Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 908: star platform

The rest is some clutter.

Qin Sang stared at the messy ground, and finally fell on the stone platform. The only thing that could attract his attention was this thing. Although it looked extremely dilapidated, it exuded an unusual charm and was obviously an antique.

Black Snake Mountain went to great lengths, could it be that it was stolen?

Tianmu Die kept staring, and it was impossible for the man in black robe to be transferred to someone else unless he failed.

Out of prudence, Qin Sang first picked up all the other things, and at the same time tested them with his divine sense and true essence, and determined that they were all ordinary things, and in the end only the stone platform was left.

He held up the stone platform in his palm and released his true essence, all of which were absorbed by the stone platform.

The stone platform was like a bottomless pit, and no one would refuse. During the continuous instillation of true essence, the stone platform lit up with a faint light, reflecting Qin Sang's surprised face.

"This is the power of Zhou Tianxingchen..."

Qin Sang looked surprised, "This thing can actually hook the stars on its own!"

Then, he suddenly realized something, his eyes flashed, he suddenly increased his true essence, and continuously instilled into the stone platform. However, I saw that the shimmering light of the stone platform only became a little brighter, and there was no other change in the body of the stone platform, but the power of Zhou Tianxingchen became more and more intense.

'Snapped! ’

Qin Sang's true essence was about to be exhausted, so he stopped the indoctrination, put the stone platform on the ground, and looked at the stone platform with a face full of surprise. This thing may solve his biggest trouble now.

Then, Qin Sang didn't want to rest, he didn't let go of every corner, and he checked it carefully for an unknown number of times. Even later, he tried to use Taoism and magic weapons to attack the stone platform, but found nothing.

No runes were found in the stone platform. The stone platform is like a pure stone, except that it can echo with the stars of Zhou Tian, ​​and there is no other abnormality.

Qin Sang exhausted all means, and finally had to stop and think deeply.

"Landoumen stores the stone platform in the cave of Dongming Island, either because this object is too important, and the big explosion yesterday will occur if it is moved away, or because it is not clear about the real value of this object, it is regarded as an auxiliary practice. Lightning thing.

"And the Black Snake Mountain ancestor sent all his disciples out, and he must know its details. The Black Snake Mountain ancestor tried his best to get the stone platform, it is definitely not as simple as it seems.

"Is it some kind of ancient treasure of the witch race, and the human race can't get a response from this thing?

"It seems that the Wu clan also has a similar secret technique! In ancient times, not only was the spiritual energy extremely rich, but the treasures of heaven and earth were everywhere, and there were many talented people and cultivators. The generation. It's like now, the immortal cultivation world everywhere is stuck in a corner, like a cage."

Qin Sang shook his head and looked at Shitai.

Then he called out Tianmu Die, and after some attempts, it was still fruitless. In addition to the life insect Gu and bloodline, there is another thing that the cultivator of the witch clan does not have, that is, the **** pattern.

"If only the dumb girl wakes up, let her help..."

Qin Sang recited a sentence silently, and suddenly remembered the dumb girl, he couldn't help sighing, and the joy of discovering the role of the stone platform diminished a bit.

"Let's look for opportunities in the future. Anyway, the avenue of the gods of the Witch Race is almost completely damaged. Just grab a low-level monk of the Witch Race. For other race monks, if they don't cultivate the power of the stars, the stone platform is really not very useful. , but it is of great use to me, so I will call it Xingtai in the future!"

Qin Sang put away his thoughts, and his eyes were full of brilliance.

He found that the more True Essence instilled, the stronger the power of Zhou Tianxingchen motivated by the stone platform.

"Adding the double-headed scorpion, Tianmu butterfly and fat silkworm, is the existence of four cultivators in the formation stage. At the same time, they should be able to meet the requirements. It's a pity that Feitian Yasha was left in the Hall of Seven Kills. However, If it still doesn't work, try to make a few flying yaksa, the soul-inducing grass is always easier to get than the scorpion poisonous grass..."

Qin Sang pondered in his heart.

After all, it is only required to break through the third layer of "Tian Yao Refining Shape", and the requirements should not be too harsh.

Shitai was involved in a big way. There was the ancestor of Black Snake Mountain in the past. Now Lan Doumen Yuan Ying must also know the value of this thing. If it is leaked, it will lead to death, and it is impossible to ask others for help.

Fortunately, he has learned a lot on the way of cultivation, and he was able to gather so many helpers by himself.

"I didn't expect that I couldn't find a way from the practice, but I got it from a stone."

Qin Sang looked at the star platform carefully, only to feel that the mottled scars on it were much more pleasing to the eye.

Since then, there has been no obstacle to cultivation.

A big rock in Qin Sang's heart finally fell to the ground.

He quickly calmed down again and thought about his situation.

"This is not a place to stay for a long time, let's adjust your interest rate and recover quickly, and go to a secret place to avoid the limelight.

"Since Xingyuan Infusion has a solution, I don't have to run around.

"Being worried about Lan Doumen and Black Snake Mountain, Tianxing City and other big cities are definitely not allowed to go. Choose a remote or chaotic place that is not easy to expose. You must also have abundant spiritual energy and not be occupied by the sect. island.

"If you are in the demon sea, this kind of place is not difficult to find.

"In the Inner Sea, there are basically masters who contain the best spiritual veins. Forcibly grabbing them will only expose them more quickly. Only the rain desert land of the North Sea and the Rift Wind Islands are the most suitable.

"The Land of Rain Desert is in the extreme north of the North Sea, it is too far away, and it takes a long time to travel. Moreover, it is extremely barren. If you encounter any trouble in the middle, you want to buy spiritual materials, spiritual medicines, or find someone to help you. It seems that only I can go to the Rift Isles.

"The Rift Archipelago is very chaotic, killing can be seen everywhere, and the tentacles of the righteous and the devil can't reach it.

"People don't offend me, I don't offend others. With my own strength, it's not difficult to occupy a place. After a few decades, once the limelight passes, I can continue to come out and play.

"In addition, Senior Qingzhu's cave is also there, maybe you can find out some things that you didn't know before."

Qin Sang's thoughts flashed through quickly, and he quickly determined the target.

At the same time, Qin Sang secretly sighed that Senior Qingzhu was in a similar situation to himself, so he had to escape from the Split Wind Islands and remain anonymous for two hundred years, right?

Under the circumstances, he actually embarked on a similar path as Senior Qingzhu again.

Two people who have never met, but inexplicably have all kinds of entanglements.

Qin Sang put away the stone platform, then torched the other worthless sundries, destroyed two mustard seed bags, took out the spirit stone, performed the exercise, and entered into the meditation.

An hour later, Qin Sang's state returned to its prime and embarked on a journey westward under the moonlight.

On the way, he and Shuangtou Xingxing traveled together at night, taking turns to hurry.

In addition to cultivating the "Tian Yao Refinement", it is to fully improve the incarnation outside the body.

When he came to the sea area where the Split Wind Islands were located, "Tian Yao Refining Shape" had entered the second stage of the second stage, and the physical strength had increased a lot.

The incarnation outside the body also successfully broke through the middle stage of foundation establishment, and the formation of elixir is just around the corner.

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