Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 882: Happy

At this moment, a slight sigh suddenly came from the hall, and an unfamiliar, thick male voice sounded, "Junior Brother Chen, Daoist Huayang is a guest from afar, so don't be rude."

The hall was silent.

The cultivator surnamed Chen restrained his anger, "Senior brother, you are back."

Huayang Laodao raised his head slightly, facing the master of the Yanmiao Pavilion, and he did not dare to neglect him in his capacity, and it was impossible to treat the monk surnamed Chen.

Lao Dao rushed to the empty place and made a bow, "Old Dao visited Yanmiao Pavilion and wanted to discuss something with Daoist Qi, but he didn't want to happen to be absent..."

"Qi went out to do one thing, and then went back to the mountain gate. Because of the important things, it is inconvenient to show up to fellow Daoist Huayang now, and I hope fellow Daoists don't blame him."

The person who spoke out was the Master Qi of Yanmiao Pavilion.

He didn't seem to know what happened before, and his tone was normal, like chatting with friends.

The avatar stands with his hands hanging, honest and responsible.

In the sea of ​​anger, Tianmu Die was also very honest, hiding and not daring to move.

This is a well-known expert in Lan Dou Island, who can quickly impact the existence of Nascent Soul, and his cultivation base is higher than Xiang Yi.

Fortunately, the second change Tianmudie can hide the perception of the monk at the stage of forming an elixir. Now, as long as you are more cautious, you don't have to worry about being discovered.

And as long as the avatar doesn't stand with Qin Sang, it won't be easily seen through.

Huayang Laodao said repeatedly: "Old Dao took the liberty to visit, how dare you blame fellow Daoist Qi. You should know a little about what I discussed with Brother Chen Xian before, right? Laodao is not a wicked person who robs and robs, it is really forced by the situation. We have to do it. Of course, we will not let fellow Daoists suffer in vain. If there are suitable disciples, we will compensate the noble pavilion more..."

Pavilion Master Qi smiled lightly, "Yanmiao Pavilion and Lan Doumen are originally one body, so why not compensate? It's just a few disciples, and they all practice the same way everywhere."

The implication is that it seems to agree to the request of Huayang Laodao, and there are no conditions.

This surprised Huayang Laodao secretly, he didn't expect Pavilion Master Qi to be so refreshing.

Although Pavilion Master Qi almost repeated what he had said before, concealing the meaning of ridicule, Huayang Old Daoist could only pretend that he couldn't hear it.


The cultivator surnamed Chen did not expect that the pavilion master would say so, and was extremely dissatisfied.

Huayang Laodao turned to the cultivator surnamed Chen and bowed his hands, "Old Daoist has offended many times before, please don't take it to heart. Brother Xian also knows that our yin and yang lineage has almost strict requirements on disciples, and it may not be useful to have good talent. These are Among the disciples, there may not be one that meets the conditions."

"It is also possible that you will be wiped out by you!"

The cultivator surnamed Chen was full of ridicule.

"Brother Chen..."

Pavilion Master Qi stopped him, not knowing what the sound transmission said.

The cultivator surnamed Chen was sullen and snorted, but he didn't say any more, and even walked away.

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Huayang Laodao suddenly flashed in front of the monk surnamed Chen, blocked his way, and pointed at Fang Ting behind him, "This girl is also a new disciple, right? You might as well try the Yin Yang disk..."

"You are presumptuous!"

The cultivator surnamed Chen was originally trying to suppress his anger. Seeing that Huayang Laodao actually hit Fang Ting with his idea, he was so angry that he couldn't even care about the rules of the ancestral hall.

The knife was like autumn water, and a swift cold light went straight to the door of the old way.

Huayang Old Daoist seemed to be ready for a long time, and with a flick of the dust, countless white threads flew out. His cultivation is one level higher than that of the cultivator surnamed Chen, and he has no fear.

Others in the hall still haven't reacted.

