Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 914: subordinate

Poison Island.

Qin Sang left the cave and stood on a hill, looking at the illusion below.

At this time, the three people who got up and down the shuttle had already entered the poison island, touching the phantom array.

Although he didn't know the inside story, Qin Sang could probably guess something in his heart when he saw the appearance of these people and the Yin wind chasing after them.

He couldn't help but feel a little helpless. He was cultivating in the cave, but there was a guy who couldn't open his eyes to disturb him, and he was forced to get involved in the turmoil.

With his current cultivation level, unless Yuan Ying is in person, he is not afraid of anyone, but more things are worse than less things.

When Qin Sang was thinking about how to deal with it, after seeing the behavior of the three people after they landed on the island, as well as the cultivation of the Confucian scholar and the middle-aged beautiful woman, her expression couldn't help changing, showing a thoughtful look.

Just as Qin Sang was going down the mountain and was about to do something, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and stared at the outside of the Poison Island, and discovered the existence of the phantom.

"The old ghost at the stage of forming pills seems to be a cultivator..."

Qin Sang's face sank.

Judging by the momentum and speed of the yin wind, the cultivators inside were not at the foundation-building stage at most, and he thought it was a dispute between the foundation-building cultivators, and even killing them all would be an easy task.

Unexpectedly, there was a golden core behind it.

It seems that things are not so simple.

However, an old demon at the stage of formation was not enough to make Qin Sang change his mind.

For the sake of safety, Qin Sang called out the double-headed scorpion and the avatar outside his body, and asked them to keep an eye on the illusion.

After landing on Poison Island.

The Confucian scholar and the middle-aged beautiful woman entered the poisonous miasma, and they acted separately according to the previously negotiated action.

The middle-aged beautiful woman took out a gauze and wrapped it around their mother and daughter.

Because of taking Yin Chan Dan, their body surface exudes a faint black aura, which can actually be incorporated into the poisonous miasma. Coupled with the ability of the red ying tent, they can hide themselves well.

The Confucian scholar rushed into the depths of the Poison Island without turning his head, preparing to use his flesh to attract the Eagle King.

The beautiful middle-aged woman wiped the tears from her face, turned around resolutely, and flew in the other direction with her daughter in her arms.

After flying out not far, the two exclaimed one after another and found themselves falling into a strange illusion.

The phantom array is integrated into the power of poisonous miasma, and it is controlled by Qin Sang himself.

The Confucian scholar was dizzy for a while, his expression was horrified, and he hurriedly bowed to the void and said: "Junior did not know that this is the senior's dojo, disturbed the senior, and hoped that the senior would forgive me."

There was an unusual silence in the phantom array.

Just when the Confucian scholar was in shock, an old voice suddenly came from above his head, and said coldly: "Forgiveness? You are so daring, disturbing the old man's hard work, and dare to bring so many monks here, when the old man dare not take your life? "

When the Confucian scholar heard this, he was very anxious, and secretly cried out in pain.

This old guy is not a good person when he hears it.

I thought it was a poison island, but I didn't expect it to be occupied by this old demon and opened up into a dojo.

The rotten winged eagle king was an existence that even the monks at the stage of forming pills were afraid of, but he was quietly eliminated by this old demon, and even the demon nest was occupied.

The chasing soldiers hadn't let go, but they fell into the devil's cave again.

"The junior is rude, and is willing to take the burden and let the senior deal with it. The wife and daughter of the junior don't know about it, and I only hope that the senior can forgive them..."

There was a smirk in the air, "Are you talking about them?"

The poisonous mist fluctuated in front of the scholar, turning into a water mirror, reflecting the figures of his wife and daughter. The middle-aged beautiful woman and the girl were actually separated. The girl had already woken up, and the two were panicked and helpless.

Seeing this scene, the scholar's expression tightened, and he immediately fell to his knees and pleaded: "Senior Qi, they are all innocent people, please raise your hand high, don't embarrass them, the junior is an ox and a horse..."

"All right!"

A cold snort came from the air, interrupting the Confucian scholar, "You don't have to act in front of me with that little thought. Your chasing troops have arrived, including the magic cultivator at the stage of forming pills. The old man has not yet figured out what to do with it. You, or simply hand you over and befriend that fellow Daoist..."

"Senior don't!"

The Confucian student shouted, he found out that there was an old demon on the island, he was still a little careful, but now he realized that the old demon had already seen it, and he hurriedly pleaded in horror.

"Then let's see what value you have, it's worthy of my protection," said a voice in the air, "explain your origins and why you got into trouble with that person outside, and don't hide the slightest bit. As long as you and your wife There is a little discrepancy in what the woman said, and the old man immediately throws you out."

At this moment, Qin Sang stood on top of the scholar's head and looked down at him, but the scholar didn't notice it at all.

He looked at the previous actions of the Confucian scholar and his wife, and the reason for doing so was not simply out of compassion.

First, he didn't want his cave dwelling to be exposed prematurely. If these people don't have a big background, just stay.

Second, Qin Sang just lacks a few helpers. The couple can do this. It shows that they have a deep love for their daughter and are very nervous about their daughter. It is easy to In the future, he estimates that he will stay in Dongfu all the time. It has been cultivated, but the collection of spiritual items needed for cultivation and inquiries about information must be done by someone.

One of the Confucian scholar couple was in the late stage of foundation building, and the other was in the middle stage of foundation building.

With Qin Sang's eyesight, it was easy to see that the Confucian scholar couple's exercises were unusual, and their real strength was much higher than the surface.

Of course, Qin Sang will do what he can.

If the forces provoked by these two are too strong, and the Patriarch of Nascent Soul is involved, there is nothing he can do.

Although the Confucian scholar was terrified by the mysterious old demon's methods, he could not help but be surprised and delighted when he heard this person's words and had the confidence to protect his family.

"Our husband and wife were originally monks from the White Flame Valley outside the Rift Archipelago. We were forced to flee into the Rift Archipelago because of our enemies. Over the years, our husband and wife have been careful, hiding in Tibet, and have never taken the initiative to harm others. Unexpectedly, When the little girl went out once, she was bumped into by the devil's subordinates, and found that the little girl was a body of water jade, and wanted to rush to make a furnace..."

The Confucian scholar's eyes were fluctuating, but in the end he gritted his teeth and made it clear, not daring to hide anything.

"The body of water jade?"

Qin Sang's expression changed slightly, and he said with a strange smile: "I heard that the water and jade energy will condense in the sea of ​​​​water and jade, and it has a miraculous effect on some magical powers of the same attribute. Yes. Now make it clear, what are the origins of the enemies you provoked before, and the people outside."

The Confucian scholar was uneasy. Hearing that Qin Sang did not pay too much attention to his daughter, he felt relieved and quickly said: "Baiyangu is only a small sect, and it is normal for seniors to have never heard of it. Our former enemy was a member of the Heguang faction. An elder. This person outside is a famous devil nearby, the master of the cave of worship and his subordinates..."


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