Asking for Immortality in Another World

Chapter 667: The Realm Ascension Technique is Completed

It wasn't until he was in the depths of the world sea and far away from the Tianyuan world again that Gu Changsheng finally slowed down slightly in shock, but he still didn't stop directly.

He turned around and looked behind him.

With such a far distance, even he would of course be unable to see where the Tianyuan World is.

There is only an almost boundless and ubiquitous chaotic scene in the depths of this world sea.

Looking back behind him, Gu Changsheng was speechless for a moment.

Back then, when he had just left the spirit fairy world, he had thought that this endless sea of ​​chaos was the biggest threat to him.

Looking back now, this Chaos Realm Sea has actually become a kind of protection for him in a sense. At least, it can effectively isolate him from the Immortal Corpse Sea!

But the price is that from now on, for many thousands of years, he will probably never be able to leave the depths of the sea of ​​chaos.

"Everything in this world is indeed true. Everything in this world is impermanent..."

Gu Changsheng sighed.

While he was slightly relieved, he couldn't help but feel a deep confusion as he stepped on the Azure Spirit Boat.

After leaving the Tianyuan Realm, Gu Changsheng suddenly didn't know where he was going in the endless sea of ​​​​realms in front of him.

After all, he doesn't know much about the world in this world, especially the specific locations of the spiritual world and Hengsha world.

In the past, when there was such a clear target as Tianyuan World to go to, of course I didn't think it was a big deal.

But now, the Tianyuan Realm has been swallowed up by the Sea of ​​Immortal Corpses, and he suddenly has no accurate target in this sea of ​​​​realms.

You can’t go back to the fairy world the same way you came, right? !

The entire spirit fairy world has already been swallowed up by the sea of ​​immortal corpses. Even if we go back, what will happen? ! !

At this moment, he finally understood some of the old monsters in the immortal world who had no choice but to leave when their deadline was approaching.

In a sense, he is also very similar to those old monsters who have overcome the tribulation.

In this boundless sea of ​​​​boundaries, there is no way back or any way out.

No wonder Gu Changsheng was so confused.

But, not bad.

He has long been accustomed to this kind of loneliness that always accompanies him and never leaves him.

It's not like I've been stuck in this confusion for too long.

After all, he is always much luckier than these old tribulation monsters! !

The Taoist Fruit of Immortality on his body, at any time, gave him a chance to seek Taoism and achieve Taoism in the vast and chaotic darkness! ! !

As long as he doesn't die, he will care about someone's future without limit!

If he really falls behind before attaining enlightenment, it is not his fault! !

After all, he really tried his best.

It's just that this road of seeking the truth is too long. With his meager talent, it is indeed too difficult to go all the way to the end in the midst of failure.

Regarding his own talent, Gu Changsheng still had some ideas in his heart.

It is no exaggeration to say that without the Immortality Dao Fruit, he would not have been able to even complete the foundation building above Qi training back then.


Without the Dao Fruit, even if he could successfully travel through this world, he might not even be able to reach the path to immortality.

At most, he is nothing more than a mere warrior!

In the end, a lifetime is just a mortal life.

What's more, what's happening today? ! !

Even if the body dies and the soul disappears, it is already worth it.

It's just that the ant is still living in vain, and he has seen more, so he is even less likely to give up easily.

At the same time, there is also too much reluctance and unwillingness in him!

The desire to seek the truth is hard to change.

Therefore, Gu Changsheng plans to continue exploring the sea of ​​​​this world just like so many old monsters who have left the spirit fairy world.

I hope that one day, I can find other spiritual worlds and fairy worlds!

Or, escape from the sea of ​​immortal corpses.

Of course, he couldn't pin all his hopes on this.

In this world sea, after traveling for so many years, he has already improved his proficiency in the world ascending technique he obtained back then to an extremely high level.

Although it has never been used once, it is not too far away from Dzogchen.

