Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 900: tandem

The people present were all cunning and cunning, and naturally it was impossible to be easily fooled.

However, there are indeed two Yuan Ying ancestors in Lan Doumen, and Lu Shou Zuo publicly admitted that the other party was a senior brother from the same sect, and he came from the most mysterious lineage.

Moreover, they didn't know the situation in Zhuxuan, they only heard the questioning, not the rebuttal of Lu Shouzuo.

Although Zhuxuan was shrouded in a sea of ​​blood, unlike the right way, everyone knew nothing about the true heritage of Dou Niufeng. There must be a reason for hiding it so tightly, even if you practice some kind of magic art, it is not surprising.

All kinds of coincidences were mixed together, and they couldn't help but have doubts in their hearts.

If you participate in the infighting of Lan Doumen, your own safety is second, and the sect will be implicated. If you are not careful, the inheritance left by the ancestors may be ruined.

When the situation was unknown, everyone was apprehensive, stared at Zhu Xuan, and thought about it a lot.

And the young man surnamed Fang didn't expect to keep it secret for long. As long as he could trap the first seat of Lu, he would immediately retreat after the junior and junior brothers succeeded.


In the chaos, no one noticed that Daoist Mingyue was gone.

Qin Sang was galloping in the direction of the avatar at this time.

He was holding Qingfen money in his hand, and Ziqian had already returned.

Before the change occurred in Zhuxuan, Qin Sang sensed that Qingfen Qian was different, and found out that the incarnation sent a message, and he didn't know what happened. Just when he was in a hurry, thinking about how to get out, Zhu Xuanli started.

The infighting in Lan Doumen involves the Bullfight Peak, which he is most concerned about.

He was naturally very curious about what happened in the Zhuxuan, but he didn't expect that the avatar had an accident at this time.

Now I can only put this matter aside, take the opportunity to escape, and save the avatar first.

"The incarnation is carrying the Yuanyuan Cone and the Tianmu Die. What can threaten him on Dongming Island? It happened that the two sides collided, and I knew that he would not be allowed to go out..."

Qin Sang sighed and regretted a little.

He performed the escape technique with all his strength, racing against time, and soon came to the vicinity of the Landoumen boundary.

At this time, he found that the chaotic escaping light in front of him was flying towards him. Obviously, those Lan Doumen disciples discovered the abnormality of the entrance.

Qin Sang's figure did not enter the dark place, and his speed was not slow at all. He ducked in under their eyes, and soon after, Qin Sang finally felt the position of the avatar, and his heart was suddenly relieved.

Incarnate without incident.

Qin Sang's figure flickered and passed through the restriction without a sound. At the same time, he captured the thoughts of the avatar. Knowing all his experiences just now, he was immediately surprised.

"You go out with them and take the opportunity to leave!"

Qin Sang made a decisive decision and arranged for the avatar to withdraw.

At this time, the incarnation is no longer needed, let him stay away from the right and wrong places as soon as possible, and find a safe place to take refuge to avoid being affected.

He was just a disciple at the Qi refining stage. As long as he was careful enough, those experts would not notice him.

The avatar nodded lightly, turned his head and left.

Qin Sang stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the dark jungle ahead, with a surprised expression on his face. He never expected that things would develop like this, and he seemed to have met his former enemy.

Avatar and Tianmu Die discovered Zhao Songqiao's unusual behavior, and saw Zhao Songqiao release a witch worm with his own eyes.

This made the avatar think of the Black Snake Mountain cultivators who had sneaked into the human race and also pitted the main body.

The incarnation thinks that there shouldn't be such a coincidence, but it is certain that there must be a wave of witch monks behind Zhao Songqiao, who are also fighting the idea of ​​​​Lan Doumen.

It's just that they don't know what their purpose is, so they arranged for someone to bring Gu worms into the Dark Thunder Woods, what they want to do.

Therefore, the incarnation ordered Tianmu Die not to disturb Zhao Songqiao, and to wait and see what happened.

Zhao Songqiao released Gu worms, and continued to fly into the woods. Finally, he came to the deepest part of the jungle. This place is the edge of the Dongming Island Great Array, blocked by white fog.

Then, he took out a dozen black flags that he had never seen before, and drove them into an open space next to them.

Then it stopped moving again, as if waiting for a moment.

The Gu worm started flying around in the woods, as if looking for something.

Tianmu Die followed the Gu worm and saw that it finally stopped over an inconspicuous pool of water. After a short pause, it returned to Zhao Songqiao's side.

If it wasn't for Gu insects to lead the way, it would be difficult for others to notice anything unusual here.

Tianmudie stared at the water pool, only to find that there was a ban inside it, and it was far stronger than the two layers of bans he had seen after entering Dongming Island, and they were incomparable.

There must be a secret of Lan Doumen hidden inside!

Seeing this scene, just when the avatar was thinking about whether to notify the main body, a mutation suddenly occurred.

Zhao Songqiao and Gu Zong finally moved.

I saw Zhao Songqiao play a series of recitations to the open space, and the black flags rose from the ground to form a large flag formation.

At the same time, the Gu insect's wings trembled, and the figure disappeared into the black smoke.

The black smoke gathered in the large array rose slowly, slowly drifting towards the mist above. As soon as the two mists of completely different colors meet, it is like fueling a fire, and a fierce confrontation occurs.

The black smoke seems to have some kind of corrosive gradually pollutes the white fog.

At the same time, there were strange movements outside Dongming Island.

Seeing this scene, I still don't understand where the incarnation is. The other party actually wants to cooperate inside and outside to break the Dongming Island Great Array!

This formation was formed by the head of Lan Doumen combined with the power of several sects, I am afraid Yuan Ying Patriarch would be difficult to break the formation. But now the big formation will be activated due to the law, the power is weakened, and these flag formations seem to be specially used to break the formation. Seeing this sign, the opponent seems to be able to break through the white mist and come in with the cooperation of the inside and outside.

I don't know how many people there are outside the island, what kind of cultivation?

However, there should be no Nascent Soul involved, otherwise you don't have to spend so much trouble sneaking in.

The incarnation cultivation base was too low, worried that he would be exposed, and he did not dare to stay nearby. He hurriedly smashed the green cockroach money to notify the main body, and told Tianmu Die to act carefully.

After Qin Sang learned about everything, he immediately realized that there was no inner-fighting in Zhuxuan at all. Those three Dou Niu Peak disciples sneaked into Dongming Island in order to cooperate with the outsiders!

The legal plate that controls the Dongming Island Great Array is in the hands of Lu Shouzuo. Once a foreign enemy attacks the Great Array, Lu Shouzuo will immediately detect it. With so many cultivators on the island, it is impossible to let the other party intrude.

Now Lu's first block is trapped in Zhuxuan, blocked by the sea of ​​blood, and no news can be heard. The attention of other people is also involved, and it is difficult to find the strangeness here in a short time.

By the time the results were released over there, these people had already succeeded and fled.

At the same time, Qin Sang thought of more things.

Wuzu Insect Gu, Lan Doumen, Dou Niu Peak, unknown treasures.

Dark Thunder Woods, Forbidden Water Pool...

Black Snake Mountain.

A mysterious person with a mysterious origin, who can conquer Kuilong and practice the terrifying thunder technique.

This pile of pieces, piece by piece, seems to be completely connected in series!


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