Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1024: Rape?

The first thousand and twenty-four chapters of rape?

After the two came, I didn’t have a while. I came up with Zhao Tiezhu and made a bottle with each other. Then I wanted to drink with Su Yanni. It was naturally blocked by Zhao Tiezhu. Maybe both of them also thought about the time when they were not sisters. Sitting on the side of his girlfriend with honesty, but this mouth is not much.

"Hey, Zhenguo, what happened to your investment project last time?" The wretched man asked the thin man, the thin man named Zheng Guo said, "Oh, let's do it, but the income is not very impressive. It has doubled, and it is worth more than ten thousand in my hand. It is not enough to see. It is you, empty cloud, I heard that your company has opened a new property? In the city center?"

"Oh, a small real estate only, our boss spent more than one billion to get down, mainly for small-sized apartment, it doesn't make much sense to you. You are rich, you have to buy a big set to buy." The wretched man said.

"Oh, what rich people, compared with you can be far worse, now you can do real estate more than our financial, I heard that you bought a house in Fenghuang Villa in fj? There is no house there. I can't take it for you! I envy me!" Zheng Guo said.

"Hey, that's all about buying a new house. You didn't buy a car a few days ago? How about five or six hundred thousand BMW!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the two people silently. It was really a matter of gathering people to share the group. Isn’t the current person not saying that the house does not show the car’s superiority?

"Iron column, I heard that you live next to the West Lake apartment? Is it rented there?" The empty cloud turned to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Rent." Zhao Tiezhu smiled. He is really renting, just renting it to others.

"Oh! Young people still buy a house early, now people are very realistic, no room without a car is equal to no wife, Yan Ni, you can have to push the iron column point!" Empty cloud laughed.

"We are not in a hurry. We are going to wait for the iron pillar to graduate with a loan and pay a down payment. We buy a house in the suburb of fj. We are all working-class people and can't afford a house in the city center." Su Yanni said sadly.

Zhao Tiezhu glanced at Su Yanni, this chick is going to start loading?

"Working wages? I heard that you are a policeman. Now the police are iron rice bowls, but it is not a golden rice bowl. According to me, you still find a part-time job to compare me. If you need it, I can give it in my department. You arrange for the position, the salary is not dare to give, at least 3000 for a month is no problem, one year is 36,000, empty cloud, what is the price of the suburban house you are now on?" Zheng Guo asked .

"A square meter is about four to five thousand to five thousand," said the empty cloud.

"There is also a small apartment of about 300,000, so as long as you can pay off the loan in more than ten years, plus your own salary, seven or eight years is enough to buy one!" Zhenguo said.

"Thank you, I usually work very busy, I have to help take care of the iron column, so there is no time to do part-time!" Su Yanni has a helplessness in her eyes.

The tiger eyes on the side lit up and said, "In fact, I still have a business to borrow money. If you need to use money, I can lend it to you. Everyone is a friend. I can calculate the interest rate lower. ”

"No, Tiger brother, I want to work **** my own!" Zhao Tiezhu said while he was funny. Now he and Su Yanni seem to be obsessed with the reality of oppression, and the people around them are rescued and rescued. Like Bodhisattvas, unfortunately none of them are really out of kind. Those who want to suppress themselves, show their superiority, or just want to perform in front of Su Yanni, Zhao Tiezhu thinks that sometimes occasionally loading hard, still It’s very interesting.

Just when Zhao Tiezhu and Su Yanni were suffering, and the other people were dressed as the Buddha who saved the trouble, the door of the box was pushed away from the outside.

Several men came in from outside.

"Flowers, flowers!" a man called.

Lying in the arms of the tiger, the gentle flower blossomed and heard the man’s cry, his face suddenly changed, and he was seated in a clever manner.

"Are you here? Come, tell Lao Tzu, which one is your new love?" The man had an iron rod in his hand, and several people beside the man, both of them were holding the guy.

Is this a rape? Zhao Tiezhu smirked and looked at Su Yanni, and it happened that Su Yanni also smirked and looked at Zhao Tiezhu. The two looked at each other and felt a sense of heart and soul.

"Sheng Jianshan, what are you doing here? We have already broken up, don't be so unreasonable to make trouble!" Huahua cried.

"I am unreasonable to take trouble? Flower, let's make it clear, I have been talking about marriage from the university and you have been talking about marriage. If you don't feel it, you will give it to you? Well, you will be jealous." I really didn't feel it, then let's get together, but you **** back my house to me! The house, I am completely paid for by myself, originally for our new house. It doesn't matter if you give me a slap, but your house is back to me!" This is called the resentment of Man Jianshan's face.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyebrows are picking up. Is this a man’s money?

"I have been talking to you for so many years, I have not paid? My youth can be on you, as long as you have a house? Do you know that women's youth is the most precious?" Huahua cried, There is also a little truth in this statement. The girls give you both youth and body. What you pay for is also what it should be.

"You pay? Grass, Lao Tzu talked with you for 4 years and didn't even go to your bed. What did you pay for? I heard that you talked to your current man and went to open the house for a day? *** You A fairy board, how did you tell me that year? Say it is to give me a complete marriage? Grass, now you are married, have you given it?" Sheng Jianshan eyes are full of anger The flowers are blooming.

Ah? Is this empty when people don't get it? This buddy is really pitiful! Zhao Tiezhu thought to himself.

"Hey, I said you, less yelling at my woman!" Tanhu can be called a tiger brother, but he still has the courage. Although the other party has five or six people, and they all hold the guy, their own woman is desecrated. Tanhu is still open.

"You are the new man who blossoms?" Sheng Jianshan looked at Tan Hu and said, "I am here today, or you let the flowers give me back my house, or you will follow the flowers." Drink water in the river outside the child!"

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