Aspiring to the Immortal Path

Vol 9 Chapter 60: Power


Tang Jie fell from the sky like a meteor, smashing into the cliff, smashing a super huge pit.

His strong body could not support him to get up.

Upon closer inspection, he saw that almost every part of his body was filled with scary sword marks. These wounds were surrounded by astonishing energy. Unless Tang Jie would waste his life to activate the way of life or consume precious celestial energy, he would only rely on it. It is impossible to restore the powerful physical quality of physical training.

Xiao Biehan's figure appeared over the mountains, holding a sword standing upright: "Tang Jie, is it possible to fight again?"

Tang Jie gritted his teeth and wanted to stand up, and as soon as he got up, he saw a sword light slashed from the sky again.

Xiao Biehan made no mercy, and this sword almost smashed his entire body.

If it hadn't been for him to have been promoted to the **** of transformation, but to a certain extent mobilized energy to reorganize his body, this sword might really kill him.

Kneeling on one knee, Tang Jie coughed up blood.

Xiao Bie said coldly: "You lose, Tang Jie!"

"The disciple understands." Tang Jie replied tremblingly.

As a reward for his successful shock, Xiao Biehan gave him a head-on blow mercilessly, letting him understand that it was too early for him to be happy.

"Two years." Xiao Biehan said in a long voice: "You still have two years to consolidate your realm and improve your strength. As long as you can resist my starlight censure, then you can go to a battle with Linglong. At that time. Even if you are invincible, you can protect yourself. If you lose the battle, you may not die. But if you can't resist even Starlight Punishment, don't participate in this battle. Linglong can crush you to death with just one finger, because of her hatred for you. I believe that she will never miss it if she can kill you, and her fear of me."

Starlight Jue...

Hearing this name, Tang Jie also sighed.

This is one of Xiao Biehan's biggest killer moves. Even if it was not used against Meng Guanshan that day, it was used against Tang Jie today.

When he used the starlight to punish, the entire sky was filled with Xiao Biehan's sword light.

Every bit of sword light is like a little star, hovering and strangling everything, as if the entire universe was twisted into a huge black hole by this sword, swallowing countless energy.

This was the first time Tang Jie saw Xiao Biehan’s horror, and the first time he saw his strongest means, so that Tang Jie was surprised, how could his supernatural powers have such great power, no less than Dao Fa, even astonishment. Eternal buildings will be unstoppable.

At that time, Tang Jie had mobilized all his own means, eternal heavy building, fairy protection, golden body refuge, true gang shield, and even the mica fine gold battle armor used to stop this terrible thing. attack.

However, the turbulent power still hit him hard, leaving him completely powerless to fight again.

Under this sword, any brilliance will be dimmed.

And this is only 30% of the power of Xingguang Zhujue.

It was also this sword that made Tang Jie understand what the Heavenly Sword God Sovereign was.

Seeing Tang Jie's admiration, Xiao Biiehan retracted the Heavenly Jade Extinguishing Sword, threw it into the air, and the Jianhua Peak fell.

Then he left with his hands behind his back.

Xiao Biehan had just left, and Ling Xiao had arrived.

"Master, the disciple is incompetent, and was easily defeated by the uncle." Tang Jie sighed.

Ling Xiao didn't take it seriously: "If you can beat him, I would be wondering if there is any reason in this world."

Talking that there was a smile on Ling Xiao’s face, he continued: “In fact, the reason why you are defeated is that besides the reason that you have just entered into the **** of transformation and your foundation is not solid, there is another important reason that is not to say that the strength of physical cultivation has increased. Slowness can't be your strong support like in the past. Didn't you say that the method of renunciation only focuses on resources and can turn quantity into quality? As long as there are enough resources, you can make up for the lack of time?"

"Yes, but the faerie body consumes a lot of resources, and it is no longer ordinary resources to make up. Even if it is quantity to supplement the quality, it will take at least hundreds of years to start with the spirit grass, and the amount is extremely large, even if I have two realms The wealth brought about by trade is also difficult to meet the needs of impacting the gods and upgrading the celestial body at the same time." Tang Jie replied helplessly.

"Of course it's not enough on your own. Then, with all the strength of the Washing Moon faction and the resources of the whole country, regardless of the cost, at any cost, is it enough?"

Tang Jie was shocked when he heard the words: "Master!"

Ling Xiao held his hand behind: "Tang Jie, you have already created many miracles, but you are destined to be only one person. Only by yourself, the power of miracles is ultimately limited. This time, let the Moon Washing Sect become you and create greater The pillar behind the brilliance."

Give the power of faction, help!

What could be more exciting than this?

Tang Jie couldn't restrain his excitement.

