Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 903: Stone platform and scars

The walls of the hall are mottled, and the runes are directly engraved on it.

The stone platform is older than the hall.

From the outside, this is an ordinary half-moon-shaped stone platform, but it exudes an inexplicable simplicity, touching people's hearts, and not something in the world.

The stone platform was devastated. I don't know if it was damaged in the ancient war, or it was originally like this. The surface was covered with staggered scars, and it was extremely messy, and it was impossible to see what the pattern was.

In the hall, except for the spirit array, stone platform and thunder slurry, there is nothing else.

The stone platform is so ordinary, but it can be suspended in mid-air without falling.

If you look closely, you can see that this is not the power of the stone platform itself, but the power of the spiritual array gathered here. The location of the 'stone platform' is where the eye of the spirit array is.

The reason why the thunder slurry in the pool is so docile is probably due to the spirit array, and I can't see what role the stone platform can play.

The spirit formation and the stone platform are definitely not the creation of one person, and they are not even the same era. The person who left the spirit formation arranged the stone platform here must have a deep meaning.

The man in black robes stared straight at the stone platform, and it was this thing that the ancestor of Heishanshan asked for by name.

He tentatively stepped into the hall, and seeing nothing out of the ordinary, his figure flashed to the side of the thunder pool.

Even though the thunder slurry pool did not change, being so close to the thunder slurry made the black-robed man's scalp numb, his eyelids twitched, and he acted very cautiously.

"Could this thing be an exotic treasure?"

Looking at the stone platform, the black robe was puzzled.

No matter how you look at it, the stone platform does not look like a magic weapon, and it does not show the slightest sign of its inner strength. But the vast and simple meaning of this thing is shocking. It should be not a common thing if it can be passed down from ancient times to the present.

The situation outside was urgent, and the man in black robe didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

He was not in a hurry to take away the stone platform. First, he took out a flying sword, urged it with True Yuan, and slashed it gently on the stone platform.

'Ding! ’

The sound is crisp.

The flying sword was bounced off.

The black-robed man put on a spirit sword magic weapon, and it was still the same. He slashed several swords without leaving any trace.

The stone platform is extremely hard.

The shocking scars above, if they didn't exist originally, it would definitely not be an ordinary sword to destroy the stone platform like this.

The black-robed man resolutely put away his spirit sword, and pressed his palm lightly on the stone platform, activating his true essence and instilling it into the stone platform.

The next moment, a faint gleam suddenly appeared on the surface of the stone platform. The hall was too bright, and this layer of light could only be seen vaguely. It was illusory and ethereal, like a faint starlight.

The stone platform finally changed, but the black-robed man knew about it for a long time and was not excited. When he continued to activate his spiritual power, the starlight on the stone platform only became more and more intense, and there was no other change.

"Sure enough, even the two great Nascent Souls of the human race couldn't see anything, they thought it was just an eye and an aid to practice. I still don't expect to gain anything with the help of human means."

The black-robed man had no choice but to withdraw his spiritual power, and after pondering for a while, his lips moved slightly, making strange syllables.

Then, he stretched out his right hand, spread his five fingers, and suddenly a strange tattoo appeared on his arm, which was actually a kind of divine pattern of the witch race. A group of silver light condensed in the palm of the black-robed man, and with a low voice from the black-robed man, it hit the stone platform with a 'smack'.

It was a flash of lightning.

After hitting the stone platform, the lightning did not disappear, but turned into a grid that surrounded the stone platform, as if it wanted to drill into the stone platform, or activate the hidden power inside the stone platform.

Unfortunately, the black-robed man still failed. The stone platform was the same as before, but it only lit up with a faint light, and because the Divine Mark was too weak, the light was so weak that it was almost invisible.

But he was not discouraged, because the gods of the Witch Race were also all-encompassing, including wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

The inheritance of the witch race must be a grand method that is not inferior to the human race, but for some reason, it has been cut off so thoroughly.

The man in black robe activated different divine patterns, evolved various powers, and even used Gu insects, but he failed to get Shitai's response.

In the end, the people in black robes had no choice but to give up.

"It's no wonder that Shizun calls it a strange treasure, but an illegal treasure. What secrets are hidden in this thing, it seems that only Shizun or other wizards' Yuan Ying can crack it."

The man in black robe muttered to himself, his breath changed, and all the divine patterns were put away. Recalling the last words of Yuan Ying obtained from the abandoned disciples of Dou Niu Peak, the true essence reappeared, divided into several paths, and submerged in the spiritual formation.

The runes in the spirit formation flickered, and the black-robed man took the opportunity to stretch out his hand, grabbed the stone platform like lightning, and lifted it hard, and successfully took out the stone platform.

The man in black robe looked happy, and put the stone platform into the mustard seed bag, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of something strange in the thunder slurry pool.

The originally calm and unusual thunder slurry had tiny water waves on its surface, and the aura of the thunder slurry became more and more violent, and the power of thunder wandering around was also affected.

Obviously, the stone platform is very important to the spirit formation.

Take away the stone platform, the spirit formation is unstable.

The runes in the spirit formation lit up and dazzled, but the turbulence of the thunder jelly could not be stopped and could not be suppressed.

If a pool of thunder is full, once it erupts, the entire Dongming Island will not be spared. Even this thin layer made the black-robed man terrified and dared not stop for a moment.

A little under the feet of the man in black robe quickly exited the hall.

Outside the Thunder Cave.

The cultivators of the core formation stage of the major sects were alerted by the news that the ban was broken, and they came one after another. They were surprised to find that a group of unfamiliar witch monks appeared on the island.

At this time, they still don't know where they are, the three Dou Niu Peak disciples must be tricky, and they were tricked around and sneaked in under their noses.

"Get back!"

The witch monks reorganized the great formation, and with a wave of the beast king's flag, golden threads burst out of the air, strangling the two fastest human race golden cores.

The two felt the power of the golden thread, their expressions changed greatly, and they immediately urged the magic weapon to resist, but they were still invincible. The golden thread swallowed their attack and was still aggressive. The two of them were shocked, their figures stopped suddenly, and they quickly retreated. They were beaten back when they met, and they were very embarrassed.

Fortunately, the people behind also arrived.

"This is the famous Beast King Banner Formation of the Wu clan!"

Everyone was a veteran of hundreds of battles. Some people recognized the Beast King Fan and took a deep breath. Refining this flag is very difficult and extremely complicated, and all those who have the beast king flag are the top sects of the Wu clan.

"The origins of these Wu people are not simple! The beast kings are incomplete, don't worry, everyone dares to sneak into Dongming Island, and don't let any of them go!"

A few ethnic monks with the highest cultivation base made arrangements, and everyone quickly changed their formation to counterattack the witch monks.

The number of monks from the human race is dominant, and even if the monks from the witch race rely on the beast king banner, they will not be able to hold on for long.

Just when they were so anxious, the black-robed man finally came out of the mine cave. Seeing this scene, he waved his arm, "The thing is in hand! Withdraw!"

After all, the man in black robe took the lead to escape.

The Wu clan cultivator was overjoyed when he heard the words, urging the Beast King flag to cover, and quickly swept to the position of the flag formation.


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