Aspiring to the Immortal Path

Vol 12 Chapter 45: Plan


Qixia world, participate in the temple.

Sitting on the Sky Throne, Tang Jie was thinking.

Suddenly he raised his head slightly and looked towards the sky.

For a moment, he lowered his head and muttered to himself: "Why would Yuchengzi notice it? Heavenly Dao... Is there a connection between the origin of the star realm and the Heavenly Dao? That said, my previous guess should be correct. The so-called Heavenly Dao Fa, Wheel , This is the origin of the Great Dao of the Stars and the Great Thousand Realms. However, I always feel that something is still missing...what is missing!"

Tang Jie muttered to himself, and fell into a long thought.

At his level of cultivation level, if he wants to improve his cultivation level alone, the resources are far from enough. An understanding of the Tao of Heaven and Earth is the key to a further step.

Protest Saint Immortal!

If it is said that the previous practice has nothing to do with the Dao, then at this point, it is already difficult to move without entering the Dao realm.

While thinking at this moment, Tang Jie suddenly raised his brows and said, "Come here."

A monk had already appeared before the steps, and knelt down on one knee and said: "Lord of the world!"

"Hongmeng is here, you can pick it up."


The monk left.

After returning a moment later, there was already a person behind him, and his whole body was covered in a black mist, and his face was indistinct.

Until he came to Tang Jie's stage, that person withdrew his black energy, and he turned out to be a demon clan.

This is a fog demon, like a mist, like a dream, like a fantasy, has no fixed form, can change into various forms, has no combat power, but is good at disguising and escape, it is the most suitable messenger.

At this moment, the fog demon stopped in front of Tang Jie and said: "The demon envoy Mimei has seen your majesty the realm master. Come in the name of the **** and phoenix demon master and send 14,600 defeated demons. Please send your majesty. People take it."

The voice was like an ying, tactfully and sweetly, and in the process of speaking, she had transformed into a beautiful woman. She had no devilish energy on her body, as if she was born human, and she uttered an aura of temptation to Tang Jie from time to time.

Tang Jie was indifferent, and just said, "It's only ten thousand. The number of demons that have been sent recently is dwindling."

The fog demon Mimei laughed and said, "This is all because of the confusion of the demon area. Nowadays, no decent power can be found. Under the demon power of our lord Divine Phoenix, the demon races in the area will either become ministers or perish. There are not many diehards who dare to continue."

"But she hasn't become the master of confusion yet, has she?"

The fog demon smiled more and more happily: "The realm master said yes, this is also a part of my master's heart. The ninety-nine major demon districts of the Hongmeng Realm, only by becoming the master of one district, can they be truly great. Demon Lord. And now, although our Lord's power is already the crown of confusion, it still cannot be the Lord of confusion..."

"Because of the original Demon Lord, right?"

"The lord of the world is wise. Over the years, my lord has been conquering the borders of the human race, killing a lot of the demons for the human race, and sending a lot of precious information. Every time the demons come, my lord will I send you valuable information for the world master. Although the world master’s heavenly power can kill the demons even without this information. But with this information, you can undoubtedly save more effort and pay less life. Isn't it?"

Tang Jie waved his hand: "I know what she did, and you don't need to remind you. But I can't promise her for the time being to help her deal with Yuan Yumojun."

The fog demon's face collapsed: "Lord, the original Demon Lord has troubled us several times in the past three years. After discovering that he could not induce us to invade the human world, he attacked us several times and has killed our master's men. A lot of demons, even a few of the human allies were lost in his hands."

Tang Jie still shook his head: "This is the reason why I can't help you. You are too weak now, so weak that even the original Yumojun can't eliminate a falling dog. Think about it, this situation, if you really What will be the result of replacing the original desire?"

The fog demon stagnated.

Tang Jie already said: "I have fought Yuanyu, and I know his strength very well. He, the Great Demon Lord, is truly a great Demon Lord who can be killed by his own strength. As long as he is still alive, the other demon districts The devil will not pay attention to you, but only pay attention to him. Therefore, he is certainly your trouble, but also your shield. If he dies, then all the pressure will be on you. Believe me, You can't resist it."

"This does not bother the realm master. As long as the realm master agrees with us to solve the original desire, my master has his own way to stabilize the situation..."

"Is it Ji Yaoxian?" Tang Jie said lightly.

The fog demon stagnated again, staring at Tang Jie dumbfounded and speechless for a while.

Tang Jie smiled slightly: "It's nothing weird. She originally studied under Ji Yaoxian, and it was Ji Yaoxian who led her into the magic way. Back then, she wanted Ping Hai to improve herself, and kept saying that I don't want to worry about the stability of the realm, I knew it. She must have something to rely on. Based on her situation at the time, apart from Ji Yaoxian, I can't think of any other backing. In the past three years, she has lived so nourished in the Hongmeng world with the strength of an ordinary earth fairy demon. Apart from my help behind the scenes, I'm afraid her master has also put out a lot of effort, right? So she can't wait to become the demon master?"

The fog demon didn't dare to speak anymore.

Tang Jie has sighed leisurely: "She was wrong. Hongmeng's Great Demon Lord is indeed divided by the demon zone. But what really allows them to achieve this status is their strength, which has nothing to do with their influence. The Ice Phoenix is ​​too obsessive. Power, conspiracy, in fact, have already taken a fork in the road."

