Assassin Farmer

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Twenty-five years ago, the blood was seventeen years old. The will of the will to take over the position of the seventh king of the blood.

The **** brethren, the brother of the half-brother, refused to accept the will, and led the troops to fight against the attempt to win the palace, and was suppressed by the twelve blood. The blood eagle and his three sons who participated in this rebellion were all beheaded in public. A dry son-in-law was exiled to the **** border by blood.

The blood of the successor is dedicated to rejuvenating the country and the people, and intends to restore the blood to the prosperous Kangping of the Taizu period.

Unexpectedly, the blood eagle long-blooded blood swallow, taking advantage of the **** palace to expand the palace, took the opportunity to sneak into the blood palace, stole blood, and was only one year old son blood Zhan, and put on a whole body black The civet cat. I came up with a raccoon cat for the Prince.

Blood does not believe that a 14-year-old girl, who is dragging a babble, can go wherever she goes, and send people to search for carpets in the blood.

After looking for half a year, I did not receive any news.

In desperation, his wife, at this time, chose to leave the palace to escape the pain of losing her son.

The blood was worried about her accident, but she was unable to leave her body for the time being. I had to send a line of guards to protect her secretly. Unexpectedly, in the North Yancheng bordering the blood and Dahui, the nephew was taken away by several **** eagle parties.

Six of the three defenders died and injured, and the remaining two secret guards tracked the mother's footsteps closely, while passing the secret report to the Blood Palace, reporting the matter to the blood.

Waiting for the blood to take the 12 blood ride to the North Wild Goose, after meeting the secret guard, follow the threatened wife's trace, and then enter the Dahui national border until it reaches the distance of hundreds of miles from the Dahui National Emperor. In the town, the blood and the twelve blood rides were completely blocked by the blood eagle and the party. This is a trap waiting for him for a long time, a trap that allows him to cast his own net.

Take him and the life of the twelve blood rides, the life of the ** son, compare the two, how light and heavy?

In order to prevent the blood from being distressed, Feng Yuer decided to bite his tongue.

At this time, the **** eagle party surrounded by blood, was suddenly injured and wounded by countless arrows, and the remaining party holding Feng Xiaoer was also stabbed in a vest at this time, and fell to the ground.

The wind turned against the big counter, and the blood was severely rushed out of the cofferdam, and the phoenix was rescued. The blood eagle party was also completely annihilated.

The rate of the arrow team came to the rescue field is the five-year-old Li Wenxiu of Dahuiguo.

At that time, he was carrying the Ministry of Northern Longshan to practice, and inadvertently saved the mother of the **** country.

"That is why the blood and the big Hui formed a complementary violation of the covenant. Li Wenxiu also obtained the position of the emperor he wanted." Slowly speaking, the twenty-fourth is almost to be him. Dust sealed the past, looking up to the opposite of this quiet young man, blood whispered.

"Cough..." Su Shuiqi gently squeezed Lin Shizhen, who had been holding her hands tightly, and saw that he had no intention of listening to the past. He looked at the blood of his face with sorrow. I coughed softly. "You mean... auntie..."

"He is the son of the twenty-four years that I have lost. The **** prince is bloody." He gave a grateful look to Su Shui, and he replied affirmatively.

Even if some people guessed that the man had said the meaning of such a long story, at this moment listening to him telling the true identity of the aunt, Su Shui-soo could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Old Heaven and Blood...The Prince...

She shouldn’t be too busy to read too many illusions? The identity of her predecessor was enough to shock her. Unexpectedly, the husband who shared the same bed, it turned out to be a prince of a country... It will be...

God, she really dare not think further. All this, not what she wants. She only wants to spend his leisure life in a quiet and fresh town of flowers and flowers.

"Auntie?" Feeling that his hands were tight, and he looked up at him.

"I don't know anything... I don't go anywhere..." Lin Siyi showed his position in an indifferent tone.

He...should not hear her heart? Otherwise... how can it be so responsive?

