Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 929: Lingchan Cave

"Fang came for himself, not at your invitation."

The body of the dead leafhopper, but called Fang Laomo, said a cold voice.

Dao Wu wished the other party's old demon's attitude not to be uneasy, and said: "Fang Daoyou is here, it is a deterrent to them, and it will be much more convenient for your concubine to act. As for what Fang Daoyou intends to do in the Hall of Seven Kills, the concubine will not be too much. Interfere. I only hope that during this time, Fang Daoyou can cooperate with the concubine to perform this scene in front of Lingzhu. "

Fang Lao Mo was silent for a while, and didn't say much, it seemed that he acquiesced.

When Da Wuzhu saw this, there was a hint of joy on his face, "Fang Daoyou came just in time, this Thousand Swords Formation is a bit difficult to control by yourself, and it is much easier to have Fang Daoist help."

Saying that, Da Wuzhu sighed and wanted to make a final effort.

"Fang Daoyou really don't think about cooperating with your concubine once? If you can find the ancient witch heritage, it will be beneficial to our witch clan in the present, and the merit will be in the future, you and I will also benefit from it, and you will have a glimpse of a chance to transform into a god. Maybe, Dao There is also great hope for the recovery of your friends. After all, there are still some inconsistencies between the human race and our witch race. The higher the cultivator's realm, the more obvious this feeling. Otherwise, why is our witch race a god-turning monk? Haven't been out yet? Presumably, Fellow Daoist Fang knew this when he was born..."

Before Da Wuzhu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Fang Laomo, "Fang is a lowly cultivator and only cares about himself. He doesn't have the compassion and blessings of Da Wuzhu. What you have brought out is not enough to convince Fang. , The Holy Land of the Human Race will hide the inheritance of ancient witches, which is ridiculous! If it is useless, there is no need to say it. I will cooperate with you to sing a play, but after entering the Hall of Seven Kills, I will not be bound by you."

"The concubine is already exhausted by dealing with the spirit beads, how can I still have the energy to restrain my fellow Daoist?"

Da Wuzhu sighed slightly, "Then thank you Fang Daoyou!"

The time between the two of them was very short, and outsiders couldn't hear what they were talking about. They only saw Da Wuzhu greet him in person, and take Old Demon Fang back to the camp with a kindness.

The other Wu clan Nascent Souls saluted Fang Laomo one after another, and they were very respectful.

It seems that they have already discussed it, which makes the Nascent Soul cultivator on the Human Race a bit ugly.

"I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Fang also exited the Lingchan Cave! The old Taoist is even more curious. Except for the inner hall that has been opened once in hundreds of years, this Hall of Seven Killings has been searched many times by the masters of my human race. Is there anything that deserves the two of you to lower your respects and investigate in person?"

Ling Zhuzi stared at Da Wu Zhu and Fang Lao Mo, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said lightly.

Fang Lao Mo was taciturn.

Da Wuzhu opened his mouth with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, "Fellow Daoist Lingzhu will be like the Demon Lord last time, staying by my side. I won't know what I'm looking for by then, so why bother? ask?"

"Old Daoist is really going to follow Da Wuzhu to gain insights. Maybe when Da Wuzhu encounters difficulties, he can still help."

Lingzhuzi actually admitted it calmly, and immediately changed his tone, "However, what Laodao is most worried about now is that the Nascent Soul cultivator entering the Seven Killing Hall exceeds the limit, and the Qianjian Formation cannot perfectly cover our breath. Aroused the vigilance of the Immortal Formation, gave birth to twists and turns, and affected everyone."

"That's not easy?"

Da Wuzhu sneered and turned to look at an old man, "Elder Feng?"

The old man understood and took out a jade talisman and presented it to Lao Mo Fang, "Fang Daoyou, this is a protective jade talisman. I will go outside the storm and wait for Da Wuzhu and Fang Daoyou."

The appearance of the jade talisman is similar to that in Qin Sang's hands, but the rune on it is several times more complicated.

Old Demon Fang accepted the jade talisman unceremoniously.

The old man turned and left, disappearing into the storm in a few flashes.

Da Wuzhu said to Lingzhuzi: "You don't need to worry now, fellow Daoist?"

Ling Zhuzi didn't continue chasing him, and didn't say anything more. After pondering for a while, he suddenly sent a voice transmission to the Nascent Soul, "Old Demon Fang appeared unexpectedly, it seems that we have to adjust our strategy..."

After listening to Lingzhuzi's words, all the Yuanying looked different.

Several of the demon cultivators had extremely gloomy expressions, as if they were very dissatisfied with the arrangement of the spirit beads.

Especially Old Demon Mou is the worst.

"Do these things well, and then you can hunt for treasures at will. Whoever dares to ignore Laodao's words will make a big mistake. If you don't need Laodao's shot, the devil will not be able to tolerate you..."

Ling Zhuzi stared at the demon cultivators, his eyes flickering with cold light, and he snorted coldly.

The demon cultivators looked at each other, their expressions changed, and in the end they didn't say anything more.

There was a faint hint of urgency in Mu Laomo's eyes, his eyes flickered, he silently looked at the other Nascent Souls, and then lowered his head to glance at the golden pills outside, and lowered his head into contemplation.

Qin Sang and the others naturally didn't know what kind of turmoil there was between Yuan Ying's ancestors.

After the withered leafhopper appeared, those Jindan cultivators had been talking about it all the time.

"He is the famous Fang of the Wu clan... According to legend, the one who failed to form a baby and merged with his own fourth variant of life worm Gu?"

"It's him! I thought it was a rumor, but I didn't expect to see the master!"

Even the human cultivator was shocked by Fang Laomo's actions, and with a feeling of admiration in his heart, he asked the witch cultivator next to him, "This person should be unprecedented, right?"

The Wu clan cultivator nodded and said: "In our Wu clan, Yuanshen and natal worm Gu are integrated, there may be more than one person who has this idea, but the only one who can really do it is Senior Fang. It is said that after Senior Fang succeeded, there are many The hopeless daoist friends in the formation of infants tried to imitate their predecessors, and they all died, and some even lost their souls together with the life insect Gu, and even lost the chance of reincarnation."

"What a ruthless man..."


Qin Sang leaned over, listened to their discussion, and said to himself in astonishment, "It's actually him!"

When he first arrived at the Canglang Sea and landed on the Wushen Continent, he had heard the legend of Fang Laomo.

This man's actions can be described as Even the remote western borders have legends about him. What's even more shocking is that he really succeeded, turned into a spirit worm, and is still alive and well. of.

Da Wuzhu personally greeted him, and it was obvious that he highly valued this person.

It seems that this person not only uses this to break through the bottleneck of the Nascent Soul Stage, but his cultivation has not stagnated, and he can already be on an equal footing with the Great Witch Zhu.

"Senior Fang is also a great monk in the late Nascent Soul?"

Qin Sang interjected and asked.

The Wu clan cultivator glanced at him and heard Qin Sang also called senior, and said in a slow tone, "Senior Fang's situation is special and unique, and no one can tell his true realm. But senior Fang's prestige is no less than that of Lord Wu Zhu. , Presumably the strength will not be much worse, right?"

Later, Qin Sang heard some stories about Fang Laomo.

But the master is right in front, and no one dares to talk nonsense, just taste it.

Fang Laomo is not only famous, but also fierce.

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