At this moment, dense runes suddenly appeared on the walls of the hall, followed by an inexplicable tightness in the void, the light of the sword dissipated out of thin air, and at the same time, all the silk threads shot by the whisk vanished and returned to their original state.

"Enough! Junior Brother Chen, have you forgotten the ancestral instruction in the ancestral hall that you should not use swords and soldiers! If you dare to disobey the ancestral instruction, Qi will impose family laws on you!"

Then, Pavilion Master Qi said coldly to Huayang Laodao: "Fellow Daoist Huayang, although I am a small family in Yanmiao Pavilion, I do not allow anyone to insult my rules."

"It's the old man being reckless."

Huayang Laodao did not defend himself, but just looked at Fang Ting, "Old Daoist only lost his temper when he saw that the girl was beautiful and happy to see it."

Pavilion Master Qi sighed, "This girl's talent is really good, but she has been accepted as a direct disciple by Junior Brother Chen, and she can't let you go to fellow Daoist Huayang."


Huayang Laodao didn't want to give up, "I don't think the girl has a Yanmiao Pavilion token on her body. She should also be a new disciple who has just entered the school. I haven't had time to apprentice, right?"

The monk surnamed Chen was pressed by the power of the ancestral hall, unable to speak, his face flushed.

"The girl should know about Lan Doumen? If you enter my court, not only will our yin and yang lineage train you with all our strength, but if you encounter obstacles in your cultivation in the future, you can also ask the sect master to personally instruct you in your cultivation. The mana of the Yuanying Patriarch is unfathomable, there are countless The chance that immortal cultivators can’t ask for…”

Huayang Laodao ignored the cultivator surnamed Chen, and the other party Ting followed suit.

Fang Ting had never experienced such a thing before and was at a loss.

Pavilion Master Qi said slowly, "If you want to disappoint fellow Daoist Huayang, Fang Ting has been instructed by Junior Brother Chen since she was a child, and she has already worshipped Junior Brother Chen as her teacher. It is only because Junior Brother Chen wants to hone her character that she is left alone. Come to Yanmiao Pavilion and participate in this ceremony."

Fang Ting finally reacted, and hurriedly said, "Disciple listens to Master."

"I see."

Huayang Laodao showed regret.

With his vicious eyes, he could see that the others were mediocre, and only Fang Ting was outstanding, no worse than the top disciples that Lan Doumen had recruited before.

With all his face, he came to Yanmiao Pavilion to grab people in person, and it was also for a new disciple with top talent like Fang Ting.

Others are a pity for Fang Ting.

That is the ancestor of Yuanying, what a blessing to be able to get the guidance of the ancestor of Yuanying, but the girl missed it in a confused way.

Avatar felt that the choice of a girl was not necessarily a bad thing.

Lan Doumen has strong strength, more resources, and more fierce competition. It is still unknown how much energy the Yin and Yang lineage will use on her.

The so-called Nascent Soul Guidance sounds beautiful, but it is just a big pie.

In Shaohua Mountain, before forming the pill, Qin Sang had never even seen Yuanying Patriarch. Only a top-notch figure like Qiu Mubai can enter the eyes of the Yuan Ying Patriarch and spend all his energy on him.

Qin Sang has been cultivating so far, and he has long been enlightened.

Low-level monks have the difficulties of low-level monks, and Yuan Ying Patriarch should not be at ease either.

Not to mention that the overall strength of Canglanghai immortal cultivators far exceeds that of Xiaohanyu, the situation is complicated and abnormal, and there are later great cultivators on top of Yuanying Patriarch.

The calamity that occurs once every three hundred years is the life-threatening talisman that lies in front of them!

If you don't enter, you will die.

"Junior Brother Chen, take Fang Ting down first. Let's go to face the wall for a year, so that you can temper your character. I don't want to see similar actions a second time."

Pavilion Master Qi removed the ban on the Ancestral Hall.

The pressure on the monk surnamed Chen dissipated, and he walked out of the hall without turning his head.

Fang Ting quickly followed.

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