the seventh layer of the Qi refining period.

"Faster than when I used Soul Pill to cultivate..."

Qin Sang shook his head, not idle, busy with his own business.

One after another, Huaguang fell all over the cave, and in the blink of an eye, the cave was almost filled, and he could only aggrieved and incarnate in the corner to practice.

Qin Sang's fingers connected, pulling these Huaguang, quickly arranged into a large array, and then palmed, three more jade boxes appeared in the palm.

The top-grade spirit stones have been collected, and the remaining black iron pillars can be refined into banner poles.

Qin Sang had a hidden expectation in his eyes, the flag pole was made, and the preparations for refining the ten directions Yamafan were all completed. As long as the Seven Killing Hall was opened, he would have a superb magic weapon.

In addition, his refining skills will also make a leap in the process of refining flag poles.

There are extremely subtle restrictions hidden in the black iron pillar, even if only a small part of it can be penetrated, it is enough to make Qin Sang comparable to those famous refining masters.

The three high-grade spirit stones were lined up.

After the spiritual formation was completed, Qin Sang added an extra layer of partition restriction on the outside, then took out the black iron pillar, placed it in the center of the spiritual formation, and then punched out a high-grade spiritual stone.

In the second refining, Qin Sang was obviously more proficient than the last time, and the use of spirit stones was more efficient.

After a while, the Xuan Tiezhu began to 'melt', Qin Sang's expression tightened, and a jade bottle popped out from his fingertips, which contained the spirits of monsters.

Thanks to the previous improvement of the refining technique, Qin Sang was very handy, the refining process went very smoothly, and a flag pole was gradually refined.

Then the second, the third...

More and more parts were separated out, and the body of the Xuan Tiezhu became smaller and smaller. In the end, only a small group remained, which was refined into the last flag pole.

'Congeal! ’

Qin Sang let out a low voice, and Huaguang brushed over the flagpole, finally condensing and forming.

Beside him, there are fourteen flag poles, plus the last one, it is exactly fifteen poles!

Qin Sang's face was delighted, and he drew it into his palm. He was about to check it, and suddenly heard a crisp sound. It turned out that the top-grade spirit stone in the center of the spirit array was broken.

The spiritual energy in the spiritual stone is exhausted and exhausted.

As he expected, this was the third high-grade spirit stone that was used up, and it was barely able to support him to refine the black iron pillar.

"Fifteen flag poles have become..."

Qin Sang took the flags and poles together and found that they were still connected, as if they were one. Just because the refining process was just a trick to separate the black iron pillars, and the restrictions inside were not damaged.

It's not that I don't want to, I really can't.

Even Kuiyin Ancestor couldn't do it, he thought hard for a hundred years, and because the Xuan Tiezhu was broken in two, he had a flash of inspiration and came up with this tricky method.

"It's a pity that the other Yama Fans are nowhere to be found. Otherwise, if all the fan poles are gathered, maybe the Black Iron Pillar can be restored. This kind of treasure is not something that ordinary people can make, and Kuiyin ancestors can't understand the restrictions inside. It is very likely that It is an ancient treasure left by the ancient masters. If the black iron pillar can be repaired, I don’t know how powerful it will be. Now refining the ten-direction Yama fan, although it is a superb magic weapon, it is still overkill…”

Qin Sang muttered to himself.

According to the rumors of Kuiyin Sect, Kuiyin's ancestor failed in transcending the calamity, resulting in the destruction of five of them. But Qin Sang felt that the origin of Xuan Tiezhu was extraordinary, the Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation should not destroy the flag pole, but I don't know where it was thrown.

Now the Kuiyin Sect has been destroyed for more than a hundred years.

Before he left, the battle between Xiaohanyu, Tianxingmeng and Sinyuan was imminent. Now I don't know what it will be like. Even if I return to Xiaohanyu, there is little hope of gathering the flag poles.

"Forget it, don't think about it! The best magic treasure is already a treasure that the monks in the world dare not expect, even if it is not the treasure left by the ancient masters, but the legendary spiritual treasure above the magic treasure, it is also hard to find in the world. The strength is completely incapable of motivating, and can only watch."

Qin Sang put away his thoughts, checked that the flagpole was correct, and then treasured it. Then, he settled down and realized what he had gained from refining the flagpole.

The prohibition in the Xuan Tiezhu was mysterious and vast, and Qin Sang felt a sense of insignificance.

This kind of realization cannot be accomplished overnight.

At noon on the second day, Qin Sang woke up from the meditation, with excitement and doubts in his eyes, but he only penetrated a superficial layer. He lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then stepped out of the cave.

He rented a shop in Fang City, marked it with the sign of Refiner, and planned to stay here.

While attracting Xingyuan body quenching and refining, understanding the ban on the Xuan Tiezhu, while making friends with local monks, so as to inquire about the situation of Lan Doumen. The incarnation outside the body can also practice quietly without delay in all aspects.

The shop opens.

Qin Sang hired a person to watch the shop, and he often traveled back and forth between the shop and the cave.

Thanks to his superb artifact refining technique, without the use of Jiuyou Demon Fire, the power of the magic weapon he produced was also better than others, and his fame spread quickly.

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