Aspiring to the Immortal Path

Vol 10 Chapter 8: 1 point of leisure

On the way, Yuan Chenfei asked: "By the way, is your real name Tang Jie?"


Yuan Chenfei thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I haven't heard the name."

Then he patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Jie couldn't understand it anymore: "What do you mean?"

Yuan Chenfei replied: "Oh, I wonder if you are the demon who is suppressed here? If so, it would be a big mistake for me to let you out. Maybe this one will be given to the three factions, no, It is the prehistoric world that brought the disaster to the top. If this is the case, I should stop fighting with you immediately and fight to the death!"

Tang Jie laughed: "Little thing, do you really think that I wanted you to take me out because I couldn't get out of your cave mansion?"

Yuan Chenfei was shocked and looked at Tang Jie.

Tang Jie sighed, "You think, if your family has a piece of land, you three brothers..."

"We are not brothers."

Tang Jie waved his hand: "This is not important. You think, there is a common vegetable garden near your three households. Oh, no, the garden is very precious. Although it is not planted by yourself, it is ownerless after all. Therefore, it has always been regarded as forbidden and easy to keep away from people. Suddenly one day, someone ran out of this garden, and maybe some precious flowers were taken away. What would these three families think?"

Won Chenfei replied without hesitation: "Someone came into my ● home garden to steal something."

"Right!" Tang Jie clapped his hands: "Then what?"

"Then fight." Won Chenfei understood: "You will be in danger at that time."

Tang Jie looked at him sympathetically, because I didn't want to kill you, not because I was afraid you would kill me.

Regarding the ability to escape, who is he afraid of, who possesses all things floating around?

Looking at Tang Jie's expression, Yuan Chenfei understood a little bit, and he said: "You are not an earth immortal, are you?"

Tang Jie shook his head.

Won Chenfei only breathed a sigh of relief.

"But as long as it's not a land immortal, I can probably kill it." Tang Jie added lightly.

Won Chenfei was taken aback.

The Three Schools of Muyang are just a small local faction, and there is no such thing as Dixian. According to this statement, the three factions joined forces, I am afraid that no one is Tang Jie's opponent.

Fortunately, this person is neither a demon nor a demon. Since he is not a murderer, he really needs to take him out of the cave safely.

Thinking of this, Yuan Chenfei gritted his teeth and said: "In that case, I will take you out of the cave. It's just..."

Yuan Chenfei hesitated and said, "I was only alone when I came."

Tang Jie laughed and said: "Who said that it must be a human to take it out? My generation of cultivators changes a lot. Then a demon can become a human, why can't a human become a demon?"

Speaking of Tang Jie's transformation, it has become a big rooster exactly the same as the previous chicken demon and jumped into Yuan Chenfei's arms: "It's not enough."

He said that he had made a long hiss to the sky, but he called Yiyi Ice Phoenix to come back soon.

Won Chenfei looked at the two big roosters on the left and right, and was silent.

Half an hour later, Won Chenfei had two more hens.

If you can't hold it in your arms, you can only let them follow behind you.

What's interesting is that the chicken demon fled with all kinds of thoughts at first, but after seeing Yiyi, he couldn't bear to leave, especially when Yiyi changed, he followed suit.

Four chickens lined up in a line, and the scene was lively and interesting.

This interesting scene has been maintained until the hole.

It was a water curtain cave-like environment, with only a hole opened in the very center. There are sparkling waves all around, seemingly harmless, but there is a strong restraining brilliance. Tang Jie saw at a glance that this wave of light was not simple, it contained a very strong killing intent. The master of the cave mansion set up a very strong formation at the entrance, and the immortal must be unbreakable. It is no wonder that the high-levels of these three factions cannot enter. They didn't dare to notify other big factions, so they could only digest the Five Sources of Cave Heaven in secret.

Even with Tang Jie's current realm, he couldn't break this formation. Fortunately, he was in the cave now, and there were no restrictions on going out from the inside.

At this moment, Yuan Chenfei flew out as he saw the entrance of the cave soon.

Tang Jie and others also jumped out.

Out of the Dongfu, there is a vast sea and sky in front of me.

This is on a vast land, behind it is a towering mountain, the peak is not in the clouds, only white clouds are curled up, and below is a green forest. The Wuyuan Cave Mansion where they are located is at the bottom of this mountain. There is a vast plain in front of me, with no end in sight.

There are three groups of people standing in front of the cave. Their dresses are the same as those who entered the cave before. They should be the three schools. Among them, the Muyang school is in the center, and the Huayan Temple and the Qingyang Sect are on both sides, but everyone's faces are different. How good-looking.

Because the twelve heart demon cultivators sent out earlier have returned, but they have encountered an unprecedented failure in the garden. The puppets in the garden do not know when they become extremely strong, even if they join forces, they cannot resist. The twelve heart demons of the three factions were defeated one after another, and in the end they were directly expelled from the garden by the eighteen puppets. The entire garden was closed, which meant nothing was gained.

The high hopes of the Heart Demon Cultivator did not get the benefits, and naturally there was no expectation for the disciples.

This time, the opening of Wuyuan Cave Mansion in advance quickly turned into a farce in the hearts of everyone.

In this case, Won Chenfei's coming out immediately caused a burst of laughter.

Someone has already said: "Who is this? It's interesting to have four chicken monsters come back."

"It's just a monster that just psyched."

"It looks like it's still a nest."

"This son is not Yuan Chenfei, who is known as a genius, and he did not expect to fall to the point where he would use psychic monsters to reach the public."

Everyone whispered, with disdain.

That chicken demon was furious, Lao Tzu is a metamorphosis, not a psychic!

