Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 905: break the road

Regardless of the scolding behind him, Qin Sang entered the passage and rushed out quickly.

At the same time, he turned the magic flag into his palm and sacrificed the Jiuyou Demonic Fire.

The concentric ring of Hunyuan circled and flew out, releasing the double-headed scorpion.

Black Snake Mountain must have people outside the island. Since he didn't know how many people there were outside, Qin Sang didn't dare to relax.

Although the situation was chaotic, he had already been targeted by the public by forcibly killing the man in black and stealing the treasure under the watchful eyes of the public.

As long as the Black Snake Mountain and the monks of Landou Island are not stupid, the two sides will definitely give up tacit understanding, first join forces to surround and kill themselves, and then compete for treasures. After all, the treasures belonged to Lan Doumen, and those monks and Black Snake Mountain had no grievances.

Thinking of this, Qin Sang ordered Shuang-Headed to prepare his newly-comprehended Azure Shadow magical power, and Shuang-Headed roared, with some reluctance in his roar. He did not fully understand this magical power, and every time he used it, he would be weakened for a while.

But under Qin Sang's stern gaze, the two-headed dragon could only give in.

This passage is not long, but although the black smoke generated by the flag formation corrodes the mist and runes, the power of the spiritual formations on both sides squeezes inward, and still has amazing pressure. Fortunately, Qin Sang and the double-headed sword work together Rush outward and successfully break through the difficulties.

The black smoke did not decrease, but the stress suddenly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a surprised voice came from outside: "Is it the second senior brother? Have you got the thing?"

The voice was unfamiliar, and Qin Sang realized that this person was the one left behind in Black Snake Mountain.

Waiting outside was a dwarf, who was the tenth-ranked disciple of Black Snake Mountain. He was left outside the island to guard and maintain the flag formation and passage. He thought that he was able to escape after his fellow disciple succeeded. Naturally, he was extremely pleasantly surprised.

The next moment, black smoke surged, and two figures, one tall and one short, rushed out of it.

The joy on the dwarf's face suddenly solidified, "Who are you!"

Qin Sang glanced at him and found that there were only two people outside, one of them was Zhao Songqiao, he was relieved, and without hesitation, he ordered Shuangtou to do it.

'Roar! ’

Double-headed 犼 slightly bowed forward, his body shook suddenly, and a blue shadow suddenly left his body.

The dwarf was extremely frightened, and when he wanted to come, with the strength of the second senior brothers and the beast king banner, even if the stealing of the treasure failed, it was impossible for the entire army to be wiped out and the passage was taken away.

He maintained the flag formation, completely unaware of the situation. At this time, I realized that something was wrong, and I could only react instinctively.

A whirlpool appeared in front of the dwarf's chest and abdomen, and vaguely, a beetle-shaped insect shadow was about to come out from it, and at the same time, his figure quickly retreated.

But the cultivation of the dwarf is not as good as that of the double-headed, and in the face of the strongest supernatural power of the double-headed, it is even more impossible to fight back.

Before Gu worm came out, Qing Ying rushed in front of the dwarf's horrified eyes.

The wind was blowing, and Qingying was abnormally fast.

The dwarf fell into a panic, but felt that his body could not move. He was blocked by a strange force and struggled frantically to no avail. With a 'boom', he was hit by Qingying, and the protective aura was easily torn apart.

‘Whoosh! ’

Qingying passed through the dwarf's body, appeared behind him, slapped Zhao Songqiao to death with a slap, and then slowly dissipated.

A big hole appeared in the dwarf's chest, his eyes were blank, and he fell backwards.

Shuangtou stuck out his tongue, gasped for breath, and was listless.


Qin Sang praised, Shuangtou used his supernatural powers to kill the dwarf. Although there is a suspicion of using a bull's knife to kill a chicken, in this case, it is natural to solve the opponent as soon as possible.

Shuangtou gave him a white look, and he went back to the Hunyuan Concentric Ring to rest.

Qin Sang clicked his finger, not forgetting to retrieve the dwarf's mustard seed bag, and then looked around, looking at the black flags around him.

The dwarf died and the black flag became unstable, but the flag formation did not collapse directly. At the same time, Qin Sang felt violent fluctuations in the passage behind him, and someone was about to break out of the passage.

Qin Sang turned his head and glanced at it, his eyes were sharp.

These Black Snake Mountain cultivators used him as bait, and naturally he would not show any mercy.

Cut them off!

Qin Sang grabbed his palm, and Zhen Yuan shot at the black flags, trying to take them away. Unexpectedly, the black flag trembled and scattered his true essence.

The black flag has no owner, and is still in formation?

Qin Sang was a little surprised, and immediately realized that the inner and outer flag formations may be connected. Even if there is no owner, they can operate on their own. Only by knowing how to manipulate the black flags can they take them away, or wait for the flag formation to be destroyed by the Dongming Island Great formation. Suppressed, unsupported and collapsed.

The situation was urgent, Qin Sang didn't have time to study this formation, so he had to destroy them all!

Qin Sang raised his palm lightly, and after the Jiuyou Demonic Fire roared for a while, it rushed towards a black flag.

The flag formation was suppressed by the Dongming Island Great formation, and the black flag body was scorched by the Jiuyou Demonic Fire. It only lasted for a moment, and the flag surface was ignited and burned to ashes.

The back was easier, the black flags were destroyed one after another, the black smoke became thinner and thinner, the surrounding white mist squeezed inward, and the passage became narrower and narrower.

At this moment, Qin Sang suddenly heard an angry scream, and then sensed a terrifying wave. He was startled, turned his head to look, and there was a burst of blood flying towards here.

Inside the blood qi, two blood dragons were swimming around a person.

He couldn't see the man's face clearly, but Qin Sang could sense that there were two extremely cold eyes that were about to bite people, causing a chill in his heart.

"It's him!"

Qin Sang realized that the person in his blood was the young man named Fang.

The most terrifying thing is that the two blood dragons, I don't know what they have changed, and the breath is extremely tyrannical. Recalling what happened before and the origin of the young man surnamed Fang, Qin Sang vaguely guessed that the origin of these two blood worms might be a kind of famous blood corpse worm.

Three blood corpse worms, and there are two!

Black Snake Mountain is too deep.

The young man surnamed Fang has trapped Landoumen Wujindan for so should be the credit of these two blood corpse worms.

Behind the blood energy, there is another light that is chasing, and looking at its aura, it is the first seat of Lu. After all, Lu's first seat is a master of the pinnacle of Pill. He not only perseveres in the sea of ​​blood, but also has the power to fight back.

It's just that the speed of the first seat of Lu is slower than that of the young man surnamed Fang, who is driving the double flood dragon, and he falls behind.

Seeing this scene, Qin Sang secretly let out a bad cry. Even the head of Lu was trapped for so long before he got out. If he was entangled by a young man named Fang, it would be hard to say what happened.

Qin Sang's face sank, and he didn't dare to stay any longer. He pushed the Jiuyou Demon Fire with all his strength, and rolled towards the remaining few black flags, and pushed the ebony sword to slash out again towards the exit of the passage.

After that, he stimulated the treasures of escape such as the Nine Dragons Celestial Charm, and without looking back, a few flashes disappeared into the sky.

The young man surnamed Fang rode the Shuangjiao with a speed that was not inferior. He didn't know the inside story, but when he saw Qin Sang destroying the black flag, he realized that it was not good.

When he came to the exit of the passage, the young man surnamed Fang was about to continue chasing Qin Sang, but he heard screams coming from the passage. It was the voice of his junior brother.

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