Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 898: Gentatsu?

Bullfighting Peak!

Qin Sang's heart tightened when he heard the words, and he stared at the three of them.

Unexpectedly, when I came to Dongming Island to watch the ceremony this time, I saw the main lord directly!

It sounds like there seems to be some grudge between the Dou Niufeng lineage and Lan Dou Men, and even Lan Dou Island can't come back. Lan Doumen is very secretive about the Dou Niu Peak lineage, and he can't find it no matter how the clone is checked. Is that the reason?

Qin Sang's thoughts were running around in his mind, but his face remained silent.

Standing beside the strong man was a thin man with a cultivation base similar to his.

The young man was behind them, bowing his head slightly, very low-key.

Qin Sang's eyes swept across the three cultivators in Dou Niufeng, and a suspicious look appeared in his eyes. For some reason, the young man gave him a vague sense of familiarity, but he had clearly never met.

Of course, Qin Sang didn't stare at this person, suspecting that it might be an illusion.

The spiritual senses of the cultivators in the Core Formation Stage are very sharp.

Qin Sang stood in an inconspicuous place behind the crowd, and made up his mind to find a chance to contact these three people later, so he would not make any misunderstanding.

Lu Shouzuo said coldly: "Something? What? Lan Doumen never owes you Dou Niufeng anything!"

The strong man's eyes sank, "Junior Brother Lu, don't pretend to be confused by your understanding. That thing was discovered by our ancestor, when did it become yours? You don't want me to be in front of everyone. Shake all your secrets out, right?"


Lu's face changed.

The monks of other sects began to be surprised.

What is this person saying, what is the secret?

The strong man turned a blind eye to Lu Shouzuo's anger, glanced around, changed his tone, and said calmly: "Junior Brother Lu, we meet with the same family. Could it be that we are in this wilderness, don't you invite us in for a drink?"

Lu Shouzuo looked gloomy and uncertain, and finally snorted coldly, turned around and flew towards Zhuxuan.

The strong man laughed, passed through the crowd, and flew in with a swagger.

Huayang Laodao and other Lan Doumen cultivators all had extremely solemn expressions and complicated eyes. Others looked different and were extremely curious about today's events.

Everyone rushed to catch up, but Qin Sang didn't dare to follow.

Unexpectedly, after entering Dongming Island, the first figure of Lu paused in front of Zhuxuan, turned around and cupped his hands and said: "Today's matter is our Lan Doumen family affairs, it is inconvenient for you to come in, please understand. "

After that, Lu's first seat activated the ban on Zhuxuan, and his figure flashed into it, followed by Huayang Laodao and others.

A total of five cultivators at Lan Doumen came here this time.

They can easily overwhelm the three strong men.

But the strong man snorted coldly and followed into the Zhuxuan without hesitation.

Then the blue light flashed, and the ban completely enveloped Zhu Xuan, and no sound came out.

Everyone was isolated and unable to find out the secrets of Lan Doumen, and they were all disappointed.

Qin Sang did the same. He was thinking in his heart, since he was sure that Dou Niufeng had broken up with Landoumen and was no longer on Landou Island, would he be able to recall his avatar.

Staying in Lan Doumen, I am afraid it will be difficult to find out, but may encounter danger.

It is more secure to contact the Dou Niufeng monks in person.

However, the performance of these three people does not seem to be easy to make friends.

"Where is Dou Niu Peak? How come Qi has never heard of it, Lan Doumen also has a line of Dou Niu Peak, and it seems to be on the same level as Lu Shou? Friends Hu Dao, I just saw that you seem to know something, can you explain to Qi? ?"

Everyone stood outside the bamboo hall and couldn't go in, but they didn't want to leave like this, so they had to go to a bamboo platform not far away and wait for the result.

The cultivator surnamed Qi couldn't hold it in any longer and asked the person next to him.

The monk surnamed Hu shook his head gently, "Hu only knows a thing or two. I have heard from the master before that in addition to the five elements and the yin and yang veins, there is another vein in Landoumen that is very mysterious. But what is the origin of the Bullfighting Peak? , what kind of True Inheritance is to be cultivated, the master does not know, can other Daoists understand?"

The monk surnamed Hu looked around for a week.

Someone shook his head.

Some people also echoed: "I don't know much about it. Lan Doumen has never publicly declared that it has a line of Dou Niufeng. You are not often on the island, Qi Daoyou, so it's normal if you don't know..."


There was a lot of discussion, and some rumors came together.

Yanmiaoge and other sects, which are closely related to Lan Doumen, also have limited understanding of Dou Niufeng. They only disappear silently when there is no successor in this line.

Now I know that there are still descendants of Dou Niu Peak, and they turned against Lan Doumen and were expelled from Lan Dou Island.

"Who still remembers a time before, when Lan Doumen suddenly closed the mountain without any warning, and opened the mountain protection formation for several months? At that time, the old man had just built the foundation, and he was very impressed. The monks on the island thought that there was a big enemy coming. , people are panicking?"

A cultivator let out a soft cry, and then thought of more, his face became even more shocked, "Shortly after that incident, another Yuan Ying ancestor began to retreat, and has not yet appeared outside. Could it be..."

"That was more than a hundred years ago, it's really weird..."

One after another, people thought back, and they felt more and more strange.

Qin Sang listened to their discussion's eyes flashed.

In the bamboo hall.

Confronting with the brothers and sisters, without saying a word, the atmosphere is extremely dignified.

Lu Shouzuo's expression has returned to calm, and he can't see a trace of anger. He was silent for a moment, breaking the silence, "Senior Brother Gao, why are you the only three here? Senior Brother Qi Yunzi, and several other brothers?"

"You haven't forgotten Senior Brother Qi Yunzi? It's not worth it that he has been so optimistic about you since he was a child."

The strong man was not so aggressive, and said with a slow expression: "Don't you know that Senior Brother Qi Yunzi was about to end his lifespan, and he was seriously injured that time, and he died soon after leaving Langdou Island. As for the other Senior Brothers Some of them are no longer in this world, and some dare not leave the cave for too long in order to suppress Xingsha. The Dou Niu Peak lineage can only be supported by Gao.”

"Of course I remember, Senior Brother Gao, Senior Brother Hong, you have also pointed me... Who is this?"

The head of Lu turned his gaze and landed on the last young man.

"This is Junior Brother Fang. He is very talented and has already formed pills at a young age."

The strong man introduced.

"I have seen Senior Brother Lu," the young man surnamed Fang bowed his hands obediently.

"He also practiced that "Yuanchen Lu"."

Lu Shouzuo glanced at the young man and asked with a frown.

"No," the strong man shook his head and smiled bitterly, "How can we let the younger generation repeat the same mistakes."

Lu Shouzuo sighed slightly and asked, "Since the martial master finally let you out of the Lan Dou Sect, there is no need to practice the "Lightning Technique". Why do you continue to practice that practice method and not change it?"

"Can you stop when you want to stop the "Thunderbolt Technique"? Back when Lan Doumen supported me and waited for me to practice "Thunderbolt Technique", I was ready to give up on us. Don't you know about this?"

The strong man sneered.


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