Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 911: double breakthrough

Incarnate outside the body to consolidate the cultivation base.

Two days later, he opened his eyes slightly and looked at Qin Sang who was sitting cross-legged in front of him. At this time, Qin Sang had already sacrificed the corpse pill and was ready to re-refine the corpse pill.

"Seed Primal Demon Embryo" re-refining corpse pills and incarnates this pill outside the body, which can save a lot of time. This is a road that Senior Qingzhu has never traveled before. Qin Sang has only one chance. Failure to retrain may destroy the corpse pill.

In the past two years, he did not know how many times he had thought about it in his mind.

As the incarnation cultivation level improved again and again, Qin Sang had new insights every time. After countless revisions, there was not much room for conscious improvement, so he decided to start straight away.

The corpse pill was suspended between the two, fused with Gangsha, showing a blue-black color.

The incarnation outside the body is fully concentrated and the exercise is performed.

Qin Sang also used the secret technique in "Seeds of Primordial Demon Embryo", forcing out the blood essence and turning it into a series of remembrances into the corpse pill.

Although the corpse pill is a foreign pill, it has been nourished in Qin Sang's body for decades, and has long been separated from him. Because Qin Sang has no extra energy to focus on it, he has never found a way to improve, so it stagnates. .

"Seeds of Primordial Demon Embryo" is an opportunity. After re-refining, the corpse pill can break the shackles and further improve.

However, the possibility of breaking through the Nascent Soul in the future is almost zero if the incarnation outside the body is improved by the corpse pill. But that's all in the future. Qin Sang's own baby birth is a distant thing, and he can't control that much.

This step went very smoothly. The corpse pill was very docile, absorbing Qin Sang's blood and turning it into a blood pill.

Qin Sang's face was slightly pale because of excessive consumption of blood essence.

Immediately afterwards, the incarnation outside the body let out a low voice, mobilized the secret technique, quickly cast out a chanting formula, turned into a magic light, and fell on the corpse pill, trying to blend in and subdue it.

The corpse pill immediately began to resist violently, the real essence was turbulent, and the Gangsha, which had been safe for a long time, also showed signs of instability. Qin Sang seemed to have anticipated this for a long time, and intervened and suppressed it in time.

Qin Sang stared at the corpse pill, not daring to relax at all. The most important step is this step. As long as the avatar outside the body can successfully complete the secret technique, and the avatar outside the body is one with him, it will not be difficult to conquer the corpse pill. .

The corpse pill has been resisting, but because of the existence of Qin Sang, the 'spy', he was finally invaded by the secret technique.


The incarnation took a big mouth, and the corpse pill turned into a red glow with a 'swish' and submerged in his body.

At the same time, Qin Sang's figure flashed and appeared in front of the avatar. He pressed his palm on the dantian, and his true essence surged into the avatar's sea of ​​qi to help him suppress the corpse pill.

After a while, Qin Sang slowly retracted his palm, thinking thoughtfully, "The first step is considered a success, then I will be with the avatar outside the body, using blood feeding and the secret techniques in "The Demon Embryo", gradually Refining the suffocating spirit in the corpse elixir and transforming the corpse elixir into his own magic elixir. This process is estimated to last several months, and I can also start preparations for breaking through the third layer of "Tian Yao Refining Shape". …”

Sitting still, Qin Sang looked down and exited the cave.

One day a year later.

In front of the cave, there is an open space separated by the spirit formation.

The **** glow appeared suddenly, and the two figures separated at a touch. One of them stepped back seven or eight steps, and the figure trembled for a while, and just barely stood firm.

Qin Sang retracted his palms, narrowed his eyes slightly, suppressed the turbulent qi and blood in his body, and said in surprise: "How can the exercises cultivated by the incarnation outside the body affect the opponent's qi and blood? …”

These two people are Qin Sanghe's incarnation.

At this time, the incarnation outside the body has been refined into a magic pill, entering the stage of forming a pill!

Out of prudence, Qin Sang was very careful in every step, and only proceeded to the next step after making sure that everything was safe, so the entire refining process lasted for a year.

There were also two accidents in the middle. Fortunately, the corpse pill was Qin Sang's thing.

The strength of the incarnation outside the body is already a genuine master of the early stage of formation of pills, and because of the magic power, the opponent may suffer a small loss by surprise.

After testing the strength of the avatar outside the body, Qin Sang showed a satisfied expression and let the avatar go back to continue to stabilize his cultivation, and he also began to get busy.

Just after the successful breakthrough of the incarnation outside the body.

late at night.

Qin Sangbu placed a large-scale spirit gathering formation filled with mid-grade spirit stones. Beside him are several jade bottles, which are filled with elixir that can heal wounds and quickly restore true essence, as well as jade boxes containing tyrant blood fruit and green root.

The star platform was placed in front of him, and the avatar sat on the opposite side.

Tianmu Die, Fat Silkworm, and Double-headed Crab were also called out by Qin Sang.

There were actually five existences at the Core Formation stage, appearing in the cave at the same time. Of course, Fat Silkworm and Tianmu Die have extraordinary supernatural powers, and they do not have the strength to match the realm.

Qin Sang has now completed the cultivation of "Tian Yao Refining Shape" to the second level, and only waits for the Xingyuan to fill the body.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

Qin Sang looked around for a said softly, "Let's start!"

After all, he dodged and landed on the star platform, sitting cross-legged on it. Insects and beasts such as the avatar outside the body and the Tianmu butterfly also moved, and they all came to the front, close to the star platform, and instilled the true essence with all their strength.

Qin Sang himself was not idle. He devoted himself to two things. While preparing the exercises, he was also injecting real energy into the star platform to increase the power of starlight.

'Pfft! ’

The fat silkworm and the Tianmu butterfly were the first to exhaust themselves.

Tianmudie hugged her wings, as if she was asleep, the fat silkworm turned over and lay on the ground like a dead dog.

Then there is the incarnation outside the body, the real essence is exhausted, and it sits still.

Only Qin Sang and Shuang Tou Qian were still holding on.

The person with the highest cultivation level was actually a double-headed scorpion, and Qin Sang quickly felt the emptiness in his body. He quickly grabbed the jade bottle and poured the spirit pill into his mouth.

Xingtai is like a bottomless pit, unexpectedly swallowing all the true essence.

On the surface of the star platform, shimmering light shines.

The power of Zhou Tianxingchen was motivated by the star platform.

At the moment when the two-headed scorpion was exhausted, a beam of light suddenly appeared in the sky above the island, connecting the starry sky, and the stars poured down. Fortunately, the island was in a remote location, otherwise someone would definitely find the vision.

Qin Sang bathed in starlight and hurriedly ran the exercises with all his strength.

The next moment, Qin Sang's heart was throbbing, only to feel an ethereal and mysterious force descending from the sky, pouring in from the top of his head, destroying the dry and rotten, and rushing into the body in an instant, which was also mixed with dark and incomprehensible Xingsha.

Qin Sang let out a muffled groan, and his body shook suddenly, a grim look appeared on his face, and he forcibly stabilized his figure.

His whole body was red and his veins were exposed, as if blood was spilling out.

What is even more terrifying is the impact of such a huge star element in the body, the flesh and blood seem to be minced, and it is bit by bit gouged out by a knife, and the bones are like being devoured by thousands of ants.

The pain I experienced this time was far more terrifying than when I broke through the second layer.

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