Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 880: Taoist priest

When I came here, Fang Ting was still nowhere to be seen.

The incarnation looked as usual, followed behind the crowd, and walked to the peak step by step.

After a while, they walked out of the jungle and came to a magnificent hall.

The middle-aged cultivator stepped forward and said loudly: "Report to Master, the disciples are instructed to hold the apprenticeship ceremony and select new disciples. Now that they have been selected, bring them up the mountain and ask Master to take a look."

"come in……"

The door to the hall opened on its own, but a familiar voice came from inside.

"Uncle Chen?"

The middle-aged cultivator quickly entered the hall and found two people standing inside. It was Uncle Chen and the girl Fang Ting who was brought in by him. He couldn't help but be surprised: "Master respects him..."

The cultivator surnamed Chen said lightly: "The pavilion's senior brother just happened to have a whim, and he had an understanding of the exercises, so he went to retreat. The rest is up to the old man to arrange, do you have any opinions?"

"Disciple dare not!"

The middle-aged monk's expression changed slightly, and he hurried forward to present a jade slip, "Uncle Chen, the jade slip contains the information of these new disciples."

The cultivator surnamed Chen gave an "um", took the jade slip, and looked at the crowd.

Being stared at by Jin Dan, everyone's expressions were very unnatural, and they were secretly worried.

When they came in, Fang Ting saw the avatar and greeted him happily.

The incarnation secretly said bitterness, and the eyes looked at the nose and the heart.

Unexpectedly, it is this person who decides their fate in the end, and I just hope that he can act impartially.

"Landoumen has just selected a group of disciples. It's not bad to have so many this time. You have done your due diligence," the cultivator surnamed Chen nodded to the four of them and praised them.

The four looked happy.

Then, the cultivator surnamed Chen turned his eyes and pointed at the three-spirited youth, "You! Come out!"

The young man was startled, his face was pale, his calf was spinning, and his body was shaking.

"Is the old man so scary?"

The cultivator surnamed Chen was not used to seeing him, and his brows were wrinkled, "No wonder he was rated as inferior, according to your words, he was sent to Zhudingtang to be sharpened for three years to see the aftermath!"

After all, the cultivator surnamed Chen threw a red token to the boy and asked him to take it aside.

Then, the cultivator surnamed Chen named a few people one after another, some would ask a few words, and some would not ask any questions, and threw a token directly.

Asking questions is also imaginative, sometimes asking about the origin or experience, and sometimes asking about the perception of practice, which makes people unable to prepare.

The tokens are of different colors, representing the halls in the Yanmiao Pavilion.

These new disciples were called over by cultivator Chen one by one, and the incarnation's heart became more and more heavy.

In the end, there were only two people left, he and the eldest old man.

"This old guy doesn't really want to target himself, right?"

The avatar muttered secretly, if the lurking plan failed because of this little accident, then it would be dumbfounding.

"Your name is Zhao Songqiao? Come here."

The cultivator surnamed Chen pointed out the old man, and there was only one person left.

Fang Ting felt that something was wrong, she was silent, and did not dare to say a word. Others are not stupid, they have seen some clues and began to watch the play deliberately.

"With your cultivation base, it's not easy to cultivate such a mind, but it's not that there is no hope to build a foundation at all."

The cultivator surnamed Chen was very kind to Zhao Songqiao, "Go to Xueyingtang first. The hall master is an old man's disciple. He will instruct you to change to another sect, and try to see if you have a chance."

"Disciple obey!"

Zhao Songqiao took the snow-white token, his face full of excitement.

It was finally his turn to incarnate, and the cultivator surnamed Chen pointed at him and was about to speak when his expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly looked up outside the hall.

Others don't know why, but when they look outside, they only see vast water waves.

"Why is this old guy here?"

The cultivator surnamed Chen frowned, showing a look of surprise, whispered a word, snorted, then waved his sleeve robe and shot a blue light arrow outward.

The light arrow shot out of the mountain peak, flew a distance and exploded, a ripple appeared in the void, and then two figures slowly emerged.

The two were wearing black and white Taoist robes with yin and yang patterns on them.

One of them is a thin old man, holding a whisk, immortal style, and extraordinary temperament. The other person was short and short, living behind the old man, like a Taoist boy.

After the two appeared, the figures paused slightly, and then flew towards the main hall.

"Brother Chen Xian, the old Daoist came to disturb me, and I hope fellow Daoists don't blame him."

The old Taoist bowed his head, looked around for a week, and said in surprise, "Why don't you see fellow Taoist Qi?"

"If Daoist Huayang is looking for the pavilion master and senior brother, you may be disappointed. The pavilion master and senior brother have other business affairs and are not in the pavilion." The cultivator surnamed Chen returned the salute, and his tone was indifferent. When I come back, I will report on my behalf."

"I heard that your pavilion is holding an apprenticeship ceremony today. These are the new disciples, right? What else is more important than the succession of the sect? Could it be that fellow Daoist Qi has realized the opportunity for breakthrough and is ready to conceive a baby?"

The old Taoist priest didn't seem to be able to hear the meaning of expelling guests in the tone of the monk surnamed Chen. He strode forward, and his eyes swept over the new disciples one by one, his eyes were a little strange.

Everyone was stared at and felt uncomfortable, but seeing that even Yanmiao Pavilion Jindan treated this person with courtesy, no one dared to say anything.

Incarnate in body and mind secretly surprised.

Although he had never seen this old Taoist priest, he could easily recognize his origin when he saw this strange Taoist robe. This person was actually a Lan Doumen cultivator, and he was one of the true practitioners, the "Yin Yang Tian Dou Secret Technique".

Yanmiao Pavilion and Lan Doumen really have a close relationship.

This is just the beginning, I saw a real disciple of Lan Doumen.

I just don't know why the monk surnamed Chen is so indifferent to the old Taoist priest.

As everyone knows, at this time, Qin Sang is really standing on a hill by the lake, looking at the Yanmiao Pavilion shrouded in mist, his face is thoughtful.

He hid in the dark, ready to make sure the avatar was safe, then he left for the time being and traveled around Langdou Mountain for a while to see if he could make some friends and cooperate with the avatar inside and out.

Just now, he suddenly felt a wave of fluctuations, and then saw a flash of light flying from a distance, submerging into the mist all of a sudden.

Qin Sang couldn't see the true face of the old, but this kind of black and white escaped light was unique in Landou Island, and it was suspected that it was probably the real disciple of Landoumen.

The direction of the flying light is exactly where Lan Doumen is located.

"What are the disciples of Landoumen doing here at this time? Wait and see, maybe I can find a way to get in touch with him..."

Qin Sang murmured, thought for a moment, and went back to lurking.


Yanmiao Pavilion Hall.

When the cultivator surnamed Chen heard the old Taoist priest's words, he forcibly endured his displeasure, and said lightly, "Fellow Daoist Huayang, don't make fun of the pavilion master, the pavilion master's cultivation has not reached the limit, and there is still a long way to go before the birth of a baby. Besides, it's not that easy to form a baby, right? How much effect can one or two comprehends have? Yuan Ying Dao Fruit, does it mean that it is accomplished?"

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