After all, it took him over a million years just to understand and figure out this secret technique. In addition, his attribute panel has the characteristics of a permanent certificate, and his proficiency is clearly visible.

It is actually not surprising at all to be able to perfect the proficiency of this secret art little by little.

The reason why it took so many years.

In addition to the fact that he spent most of his time practicing for so many years, it was also related to the fact that this secret art itself was extremely difficult to understand, understand and practice.

Using the records of the Great Dao Mark, it can be said that the difficulty of practicing this secret technique has been raised to a higher level.

Apart from anything else, the few old monsters who obtained this secret technique with him back then are afraid that none of them can understand this secret technique as well as him now.

The most important thing is that Gu Changsheng can guarantee that the secret technique he practices is correct and that he has not misunderstood or gone astray.

It’s not necessarily the case with these other old monsters who have survived the tribulation! !

It can be seen from this that there must be some secrets in the Izumo Sect in this world sea that he did not know and did not understand.

After all, it is so difficult for even the old monster of Tribulation to practice this secret technique, but how could the Izumo Sect in a small world of Hengsha be able to practice it? !

Unless the ancestor of the Izumo Sect did not come from this small world at the beginning, this would explain why this secret technique appeared in the Izumo Sect and how it could be mastered through practice. Got it!

Later, the successful modification of the way of heaven is even more proof!

After all, even Gu Changsheng had only heard about the beings who cultivated the way of heaven, but had never seen them with his own eyes.

Even in the spiritual world, many creatures are like this.

How can a mere ancestor of the Izumo Sect be so stunningly talented that he can surpass those in the spiritual world and succeed in cultivation? !

This is too amazing.

Gu Changsheng could say that he had only seen such an amazing and talented old monster in his cheap master back then.

However, it doesn’t make much sense to say this now! !

Even if this ancestor of the Izumo Sect is so amazing, so what?

After successfully cultivating the way of heaven, he was trapped in the sea of ​​​​the realm of immortals. If he could not escape in time, he might have fallen into the sea of ​​​​immortal corpses.

This is time and destiny! !

In this boundless sea of ​​​​boundaries, I am afraid there will never be another day to see each other again, so no matter how many secrets there are in the Izumo Sect, they have nothing to do with him.

Anyway, he has finally acquired this realm-raising technique, and is about to perfect it.

What is perfection? !

His current understanding of this world ascending technique may even be as good as that of the original creator of this world secret technique.

At least, that's the case based on the understanding of this secret technique.

Otherwise, it cannot be called perfect.

The reason why Gu Changsheng invested so much time and energy in this secret skill of his own.

That's because the spiritual veins in his body, which is a treasure from the sea, are still too low-grade.

It's just an eighth-level mid-level one.

With the passage of so much time and the increase in his consumption of spiritual energy, the spiritual energy and spiritual veins in the Canghai Relic Cave can be said to have become more and more reluctant for him.

Not to mention anything else, in this world sea, one has to cultivate for no less than a million years.

Not to mention the amount of spiritual energy and mana that he has improved in total, the amount of immortal energy he has transformed is only a mere ten thousand strands.

According to Gu Changsheng's own estimate, when he has fully cultivated the mana and spiritual power in his body, the amount of immortal energy he needs to convert will be at least two million strands.

It took millions of years to practice and cultivate a mere hundred thousand strands of immortal energy.

Two million strands, that is, about twenty, a million years, that is, twenty million years! ! ! !

Even if he later puts all his time and energy into transforming the immortal energy in his body, this time will still take at least ten to twenty million years! !

Ten to twenty million years.

Just relying on the spiritual energy and spiritual veins in his body, he still needs to continue practicing for at least ten to twenty million years before he can complete his cultivation in this realm of transcending tribulation.

It is not even ruled out that it may be even slower.

Even without the threat posed by the Immortal Corpse Sea in the Boundary Sea, Gu Changsheng would not be able to bear it at all.

With this time, the rules of time in him may have slowly transformed into the fifth metamorphosis on their own! !

