Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 874: apprenticeship


Qin Sang's heart moved, he shook his head, and continued: "Fellow Daoist is joking, even if we want to worship Landoumen, they will not accept it."


The strong man sighed, "We are already foundation-building cultivators. Unless there are very special circumstances, those famous sects cannot include us. If they really have some kind of purpose, it is impossible to pass through Lan Dou Men's way of asking. "

"Ask your heart?"

Qin Sang heard this word for the first time, and when he asked it, he realized that it was some kind of method for screening disciples in Landoumen, including the disciples in the sect.

In most sects, disciples in the qi-refining stage are called foreign affairs disciples or outer sect disciples. Without foundation building, it will never be possible for them to become elegant. The foundation-building stage disciples are the core strength of the sect, and they must be cautious.

The major sects will not take core disciples lightly, and they all have similar methods.

Some even started doing it when they recruited the outer disciples, but the sects that Qin Sang joined before were very special and had never experienced it before.

Kuiyin Sect accepts people to find offerings for Yama, and as long as the conditions are suitable, they will not refuse.

The Yuanzhaomen Kaisheng Conference is to provide blood food for the secret realm that is about to collapse. In order to induce more loose cultivators to join, no other thresholds will be set.

Those who are selected into the sect are not taken seriously at all, they are all coolies, the work is heavy and the requirements are harsh, and there is no future. They are kicked out as soon as they reach the age.

If it wasn't for the help of Yu Hua, who was bought by Kuiyin Sect, Qin Sang would have been exhausted in Yuanzhaomen and had no time to practice.

Shaohua Mountain has a similar method, but Qin Sang is the entrance to the Sword Intent, and this kind of experience will only be experienced after the outer disciples build the foundation and change the jade book.

But Qin Sang's way of building a foundation is unique, which is unprecedented.

Not only did he have a relationship with the elders at the stage of forming pills in the sect, but even the ancestors of Yuan Ying personally gave the medicine, and the sect master observed the whole process. He was shocked and did not dare to use this method on him.

Under the circumstances, I have never experienced it once.

Of course, even if Qin Sang experienced a questioning heart, it was impossible for him to reveal his flaws. With the protection of the Jade Buddha, this method would have no effect on him.

Entering Lan Doumen is just a joke, and both of them know that it is impossible.

Qin Sang was thoughtful, and he was afraid that he could only find out about Qi Yunzi by contacting the disciples of Lan Doumen.

The trouble is, since the outbreak of the demonic chaos, the master of Landoumen has also rushed to the sea of ​​monsters. Now Landoumen is close to a mountain, and the core disciples rarely go out. Even in the square market of Landoumen, it is not easy to meet them.

And just as the strong man said, it is impossible for Lan Doumen to let outsiders watch the true biography, and even if the true biography is found, how to get it is still a problem.

The strong man said excitedly: "Before I went down, I had been a master craftsman from Lan Doumen. He was very arrogant, and his price was extremely harsh, but his crafting skills were far inferior to that of Fellow Daoist Mingyue. If Lan Doumen doesn’t come out, I will listen to a friend’s recommendation, and then I will travel thousands of miles to ask my fellow Daoist to take action, or else you will miss this opportunity!”

Listening to the strong man seeing him as an opportunity, Qin Sang smiled slightly, sent the strong man away, and fell into contemplation.

After a while, he quickly walked out of the quiet room, instructed the man, and left in a hurry.

It was not until the evening of the next day that Qin Sang returned to the cave, looking at the avatar outside his body, his eyes flickering. On this day, he went to investigate Landoumen, and when those sects attached to Landoumen accepted their disciples.

I learned that Lan Doumen accepts apprentices once every 1st century. Unfortunately, this year just accepted a wave of apprentices, and the next time can only wait twelve years.

Qin Sang, who was originally extremely disappointed, also learned that in the sect attached to Lan Doumen, there happened to be a sect called Yanmiao Pavilion. Soon, the ceremony of accepting disciples was going to be held, and many loose cultivators had already rushed over to prepare.

Although Yanmiao Pavilion is not as good as Lan Doumen, its background is also very deep.

During the conversation with the strong man, Qin Sang had an idea in his heart. It is difficult for him to be accepted by Lan Doumen, but his incarnation has a clean origin, so he might have a chance to sneak in.

After Qin Sang brought the avatar outside the body into Fang Market, the avatar outside the body has been locked out, staying in the cave to cultivate, never having contact with outsiders, and the relationship between the two has not been exposed.

The real name of Zhang Yue is Zhang Yue, and he has an innocent background. He used to be a monk who was born and raised on Ludao Island.

After occupying this body, Qin Sang reassured himself in order to give him an explanation, so he settled his funeral. Before leaving, he told his parents that he was leaving for the sake of seeking the Tao.

Therefore, Zhang Yue's identity was preserved.

The heel is very clear.

Even if you are questioned, you are not afraid. The sword soul inside the body has inherited a bit of the power of the Jade Buddha. It is impossible for these sects to use too violent means on the disciples who have just entered the school, otherwise they will cause unrecoverable dark wounds.

As long as the Yuan Ying Patriarch is not in front of him, the identity of the incarnation outside the body is difficult to reveal.

If he sneaked into Lan Doumen, Qin Sang would have to hesitate. Yanmiao Pavilion does not have such a strong cultivator, who can see the details of the incarnation outside the body.

Yanmiao Pavilion and Lan Doumen have a close relationship, and it may take some time to act in a roundabout way, but it is also a way.

His real body can still stay outside and investigate secretly.

Internal and external cooperation creates more opportunities.

What worries Qin Sang most is that his external avatar is not strong enough, and he has no ability to adapt to danger.

"Forget it, seek wealth and wealth at risk!"

Qin Sang's face sank and he made up his mind.

"Tian Yao Refinement" is as important as the incarnation outside the body. It is indispensable to have one, and it is worth fighting for it.

However, Qin Sang will not act recklessly, he wants to leave enough means of life-saving for the incarnation outside the body.

The best thing to use are fire beads and virtual thunder, which are terrifyingly powerful and burst instantly. The enemy is unavoidable, but they have already been used up. cone.

The most important thing here is the corpse.

Qin Sang's artifact refining is not what it used to re-refining the elemental awl, and he is confident that the power of this instrument will be raised to the point where the fake alchemist cultivator fears.

The Elemental Biting Cone is more than enough to deal with general dangers.

Qin Sang thought for a while and decided to let Tianmu Die follow him.

Tianmu Die is proficient in the art of concealment and illusion, and the ability to conceal is stronger than that of incarnation outside the body, and it can hide from the sky and cross the sea.

After obtaining the divine power to control thunder, Tianmudie's strength is not weak, and she should be able to deal with the cultivator of the core stage for a while, and persist until her real body arrives.

Sending away the avatar outside his body, his real body will naturally not be too far away.

Qingquan's money power has not been exhausted, and it can still be used. At that time, let the avatar outside the body take it and give a warning in time.

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