But its whole body of demon power was sealed by Tang Jie, and it couldn't do anything to prove it.

The old man of Muyang School also felt dull, and gave Yuan Chenfei a fierce look before he said, "How is the harvest this time?"

Won Chen took a step forward, opening the mustard bag respectfully and pouring out the harvest inside.

This poured out, but it brightened the eyes of a group of people.

"The blue grass, the wood cherry, the snow fragrant, the ten step grass... how come there are so many?"

"It's all hundreds of years old."

"This kid must have gone to the depths of the seven colors to collect so much."

"Deserving the name of genius!"

The discussion resumed, but it turned from the previous ridicule to the praise of all parties.

However, Yuan Chenfei still bowed his head and slumped under his shoulders, with a look of indignity.

The leader of the Muyang School was also very excited, and he grabbed Yuan Chenfei and said loudly: "Okay, good boy, beautifully done, for these things, you must have suffered a lot. Going back this time, there will be a great reward. . Come, come, stand behind me."

"Thank you, head teacher!" Yuan Chen flew up and came behind the head teacher.

Tang Jie could see clearly that this head teacher was only in the nursery period. Although he was not as good as himself, he could be regarded as a middle school in Qixia Realm. I don't know what it is like here.

While speaking, the remaining disciples also returned one after another, and among them was Senior Brother Na Du.

At this time, Senior Brother Du was already in terrible misfortune, not to mention his severe injuries, even the mustard bag on his body was gone. The mustard bag was taken away by Tang Jie when he sent him back to the five people, and then he was hunted down all the way. In a word, he didn't get anything after entering this time.

Yuan Chenfei looked at Brother Du, and he wanted to say something, but after all he shut up.

"What? Are you planning to let him go?" Tang Jie's consciousness spread to Yuan Chenfei's mind, and Yuan Chenfei was shocked: "You don't have to be surprised, this is a spirit-soul communication, you only need to think and answer."

Yuan Chenfei said: "I still want to give him another chance. Besides, if you report to the head teacher, how can you explain your matter? It's better not to tell a lie."

Tang Jie chuckled a few times: "I'm afraid that people have the intention of arrogant tigers, and tigers can hurt people's hearts."

Then he fell silent.

After a while, Wuyuan Dongfu began to close.

I saw that the entrance of the cave began to heal and turned into a waterfall flowing in the mountains. If it hadn’t been for someone to enter and exit before, I couldn’t believe that this would be the secret entrance of a cave. Its hiding power is also breathtaking, no wonder The three factions have been able to keep secrets to this day.

After returning, the Muyang Sect headmaster praised Yuan Chenfei again.

Knowing that Yuan Chenfei had obtained such benefits, Senior Brother Du was jealous and hated, but he couldn't find Tang Jie, and wondered how the person had disappeared.

After meeting their teachers, the three factions separated and left for their own residences.

Yuan Chenfei was keen on Tang Jie, and after flying with the brigade for a while, he found an excuse to leave the team and fly away alone.

When he came to a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, Tang Jie changed back to his original form with a long laugh, and then Yi Yi and the Ice Phoenix appeared.

Seeing Yuan Chenfei's nervousness, Tang Jie had already guessed what he was thinking, and smiled: "What? Afraid that I will show my true face and get into trouble, I will kill you with the palm of my hand?"

Yuan Chenfei scratched his head embarrassedly: "There are some."

"Then you can rest assured now?"

"En!" Yuan Chenfei nodded seriously. After leaving the team, Tang Jie hadn't killed himself with a palm of his hand. There was no such thing as revealing his true form, so he was naturally relieved: "I still don't understand who you are and how did you appear in Wuyuan Dongfu? Why do you want to help me?"

"Well..." Tang Jie thought for a while to answer: "In short, if you see your kid is good, I will help you."

"What if it's complicated?"

"This is a long story. Actually, since I was a child, I have been looking forward to the adventures of the heroes from heaven, but unfortunately, I have never expected them, so I just relied on myself to polish them up to now. Suddenly, one day, I found that I could not wait for the heroes. It’s not bad to be a hero. When I am so fun, I occasionally play a game and it’s not bad."

Speaking of this, Tang Jie sighed: "In fact, there are some things that can only be understood by experiencing them. While getting treasures can make us happy, in fact, giving them away can sometimes make us happy. Especially for many years, every day is either cultivating or fighting. It’s even more rare for a cultivator to have a little leisure, a little selflessness, a little giving, and a little generosity. The road of cultivation is very long, and occasionally playing a game of dust, it’s okay. As for now, the leisure is over, and it’s time to go. NS!"

Tang Jie waved his sleeve.

Yuan Chenfei saw that he was about to leave, and said anxiously: "You haven't said how you got into the cave yet?"

"Well." Tang Jie struck haha: "Young man, it's better to know less about some It doesn't matter if you treat me as a thief who sneaked in. Come, come, Give you some good things."

He squeezed some treasures from the ghost mist area into Won Chenfei's hands.

These treasures are very common in Tang Jie's eyes, they are rare treasures in the eyes of Won Chenfei's level, and both eyes are straightened: "Nine-child ring, son-mother arrow, iron wall golden umbrella, invite the moon water Lian, how come there are so many good things?"

Tang Jie smiled and said, "Hey, everyone divides the good stuff, am I interesting this time?"

Yuan Chenfei looked at it for a long time, then reluctantly retracted his gaze from above.

He looked at Tang Jie with a serious face.

Tang Jie didn't understand what he was doing, and asked him what's wrong, Yuan Chenfei replied:

"These are the property of the sect. They cannot be embezzled. They must be handed over to the sect!"

Tang Jie almost didn't fall over.


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