Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 919: Alchemy

The swamp is filled with darkness.

I don't know how many creatures were swallowed by the swamp, so that such a large area of ​​extreme yin was raised.

The yin qi around the swamp is weak, and the spiritual qi is stronger than other places, but unless the ghost monks practice with the help of yin qi, most people will not open the cave here.

In the depths of the swamp, the thick Yin Qi condensed and did not disperse, swallowing all vitality, and almost no living creatures could be seen, similar to the Yin Sha Yuan of the Kui Yin Sect.

In such a place, there is a stone tower, half submerged in the swamp and half floating on it.

At this time, three figures were suspended in front of the stone tower.

A large pit appeared in the swamp below, and the surrounding black mud closed in the middle, and the mud at the bottom was turned up, all black and yellow, exuding a rancid smell.

This indescribable scene is disgusting.

Standing in front of the stone pagoda was a cultivator with a national character face. This man's face was ashen, his left hand was tucked into his cuff, and he kept shaking, but he was forced to press down with his true essence, so he couldn't see it from the outside.

"Your Excellency is a good way!"

The Chinese-character-faced cultivator clenched his palms tightly, with an angry expression on his face, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay!

After all, the man flicked his cuff, and a streamer flew towards the opposite side, with a jade slip wrapped inside.

The two people on the opposite side stood one after the other, all wearing grimace masks. Although they were not magic weapons, they were also top-notch magic weapons. The black-robed cultivator was a dignified master at the alchemy stage, but he couldn't penetrate the mask with his spiritual sense, so he could see this clearly. The true face of two people.

"Thank you buddy."

The man standing in front grabbed the jade slip, swept his consciousness, and after checking the contents of the jade slip, there was a hint of joy in his tone, and raised his hand to hit back a jade slip, "Today I have offended you so much, I hope you don't. Weird. I will follow my previous promise and will not reveal any of the corpse refining skills of Fellow Daoist Luo. In exchange, this is a secret corpse technique I collected before, which should be helpful to fellow Daoists, farewell!"

Before they finished speaking, the two of them set up to escape, and they didn't even look back and walked away.

After a while, a few monks flew out of the stone pagoda, and fell behind the monk with the national character face, with a face of unwillingness, and said with the enemy: "Master, just let them go like this?"

The cultivator with the national character face was gloomy, "If you don't let them go, why don't you keep them? You didn't see that this person just fought against me, and only with swordsmanship can be on an equal footing with me. The person behind him seems to have a better aura than him. Even stronger, it is very likely that he is a master in the late stage of the formation of pills."


Everyone was shocked.

Someone else said: "But Master, you haven't fully opened the big formation, even if you are a master in the late stage of formation, you can't easily break the master's corpse formation, right? Besides, Master, your master corpse is powerful. Cultivator Bijiedan, as long as we stick to it for a while, Senior Mao will be able to bring someone there..."

Hearing this, the cultivator with the national character face became even more ugly, and he snorted coldly: "You can see that the position of this person is exactly the weakest point of the great formation. This is no coincidence! The corpse formation is the original creation of this old man. , it is impossible for others to know the method of breaking the formation. That is, this person is extremely proficient in the method of formation, and can easily see through the flaws in the formation..."

Hearing this, the disciples were even more astonished, and only then did they know how dangerous it was.

"That's all! This person is not coveting the true inheritance of my corpse sect. If you don't practice the true inheritance, many secret techniques will not be used. The rest is similar to the corpse refining techniques of other corpse sects, so it's okay to give it to him. The corpse refining technique that this person gave me seems to have quite a history, and after I understand it through my master, I might be able to perfect the corpse formation..."

The Chinese-faced cultivator gradually put away his anger and dodged back to the stone tower.


At the same time, the two had already flown out of the swamp, and it was Qin Sang and Avatar.

For more than ten years, Bai Zhongqiu and his wife have followed Qin Sang's orders and made unannounced visits to inquire about the famous corpse monks in the Split Wind Islands.

Qin Sang picked out the ones he could provoke, visited them one by one, and exchanged his experience on corpse refining and corpse dao with them.

In the jade slip that Qin Sang threw to the man, it was not the "Tian Yin Corpse Art", but another inheritance of the corpse dao that he obtained in Xiaohanyu, of course, it was also incomplete.

There is no shortage of such incomplete exercises in Xiaohanyu. Most of them are ancient cultivators dug up from the battlefield of ancient immortals. They are also very valuable and can allow monks who are also corpses to learn by analogy.

Therefore, Qin Sauna made such an exchange of secret techniques, and the strength of him and his avatar was there, and the process of communication was quite smooth.

Qin Sang did this, firstly, to find a way to unlock the Heavenly Corpse Talisman, and secondly, he was also thinking about whether he could get inspiration from other corpse refining techniques to realize the follow-up part of "Tianyin Corpse Art".

In fact, Qin Sang had been collecting things when Yaohai was working for the Chamber of Commerce. At that time, he bought it with spirit stones, and in the Split Wind Islands, he used his fists to speak.

The cultivators who can gain a firm foothold in the Split Wind Islands have some ability, and some of the corpse refining techniques that Qin Sang obtained are indeed unique.

It is a pity that there is no corpse refining technique, and it takes a similar path as "Tian Yin Corpse Technique".

Among these corpse refining techniques, there are many secret techniques that can be refined into flying yakshas, ​​but all of them do not require a long process of raising and refining corpses, plus various harsh conditions, the difficulty is no less than that of normal monks.

The incarnation outside the body is enough to occupy resources and energy, and it is impossible to be distracted and raise the corpse.

For more than ten years, Qin Sang has raised his incarnation at all costs, and finally broke through the late stage of forming a pill not long ago. It only took less than thirty years from the formation of the pill to the later stage. When other monks heard it, they would surely shed tears of envy.

But for Qin Sang, it was still too slow.

From the news he got, it is estimated that the opening of the Seven Killing Hall will be seven or eight years later. It is not enough for the incarnation to cultivate to the peak of the Core Formation Stage, and the quick method must be used.

The good news is that the cultivation process of "Tian Yao Refining Shape" has been very smooth. Ten years ago, it successfully broke through the middle stage of the third floor, and it was on the same level as the cultivation base.

Although the speed of improvement dropped sharply later, Qin Sang was not afraid of Xingsha, and the speed of cultivating this technique was still much faster than others.

He was even thinking about whether he should take the blood tyrant before opening the Seven Killing Palace and try to hit the late third floor.

"The corpse..."

Qin Sang landed in a safe and ordered him to incarnate as a protector, and concentrate on watching the newly acquired corpse refining technique.

"The corpse refining technique of the Underworld Corpse Sect is indeed different from others, but it needs to cultivate a unique yin energy before it can be refined. No wonder this person handed over the corpse refining technique so happily!"

Qin Sang withdrew his consciousness and sighed softly.

Except for the Qi of Yin Yin, this technique is not much different from other corpse refining techniques, and it is of little help in cracking the Heavenly Corpse Talisman.

"There are a few more to come, and it's too late. The auction of Fengyin Island is about to start, and you must get the jade pendant that will enter the Hall of Seven Kills. It seems that you have to use a few precious spirits from the man in Black Snake Mountain... "

Qin Sang pondered a little, then set off and flew west.


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