Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 924: sword wheel

‘Om! ’

At the same time when the blood sword broke out.

There was a low sound of sword chants on the opposite side.

The young man surnamed Fang narrowed his eyes slightly.

The next moment, the bright sword light erupted.

Qin Sang disappeared, replaced by a sword wheel composed of countless sword lights and sword energy, like a bright moon, blooming in the horrified eyes of the young man surnamed Fang.

Now, Qin Sang has differentiated and comprehended the sword light to the realm of Dacheng. However, due to the cultivation base, the number of sword lights differentiated is limited, and most of them are actually camouflaged by sword energy.

The sword light differentiated by the ebony sword and the illusory sword energy are intertwined to form a bright sword wheel.

After the enlightenment of sword light was differentiated, Qin Sang tried to comprehend the next realm of kendo, but he still had no clue.

In the classics he collected, it was recorded that in order to understand this realm, one had to fall into a mysterious and mysterious word 'situation', comprehend the true swordsmanship and sword intent, and then be able to gather thousands of sword lights and transform into sword formations out of thin air.

Qin Sang couldn't get a glimpse of the door, but he didn't give up, recalling the swordsmanship he learned in Jianjing, and thinking hard to come up with a weakened version of the sword wheel, which took shape not long ago.

Although it is far from being compared with the real sword formation, it can be regarded as a powerful magical power among the cultivators of the Core Formation Stage. Qin Sang did not use the sword wheel when he was discussing with the Jin Dan of the Underworld Corpse Sect in the Rift Wind Islands, otherwise he would be able to defeat this person easily.

When he realizes the true meaning of the sword, the power will continue to increase.

Under Qin Sang's full force, the sword light was like a blue sky, and the sword wheel was like the bright moon, dazzling and unstoppable.

Wherever it goes, it seems invincible, and the momentum is extremely amazing.

At this time, if someone saw this amazing scene from a distance, they thought it was a powerful shot from Yuan Ying, but it was just an appearance, and most of it was used to bluff people.

The young man surnamed Fang knew in his heart that the opponent's swordsmanship was not as terrifying as it looked, but among the cultivators in the Core Formation Stage, he was definitely the top.

Now, he really felt the danger.


The young man surnamed Fang heard a sound of insects, and purple filaments suddenly appeared inside the insect beetle, filling the whole insect beetle in an instant, and it looked like it was made of a kind of purple spar.

The sound of insects suddenly became extremely urgent, and a rich purple light burst out suddenly, shrouding the young man named Fang, and quickly transformed into a huge beetle.

The whole body of the beetle shone with purple light, the thorns stood on the back of the carapace, and the chelipeds were as sharp as knives, extremely fierce.

"This is the Amethyst Heaven Armor..."

Qin Sang was surprised.

He has been guessing what the life-like worm Gu of the young man surnamed Fang is. Now that the worm Gu appears, he realizes that it is the Amethyst Heaven Armor, which ranks tenth on the Witch Insect List.

Spirit worms of this level are all raised by the Wu clan sect, and the young man surnamed Fang is a disciple of the Black Snake Mountain, so it is not surprising to have this kind of life worm.

The back armor of the Amethyst Heaven Armor is extremely hard, and it is turned into a battle armor. It is known as the most defensive spiritual insect in the witch insect list, only a few points weaker than those rare and rare insects.

The most commendable thing is that it is much simpler to cultivate amethyst sky armor than strange insects.

The youth surnamed Fang did not know how much effort he had spent on the Amethyst Heaven Armor, but it was already in the late stage of the third transformation. young.

It's no wonder that this person was still alive and kicking after being hit with "Thunderbolt Technique" back then. Even though he had been on guard for a long time, the contribution of this insect armor could not be ignored.

After the Amethyst Heaven Armor appeared, the chelicera was closed, and it turned into a purple barrier, firmly protecting the young man surnamed Fang.

At the same time, the man's true essence poured into the blood sword frantically, the blood-colored sword qi became stronger and stronger, thick as a giant pillar, and the blood glowed to the sky, stabbing the sword wheel straight away.

'boom! ’

After the terrifying collision, the aftermath visible to the naked eye swept in all directions. Under them, those ancient trees that had existed for unknown years suffered and turned into powder.

battlefield center.

The sword wheel is splendid, like a real giant wheel, the blood-colored sword energy was strangled, and it was broken inch by inch.

The next moment, the sword wheel shook, and the remaining sword light poured out.

The phantom of the Amethyst Heaven Armor was drowned by the sword light, and there was only the sound of the wind and the rain, and there was no scream of the youth surnamed Fang. Qin Sang's eyes narrowed, his figure was already following the sword wheel, and without hesitation, he shot out brazenly and pressed the insect shadow with one hand.

'boom! ’

With a loud bang, a figure flew out backwards, and his footsteps staggered. It was the young man surnamed Fang.

The young man surnamed Fang looked quite embarrassed, but he was not injured, but the phantom of the Amethyst Heavenly Armor became a little scattered, and the body of the insect armor seemed to have a few messy and shallow marks.

His eyes were fierce and he was about to say something when he opened his mouth to say something, when he suddenly heard a scream, and out of the corner of his light caught a glimpse of his junior brother being sent flying by Qin Sang's incarnation, and his arm was pulled by Shuangtou.

This person is just a middle-stage cultivator. Facing the late stage incarnation and double-headed siege, he has no power to fight back, and he can't even try to escape from the siege.

"Senior brother save me!"

The older monk cried out for help, his voice shrill.

The face of the young man surnamed Fang changed and changed, he gritted his teeth and retracted his gaze, then suddenly turned and left.

He knew that his younger brother would not last Once he died, he would face the siege of the three masters. Qin Sang's actual strength is no longer weaker than himself, and if he continues to entangle him, he will probably be more fortunate than himself.

Unexpectedly, the young man surnamed Fang swept away a few feet away, and Qin Sang blocked his way as soon as he saw a flower.

As soon as his expression changed, he immediately changed his direction, but was still easily blocked by Qin Sang.

After several times, the young man surnamed Fang stopped and stared at Qin Sang, his face ashen, and his heart was even more horrified.

The speed Qin Sang showed was terrifying.

Although the young man surnamed Fang was not good at escaping, he was a peak master at the Core Formation Stage, and he believed that it was impossible for a cultivator of the same realm to stop him. Only now did he know that a Core Formation Stage cultivator could have such a terrifying speed.

Unless Qin Sang is defeated, it is impossible to escape.

That's exactly what happened.

After Qin Sang performed the Heavenly Demon Transformation, his speed was already the best among cultivators in the same realm. With the Nine Dragons Heavenly Carriage Talisman, even if he was not as good as the ancestor of Yuanying, it was not far behind.

Otherwise, with Qin Sang's temperament, he would have secretly prepared to use the Thunder Technique, and he would give them a slap in the face when they met.

Dealing with the young man surnamed Fang, he wanted to test his own quality. Now it seems that decades of hard work have not been in vain.

'boom! ’

The corpse of another monk turned into a mummified corpse and was thrown out like a rag.

The double-headed scorpion and the avatar blocked other directions and swept the array for Qin Sang.

Qin Sang's figure paused for a moment, and once again bullied himself up with the ebony sword in his hand, and the sword wheel reappeared.

see this scene.

The young man surnamed Fang understood that it would be difficult to be kind today.

Let him beg for mercy even more impossible, only a desperate fight.

The young man surnamed Fang was laughing wildly in the sky, his life insect Gu was touched by the master's state of mind, 'woohoo', with a bit of sadness.

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