Even now, halfway through the fourth shed, it is not too far away.

I'm afraid that in the next few hundred thousand years, a small transformation may occur.

Therefore, in order to speed up his own cultivation, and also to solve the problems of spiritual energy in his body in the future, it can be said that it is inevitable to obtain the spiritual energy and spiritual vein level in the Canghai Relic Cave.

At least now, he should have started to consider using the World Ascension Technique to devour other worlds to enhance his own cave! !

Even behind this, there may be countless worlds and creatures that will perish and perish.

No matter what!

Not to mention, the improvement of the Heavenly Grade of Canghai Relic Pearl Cave and the spiritual energy and spiritual veins within it are also closely related to something he has been planning for a long time.

If he were to find the immortal world in this world sea.

Then he would create a fairy world by himself.

Then secretly promote it from behind, treating the entire Lost Pearl as a large experimental field, so that not only the spiritual energy and spiritual veins above the tribulation, but also the skill problems that trouble him above the tribulation can be solved. .

After all, the Canghai Relic Cave is his home field.

When he reaches the end of his training in this tribulation realm and barely reaches the realm of immortals, or the rules of his body, he will also advance to the fifth metamorphosis!

Even if he is an immortal, so what? !

Nor can she escape from his grasp.

It will only become a chess piece that he can watch at will, just like the lines in his palm.

This was the plan that Gu Changsheng had in mind when he obtained this realm promotion technique.

Also called, Immortal Breeding and Immortal Cultivation Plan.

However, even he could not imagine how long it would take to really implement this plan.

And in the meantime, Gu Changsheng didn't know what accidents might happen.

Therefore, as a result, even now, he has not considered whether to invest an unknown amount of his own time, energy and resources into realizing this plan.

But after seeing the situation in Tianyuan world.

It has to be said that the balance in Gu Changsheng's heart has gradually tilted slightly.

I don't know how big the fairy world above the spiritual world is, and I don't know if the entire fairy world has been completely destroyed.

And in this sea of ​​​​boundaries, we are always on the road, and our future is uncertain.

It’s not a bad idea to cultivate your own fairyland! !

But, before that, anyway.

You still have to first truly improve your proficiency in this realm ascending technique to perfection.

After all, he now possesses the world ascending technique.

Although it is said that it is almost complete, it is still not truly complete after all.

Besides, in this boundary sea, especially in the depths of this boundary sea, the number of Hengsha worlds is originally very rare.

It is not easy to find one.

If he is determined to start his own plan in the future, he will slowly search the world of Hengsha instead of going deep into the sea of ​​chaos.

It's better to try to open up this kind of Hengsha world in this world sea by yourself! !

The birth of the world of Hengsha in this world sea was originally full of all kinds of coincidences.

Even just the aftermath of the battle between two strong men may be able to give birth to a world! !

If someone actively intervenes, it is not impossible to plant Hengsha worlds in this chaotic sea.

At the very least, the possibility of such a world being born will be greatly increased.

For Gu Changsheng, the most indispensable thing is time.

Whether it is immortal cultivation or the plan to cultivate the immortal world, it is destined to take a long time. I don't know how long it is.

This is also the main reason why he has been hesitant to make up his mind and start this plan! !

After all, even he himself is only one or two million years old!

And if you want to cultivate a fairy world, it must at least take tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of years? !

After such a long time, it was only he who was able to have so much time and energy.

Other people, not to mention the old monster who is in the same realm as him, even the real immortals who are above the tribulation, would not dare to think about it.

Because this is so crazy!

From this point of view, even immortals may not be able to compare with him in terms of long-term vision.

After all, even a true immortal may not be able to live forever! !

In the following time, before the Realm Ascension Technique in him is truly perfected, Gu Changsheng plans to continue going into the depths of the Realm Sea.

At the very least, stay away from the Tianyuan World as much as possible.

At the same time, it would be better if we could encounter more other spiritual worlds in this world sea and be more sure of the situation in this world sea.

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