You must know that this is not as simple as letting the disciples catch the monster beast before. It is a free task, and not everyone will do it.

What Ling Xiao was talking about was that he sent everyone to serve Tang Jie, and he was digging his heart out, not only grabbing resources from the outside world, but also using all the resources accumulated by the Moon Washing Sect over the past thousand years to Tang Jie.

That is to say, the accumulation of a large faction over the past thousand years, basically unreservedly handed over to Tang Jie, it is really for Tang Jie, not hesitating to emptied his own large hand.

Just because of this, Tang Jie was also shocked.

Ling Xiao just smiled slightly: "Don't be too excited, Master Shu has already told me that within five years, he will break through. And all this is because of you. I am responsible for the rise of the Moon Washing Sect. Today If it falls on the uncle, it will fall on you in the future. I have great prosperity today, it is clear that there is inheritance, there is nothing better than this in the world. I have a disciple in Lingxiao like this, I can watch the Moon Cultivation prosper in my hands Developed, worthy of the ancestors of the Cleansing Moon faction, with a clear heart, and already quite satisfied."

These words had already set the tone for Tang Jie's ruling and washing the moon in the future.

"Master!" Tang Jie knelt on the ground, unable to say a word.

Ling Xiao just smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, okay, it's not a parting of life and death, but an entrusted responsibility, why bother with such a tearful appearance. You are also a generation of Heavenly Lord, the future leader of the Moon Washing School, and you should also pay attention to your image. As for the funding of this all-in-one group, you must not be too proud, and you will still have to deduct it from your trade between the two circles in the future."

Tang Jie laughed when he heard it: "Master is bad. I didn't say the deduction earlier, but I shed so many tears in vain."

"Smelly boy." Ling Xiao slapped him and slapped Tang Jie on the head: "Don't be good at the cheap."

The money for the Washing Moon Sect is so rich that even if it uses the trade between the two circles, it can still make Tang Jie return for hundreds of years. It is not the interest that he burns the incense, not to mention the countless manpower.

So starting from this day, the massive resources of the Washing Moon Sect began to tilt towards Tang Jie.

In the past, Tang Jie used tens of thousands of souls to wash away in a bath, but now it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars for a bath.

The more powerful the medicine, the longer it takes to absorb.

In order to meet the needs of Tang Jie, the Xiyue faction even found a place where the fire was strong, split the mountain to create a lake, draw the fire from the ground vein, and boil the water to boil the soup.

Tang Jie showed the true appearance of a giant and entered the lake to practice.

This repair took more than a year.

For more than a year, Tang Jie was in the lava lake of the volcano, and disciples of the Xiyue Sect kept throwing large amounts of herbs into the lake at all times.

These herbs are also various elixir that have been grown for more than five hundred years. The demand for the faerie body is meaningless no matter how low it is. Countless herbs were thrown into the soup in this way, turning into silk under the melting of the ground fire, and the power of Tang Jie was absorbed by Tang Jie.

Every day, a huge amount of resources are poured in, and the disciples are painful and envious. They were better, and Kutang disciples were about to cry-warehouses everywhere were basically empty, and all Kutang disciples were unemployed directly.

The farm disciples were not much better. Some spiritual vegetation that was planned to be cultivated for more than 500 years was cancelled and picked in advance.

The disciples of the Shangtang and Gongtang were dispatched one after another, and the Celiacs blatantly ordered that all those who possessed the elixir for more than five hundred years must be sold to them, and those who violate it will be punished as rebellious.

All in all, whether it is stored in the warehouse or grown in the ground, whether it is from your own home or someone else's, you are not allowed to keep it. Wen Xinguo is frantically searching for everything that can be searched. Resources.

And Tang Jie, located in the center of the lava lake, enjoys Jupai worship to the full. For nearly a year and a half, he hasn't moved at all.

That stalwart body is like a big mountain, and its solid muscles are like the hardest stone, firmly rooted in the center of the lake of fire. The boiling heat can melt steel, but it can't damage his vellus hair.

Unlike the Diamond Body, Tang Jie's body will not grow no matter how the medicine power is absorbed. After the strong medicine power enters Tang Jie's body, it undergoes the transformation of the Lijing and transforms into a little bit of celestial energy and deposits in Tang Jie's body.

The immortal spirit origin power is derived from Tang Jie’s own power. Almost every point of the immortal spirit origin power appears requires Tang Jie to squeeze out the power of his whole body, and transform it into the purest essence with the help of Lijing communication. , And finally generate fairy power.

This power is profound and profound, even surpassing the power of the Zifu Yuanying.

