Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 927: 2 into 7 kill hall

After discussing with Qin Sang, Lao Zou invited Qin Sang to go with him, but he refused.

"Pin Dao is used to being alone, and before going to the Hall of Seven Kills, he still has some matters to deal with, so I don't need to trouble Old Zou and fellow Daoists," Qin Sang said with a smile.

Dongji League and Xiyou League must be tricky in the Hall of Seven Kills, Qin Sang has been deliberately avoiding contact with these people.

Old Zou sighed lightly, and there was some inexplicable meaning in his tone, "Since the Taoist has no intention, Zou is not reluctant. After this farewell, I don't know if there will be a goodbye in the future, the Taoist takes care."

"Old Zou take care!"

Qin Sang was awe-inspiring and handed in hand.

After parting from Mr. Zou, Qin Sang frequently went to and from shops and auction houses, spending a lot of spirit stones to buy treasures for various purposes. After three days, he left Tianxing Island alone and flew to Dongmen Island.

Returning to Dongmen Island again, Qin Sang recalled the memory of Qin Sang entering the Hall of Seven Kills for the first time.

The Hall of Seven Kills is unpredictable. The safe place when you entered it last time may be occupied by a group of beasts next time, or the dangerous ancient forbidden hidden in it may be stimulated for some reason.

However, his current strength is far greater than before, as long as he is cautious enough, the ending should not be worse than last time.

Temporarily rented cave house.

Qin Sang took out fifteen flagpoles and slowly stroked them.

In Qin Sang's heart, the first thing to enter the Hall of Seven Killings this time is not to find the ancient teleportation formation, but to conquer the Jiuyou Demonic Fire and make it into eighteen demons.

As an artifact refiner, he is very aware of the value of top-quality magic weapons. If you miss this opportunity, even after the baby is born, it is impossible to have a second chance to get the best magic weapon.

Eighteen demons are in hand, even if they can't find a way back, at least their strength is not bad, and they have the ability to find more opportunities.

Thinking of this, Qin Sang's eyes flashed, and his face was full of contemplation.

He remembered Feitian Yasha who was still in the ghost land, and now he doesn't know what to do.

Qin Sang didn't expect that the strongest corpse was taken away by the lonely and wild ghosts in the ghost land. After coming out, every time he thought about it, he was a little annoyed.

The strength of the ghost should not be too strong, otherwise, it would be fine to attack him directly without being so sneaky. However, the other party seems to be wise and knows how to cover up the imprint of his soul left in the refining corpse, so he cannot take it lightly.

The ghost land that has been sealed by the Nine Nether Demon Fire for an unknown number of years has such a long history of ghosts, which is a bit intriguing, and there may be some kind of mutation. The lifespan of ghost cultivators is indeed longer than that of normal cultivators, but it is impossible to be so defiant.

It seems that there should be secrets that he has not discovered in the ghost land.

At that time, Tianmu Die had not yet broken through the third change, and his eyes had not been opened, otherwise he would not have been fooled around.

In the middle stage of Tianmu Die Advanced Stage 3 Transformation, the innate supernatural powers have been improved by another level. This time is the time for revenge. As long as the ghost dares to appear, it will be invisible in the eyes of the sky.

Recovering the corpse refining is secondary, after all, it is only comparable to the corpse refining in the early stage of the formation, and it is not very helpful to him.

When refining the magic flag and collecting the Jiuyou magic fire, it must not be disturbed.

He wants to extract the power of the Nine Nether Demonic Fire little by little and seal it in the demonic streamer. A small accident may cause the Demonic Fire to riot and devour himself.

Qin Sang pondered for a while, put away the flagpole, and settled down, waiting for the last moment.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Sang stayed on Dongmen Island for a month.

During this period of time, more and more monks gathered here, but there was no news of the opening of the Seven Killing Hall, which made everyone a little restless.

Until another half month passed, Qin Sang, who was meditating in the cave mansion, was awakened by a tyrannical breath.

Knowing that the time had come to revisit the old place, he immediately stopped the exercises, quickly put away all his belongings, and carried the sarcophagus with the avatar outside his body on his back.

As soon as I flew out of the cave, I heard a voice coming from the sky, "Open the Hall of Seven Killings at midnight tonight, all fellow Daoists, get ready."

Qin Sang's eyes flashed, and it turned into a flash of light and flew out of Dongmen Island. On the way, he was invisible and very low-key. It was still early when he arrived, and there was more than enough time.

Soon after, Qin Sang touched the storm barrier again.

Goodbye to the scene in the storm, still thrilling.

It is hard to imagine why the world of immortality has become like this, and what means are those great masters using to leave a barrier, isolate the storm, and protect the younger generation for so long.

After Qin Sang looked around, his eyebrows flickered, and he took out his ebony sword.

The sword glow covered the body and passed through the barrier without hesitation.

As soon as he escaped into the storm, he saw a gray hurricane rushing towards him. Qin Sang's complexion changed slightly, his sword light flashed, and in the blink of an eye, it moved sideways by more than ten meters.

The hurricane passed him by, but the huge waves it attracted were obscuring the sky and could not be avoided.

Qin Sang thought together, and immediately made a great sword, with a terrifying impact, pierced through the big waves.

His strength is not what it used to be, and he dares to walk through the outer edge of the storm alone.

But facing the hurricane's body, he still felt a burst of fear. He had no doubts about the power of the hurricane. If he was swept away by the hurricane, even if he could barely escape, he would not know where he would be swept away.

Lost in the depths of a storm and nearly impossible to find a way back, the results are predictable.

Out of caution, Qin Sang slowed down and Yu Jian rushed on. Moving between the cracks of the hurricane, following the guidance of the jade talisman, he flew towards the Hall of Seven Kills.

The journey went quite smoothly. Seeing that it was almost halfway there, Qin Sang suddenly frowned and stopped the escaping light.

'Boom rumble...'

The wind and waves were earth-shattering, drowning all the noise.

Qin Sang hung in the air, urging the sword energy to resist the wind and waves, and turned his head to look to the left. At the end of his line of sight, there were actually two figures that stopped there. Because of the wind and waves, some of them could not see clearly, and they were looming.

At the same time, Qin Sang also felt the gaze of the opponent, as if the visitor was not good.

"Xiang Yi said that there are gangsters who will hide in the storm and take advantage of the Did you really let yourself encounter it?"

Qin Sang narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sneer appeared on his face under the mask.

The two sides confronted each other for a while, Qin Sang saw that the other party did not move, and a little ebony sword broke through the air.

It was not until Qin Sang left that the two figures swept over one after another.

"Run away!"

One of them glanced at him and found that Qin Sang was missing. He couldn't help beating his chest and groaning, "Brother, it's hard to come across a single person, why don't you let me do it?"

The other person wore a grimace mask, staring at the direction where Qin Sang disappeared, and said solemnly: "Dare to walk alone in the storm, who is easy to provoke? This person is not chaotic, and he is not an ordinary person. I will take him from him. There is a sense of danger in my body. I suspect that if we really shoot him, we may regret it."

"Is it really that strong?"

Another person was shocked when he heard the words, "That's it! Listen to the elder brother, let him go! The feng shui here is not very good, let's change the place, we must make a deal today."

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