Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1020: Li Ziling arrives

The first thousand and twenty chapters of the arrival of Li Ziling

"Black pig, you certainly don't know who is sitting next to me! Beauty? No, it's a man! I rub, I don't mean anything to men! It's not a star, you definitely can't think of who, haha! Do you know Blood Soul? Just sitting next to me, but the boss of the Blood Soul Hall! Not the heavens, not the killing, not the iron hand, is the real boss, Zhao Tiezhu Zhao Ge! Haha! What? I did not lie to you, you love or believe, I Dry! You actually said that I brag? I have the smoke that Zhao Ge gave me, halfway! What? You thought about it? If you don't want to die, come over! Zhao Ge, that is a fairy figure, it is you. Can such a mortal be able to see it? Later, you will prepare a few good cars for me. I see that Zhao Ge has not driven since today. Maybe use it, get ready soon! Get a good car, don’t mess up the Japanese car. Come, you can't afford to lose that person, okay, just like this, I will open it to xxktv later, I will pick up Zhao Ge later, then you can take a good look at Zhao Ge’s appearance. I told you, don't be too excited, then."

Xiao Li hung up the phone and felt that he was not addicted enough. He called out again. "Uncle, do you know who I just loaded...?"

Zhao Tiezhu didn't think that he just took a ride on someone's car and it made people feel excited. After going to the second floor, Zhao Tiezhu looked around. It was a big leisure hall, and in a corner of the lounge, Li Ziling is sitting there, holding a magazine in his hand, and he doesn't know what he is looking at.

"So hot and furious from fj to Dehua, what's the matter?" Zhao Tiezhu walked to the side of Li Ziling, nodded to Zhan Lu standing behind the Li Ziling, and then asked.

"Nature is a big deal!" Li Ziling dropped the magazine and gestured to Zhao Tiezhu to sit down. After Zhao Tiezhu sat down, Li Ziling said, "You are the shadow of the movie, Li Longba knows!"

"Oh?" Zhao Tiezhu’s mentality trembled, but his face did not look the same. "How do you know?"

"It’s Li Xu said!" Li Ziling said, "Li Xu does not know where to get the news that you are the shadow, and then he found a lot of evidence, although there is no direct evidence that you are the shadow, but Those supporting evidence, but also let Li Longba believe that you are the shadow!"

"What reaction does Li Longba have?" Zhao Tiezhu asked for a hot tea that he had just sent.

"Li Longba asked me to investigate. If you are indeed a shadow, let me kill you." Li Ziling said with a smile. "He also promised me a certain amount of inheritance after the event!"

"What are you going to do?" Zhao Tiezhu took the teacup and looked at Li Ziling.

"What do you want me to do?" Li Ziling smiled and looked at Zhao Tiezhu. "The Li family's certain share of inheritance rights, although I don't know much, but even if it is one percent, it is very amazing!"

"Do you have a heart?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Haha, it depends on whether you have made me more heart-wrenching." Li Ziling looked directly at Zhao Tiezhu. "As long as I confirm that you are the shadow, then even if I don't kill you, Li Longba will let people kill." You, therefore, my words, but directly determine your next fate!"

"Oh, what you think is really good." Zhao Tiezhu put down the cup and looked at Li Ziling calmly. "No matter what happens, you can get the benefits, but you want to be wrong."

"Which point?" Li Ziling asked.

"First of all, I am not afraid of Li Longba." Zhao Tiezhu said with a slight squint, "Even if Li Longba personally comes to fj, as long as he wants to kill me, even if I can't kill him, it will cost him a lot. Secondly. Don't take your so-called share to tell me something, if, I mean, if you really kill me, don't use Li Longba, I have a lot of people in Zhao, there are countless ways to make you die. And those people, not only my friends and relatives, but also my enemies, if anyone can kill the enemies of the Zhao family heirs, then his credit is very huge, huge enough to make anyone crazy So, if you kill me, I don't have to kill you, you will die. Third, if you are so stupid and innocent, then you are not a Li Ziling, so don't do those unnecessary temptations, don't think about it. What are the benefits from me? If you have any thoughts, you can say that if you have no idea, you can go back and tell Li Longba that I am the shadow, then you can try to kill me. In the fj land, I I really didn't find a few people. I am threatening me."

"Ha ha ha, iron pillars, iron pillars, you can become the boss of the Blood Soul Hall, Blood Soul Hall can become the biggest gang of fj, it is not accidental." Li Ziling suddenly laughed, "you can think of this brain. The self-righteous sons in Beijing are much stronger."

"Don't dare to be." Zhao Tiezhu said faintly, "Since we don't want to fight and kill, then consider the next move."

"Actually, this matter is also simple." Li Ziling said, "As long as I go back and tell Li Longba that I have not found evidence that you are a shadow, Li Longba will not easily shoot you."

"And then? I don't believe that Li Longba will have no plans."

"Then there are two possibilities. One is that Li Longba pretends that nothing has happened. Since you are only suspect, and you are not a roadside A-cat, Li Longba naturally has no way to take you. There is also a possibility that Li Longba will not take the reason to take you back to the capital and then interrogate you. Even if you are not, he can give you the name you are, and then kill you."

"The second one, do you think it will happen?" Zhao Tiezhu said confidently.

"I just said that it is possible." Li Ziling said with a smile. "The probability of the first incident is close to 100%. However, I mainly want to tell you about it today, as long as you stay in the heart of Li Longba. That suspicion, then as long as Li Longba seizes the opportunity, you can only be a dead end, do not think that you can control the fj can compete with Li Longba, as the Li family, Li Longba's hidden power is not you I can imagine!"

"And then you want me to get rid of Li Longba?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"This is naturally what I hope!" Li Ziling also laughed. "As long as Li Longba is dead, then our transaction will be established. When we are outside, Li will become our bag!" ”

"The last time you asked for the Li family valuable things, did you find it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Found it, but the thing is very deep, in the treasure house of Li's house, if you want to take it, you have to work hard." Li Ziling said.

"What?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"A box, like a wooden box or something, is said to have the most important thing in Li's family. As for what, I am not qualified to know, wait, I will bring it out to you sooner or later!" Plum Ling said.

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