Tang Jie could clearly feel that from this point on, the path of Lijing's body cultivation had clearly surpassed the path of Fa cultivation. If the actual gap between the Diamond Body and the Heavenly Mind Realm is not too big, then the gap between the Immortal Spirit Body and the Purple Mansion Realm has suddenly widened.

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, it was the body of the immortal spirit, and the immortal spirit element strength was still small, and it was temporarily unable to play a role. Even so, in the face of Han Wuxin's full blow to inspire the power of the Taoist soldiers, the immortal spirit element strength was still preserved. His fate.

Now the immortal spirit's elemental strength has increased under the continuous action of the medicinal power, and the number has begun to increase significantly, and the benefits brought by it have become more and more amazing.

Tang Jie could clearly feel that even though his immortal spirit energy had not reached its initial peak, the inner strength contained in it was no longer weaker than the strength of any **** transformation stage.

In other words, he can fight against the **** of transformation only with the body of the early fairy spirit that has achieved small achievements.


Under this obvious benefit, Tang Jie's completely rude greed demanded all the power that the Wash Moon Sect could give, and even this was not enough. When Tang Jie told Ling Xiao of his progress and changes, Ling Xiao decided to ask Qijue. Door lending.

As the richest sect in Qixia Realm, only they can continue to provide Tang Jie with the huge resources he needs.

Qi Juemen wanted to refuse at first.

After the honeymoon period of jointly opposing the Tenjin Palace, the relationship between the two factions gradually turned cold.

Especially the next Tang Jie to fight against is the Linglong Immortal Venerable of Tianya Haige, and Tianya Haige and Qijiemen are allies.

Just as the Thousand Emotions Sect was dissatisfied with the fact that the Xiyue Sect was too close to the Qijiemen, Tianyahaige also had opinions on the Qijiemen.

It's just that everyone is a sect, as long as it is not a matter of principle, no one is suitable for excessive interference.

But in this matter, Qijiemen really can't help.

But soon, Yun Tianlan went to meet Qijiemen Daozu in person.

No one knows what they talked about, but after that, Qijie Daozu personally ordered the unconditional loan of the Moon Washing Sect resources.

Of course, they can’t be as crazy as the Moonwashing Faction and leave no support, but because the Qijiemen had already obtained a large amount of territory and resources from Moqiu at that time, and controlled the wealth equivalent to two sects, so even if they provided half of them, It is equivalent to the power of the Moon Washing Faction.

That's not a big deal, even Qianqingzong has begun to actively provide resources to Tang Jie.

These small-minded women seemed to realize something, and began to let go of their grievances and take the initiative to repair their previous relationship.

The resources of the lesser half of Qixia Realm began to tilt towards Tang Jie, and Tang Jie also truly exerted the power of Lijing to devour everything at this time, and those who came to it were madly nourishing.

Tang Jie, which was originally only the early stage of the fairy body's lower grade, quickly entered from the early stage to the middle stage, and then to the later stage, the peak, all the way through the bottleneck unimpededly, promoted to the fairy spirit middle grade, and then further improved.

Although the consumption of the Faerie Body is huge, the resources of Qixia Realm Half-World Power are more abundant. If it were not for the five-hundred-year limit to restrict the entry of most of the resources, it would be no problem to squeeze Tang Jie into the body of the Great Dao.

Rao is so, Tang Jie's middle grade of the fairy body has also been improved from the initial stage to the peak.

After reaching the peak, Tang Jie could not go any further, because he once again entered the impact bottleneck period. Although the physical training bottleneck is not a big problem, the time of Tang Jie's fairy spirit middle grade is too short after all, it can't be broken for a while. This is different from the lower grade. Although Tang Jie's lower grade rushed to the middle grade for only a short time, he stayed at the lower grade for more than a hundred years, and he was already familiar with the use of immortal spirit power. But the time in Zhongpin is still too is far from using the new growth force, so that it can't be used for the time being.

But as long as it takes time, there is no problem breaking through the bottleneck.

The power cannot be improved temporarily, and the resources are still coming.

Tang Jie was not polite, anyway, he borrowed all of it, so he simply borrowed it to the end, but he would not waste these resources in vain, but directly received the pictures of Shanhe Sheji.

After several days, Ling Xiao discovered that this **** boy was still in his pockets, and then "angry" stopped assisting Tang Jie.

A large-scale raid of resources that affected four countries and affected most of the Qixia realm came to an end.

After this incident, although there are still some resources in various places, it is extremely difficult to find an elixir that is more than five hundred years old in the short term. What can stay is either an elixir that no one has discovered that grows in a remote and dangerous place, or a treasure that has been over a thousand years old and is of extremely high value.

At this time, there was still half a year before the engagement with Linglong Immortal Venerable.


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