"Auntie..." She didn't mean it. Obviously, there is an opportunity for him to have the warmth of both parents, and she has no right to deprive him. What's more, she is his wife, only hope that he is more happy, not for her, to discard all past. That way, he will not be happy in the depths of his heart.

"I'm fine." Lin Siyi patted her hand and raised her eyes to the blood. "When finished? Let's go."

Pulling up Sushui, Lin Siyu wants to leave the room with no expression.

"Auntie?" Su Shuiqi whispered inexplicably, he was angry, why? Shouldn’t parents who have been separated for twenty-four years be happy?

"You...what is your attitude? After so many years of separation, my mother and I have no longer inquired about your whereabouts, and finally found it, but posted your cold noodles. You..." Blood sees his own son so ignorant. I couldn't help but stink my face and get up.

"Is it? The head of a country, looking for an individual, is not simple, it took twenty-four years to find it? How can we not wait for someone to die again?" Lin Siyu coldly counterattacked. Almost, he died. Before I died, I didn’t know that my biological parents were so glorious.

"Do you think that we did not find you with your heart? Or clearly know your situation, but did not come to recognize you?" Blood fiercely heard the question in Lin Shiyi's tone, and asked incredulously.

"Isn't it? Don't you think that your words are contradictory? The guardian of the **** palace of the **** palace, even a child who can't find a woman and a babble can't find it. It's a big joke." Lin Siyu sneered .

Having said that, the blood sighed softly. "After your mother personally lost you, I washed my face all day... I don't believe it? Bloody palace, I am only one of her. No, just don't want future generations to have me again." It’s a pity that the blood eagle happened. It’s a pity that for many years, it’s not that you have to consider it again, but your mother has never been pregnant again. Xu is the punishment of God, although it’s well-organized, the family The relationship has been dealt with in a mess, and my brother lost it... Oh... retribution..."

"Yunluo Temple lived to eight years old, mixed for two years on the street, the teahouse stayed for one year, and at the age of eleven, he went to Fengyao Pavilion, studied art for two years, and murdered... ten years..." Lin Siyu used indifferently In a few short sentences, he talked about his past experiences. I heard that Su Shui was distressed. That is, even the past that she did not know. Now he is understated in the tone of the outsider, and he is distressed.

"Auntie..." She reached for his waist and hoped to give him her temperature.

" have suffered..." Rao is **** and can guess the suffering that his son is very likely to endure. Now he listens to such a brief explanation, but he is shuddering. He can imagine that he lived in the misery of the streets and could imagine the price he could pay for the gold medal killer.

It was impossible for me to grow up in the palace since I was a child. At this time, he would rather have a son who is a big parent of ordinary people. Although he is poor, he will never experience so much suffering. It’s just that it’s easy to say. It’s only one year old when you’re separated. It’s not easy to be taken hostage and die of death. Why do you stand to blame those who adopt him? I really want to blame, it is also my own negligence. It was his grievances with the blood eagle that killed his son.

"Now, I am very good. With a wife, with a child, and completely out of the killer career, you ... right not to find me." Lin Siyu looked straight at the blood, lightly and firmly said this sentence Pulling Su Shui 潋 over the blood, go to the door.

The room was opened by Lila, and the woman leaning against the pillar in front of the door had already burst into tears.

"Zhaner... my child..." Feng Xiaoer wailed and screamed. I don't know how to do her best. She was able to talk in a proper way, she heard it clearly. The son is blaming them, she heard it, and from such a decisive tone, she knew that her son would not forgive them.

"Sorry, I am Lin Sizhen." Lin Siyu glanced at her faintly, and after throwing a sentence, he took Sushui back to his room. Whether he is a **** son. The status of orphans in these twenty-four years has also made him accustomed to hiding emotions. When he was a child, he thought about why his parents had discarded him, perhaps premature death, perhaps poorly able to afford it... but never thought about it.

Because of the grievances of the previous generation, it has caused him to lose his enthusiasm in the past twenty-four years... from the darkness...

Enough, now he is strong enough to no longer need parents... no longer need...

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