"But didn't you come here that way back then?" The fog demon couldn't help saying.

One sentence exposed himself, Tang Jie looked at her, and smiled: "I knew...Ice Phoenix! This fog demon has your consciousness in him, right? Yes, I came here in the same way, and it's not just the past. , Even now, I am still good at playing tricks. Don’t forget, the original Demon Lord was defeated by my united Ming Clan, and even you are the work of my conspiracy. But Ice Phoenix, when do you see me take the initiative to pursue Have you passed this?"

The fog demon speaks no words.

Tang Jie sighed: "Those are all just means, not pursuits. Strength, cultivation base, heaven, these are the things. Indulging in playing with the power of conspiracy will only make you lose your way and lose yourself."

The fog demon finally snorted: "My master has his own idea."

Seeing her like this, Tang Jie knew that she couldn't listen to her, and she didn't force her to persuade her. He just said: "I can help you with the original desire, but I still advise you to wait another two years."

"Two years?"

"Yes, two years! Two years later, I will give you a batch of reinforcements. I think it will be enough for you to deal with your original desires."

After Cai Junyang and others left, Tang Jie didn't stop teaching the Devil's Tire in Prison. In three years, he has trained a large number of human monks who can freely enter and exit Hongmeng.

After getting this answer, the fog demon went back to his life with joy.

Watching the fog demon leave, Tang Jie meditated for a moment, then said: "Come here!"

A monk appeared: "Notify all Sendai, come to me."


Not long after, Yun Tianlan and others had appeared on the temple of participation.

Compared with the pre-war period, Sendai in Qixia Realm has obviously added many new faces. In just three years, another group of practitioners were promoted to Sendai.

This is all thanks to the blessings of the Pinghai Great Array, four hundred years of accumulation, and countless lives of demons, and all of this has been achieved. Not only the Tang Jie made Da Luo, but also the strength of a group of potential cultivators was greatly improved.

Today, there are fifty-two earth immortals sitting on this temple, seven true immortals-not long ago, Ji Wenchang finally recovered to the true immortal position, one Da Luo Jinxian, a total of sixty people in Sendai, among them the new Five places in Sendai. The increase of five earth immortals in three years is an incredible speed.

Sitting on the main hall at this moment, Tang Jie looked around the immortals and said in a melodious voice: "I am calling everyone over this time. There is something to inform you."

Everyone looked at Tang Jie together.

Tang Jie said: "I plan to restart the path to the starry sky."

Restart the road to the stars?

As soon as he heard this, the temple immediately exploded, and it became lively.

These people in Sendai, who are accustomed to the world, watched the ebb and flow of the tides, and who had long been in response to the Taishan collapse without changing color, have also exploded and talked:

"Restart the road to the stars? How is this possible? Isn't that trouble for yourself?"

"That's right, now is the moment of the Great Tribulation of Hongmeng. Although we have temporarily won the victory, the demons of Hongmeng have never stopped attacking. Every time new demons will come in. It is already possible to hold this place. It's rare. Start the road to the stars again..."

"Yes, when you start the path to the starry sky at this time, it is just a multi-faceted enemy!"

"That's not necessarily. Fang is going down today, Hongmeng Great Tribulation, almost every star realm is being invaded by the Hongmeng Demon Race. Opening the path to the starry sky at this time has at least one advantage, that is, we don't need to act as the invaders, but save Liberator."

Some people saw Tang Jie's thoughts and spoke in support.

A word to awaken the dreamer, many immortals immediately realized the difference.

Someone has said: "Yes, the Demon Race is a great disaster in the world. We have repelled the Demon Race, but it does not mean that others will be able to repel. Some star realms may now be poisoned by the Demon Race~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Starting the path to the stars at this time is a good opportunity to hang the people against crimes and revitalize the teachers of justice. I dare say that as long as we go, the star realms there will definitely greet us and welcome us."

"Yes, no matter what, everyone is human, all of them are in the realm, and they are unified together, and they will not treat anyone wrongly."

Everyone talked about it, and without Tang Jie's words, the benefits of opening the path to the starry sky were already spoken out.

"The most important thing is that the human races in other star realms really need us to rescue." There is a compassionate person, said in a deep tone.

Not everything needs to be considered from the perspective of interest, just for the destiny of human beings, and there are reasons not to give up other star realms.

Upon hearing this, the immortals nodded in agreement, saying: "Goodness! Great goodness!"

Some people even said: "To help the world and save my human race, this is what a realm master should do. The realm master's move to open the way to the starry sky is really great wisdom and grandeur, go to the way of heaven!"

Tang Jie smiled and said, "I don't know if it's Hetian Dao. I just think that some things should be done."

Achievement is the highest, and sometimes you can't just think about yourself, but more have to look into the distance and have a broad mind. This is what a big man should have.

When Tang Jie was thinking about the way of heaven, he realized this, so he made this determination. As for the benefits of doing so, it was only later realized.

"But the realm master, open the way to the starry sky to deal with other demons, so what should I do if the demons in my realm invade?" Fairy Gu She asked.

"There is no need to worry about this." Tang Jie replied: "In two years, the Hongmeng Confused Demon Zone will break out of civil war. By then, all the demons will be overwhelmed, and no demons will enter the realm in a short time. "

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