Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1033: Running with Lao Zhang

The first thousand and thirty-three chapters accompany the old man to run

Zhao Tiezhu’s reaction was not quick. He almost calmed his heart’s surprise in an instant, then nodded calmly with Su Shanghe and said, “Good morning, uncle.”

Su Shanghe’s reaction was slower than that. He also said calmly to Zhao Tiezhu. “Well, good morning.”

Then the two were silent.

This is a dead knot. Zhao Tiezhu feels that he should say something, but he doesn't know what to say. He can't say "Ah, your daughter's bed is quite good. Let me see her bed?" or actually last night. Am I coming to talk to your daughter about life ideals? Don't say that this thing is that Su Shanghe will not believe that Zhao Tiezhu himself will not believe, or that your daughter is very good? What is the shape of the touch is very good? Zhao Tiezhu estimated that if he said these words, it was designated to let Su Shanghe collapse.

Su Shanghe didn’t know what to say for a while. He didn’t sleep well last night. He thought about the case all night, so he got up early this morning, and Su Shanghe got up after getting up. A habit, that is to sit quietly on the sofa, think about what to do today, I did not expect that Su Shanghe just thought about it for a long time, and even saw Zhao Tiezhu’s face as satisfied with his daughter’s room. Out of the room, as a policeman, the very powerful reasoning ability suddenly let Su Shanghe be sure that Zhao Tiezhu’s goods must have stayed in his daughter’s room last night. As for what is in the room, everyone is What can a young man come in in a woman's room?

Su Shanghe is also embarrassed, he can't always ask people what are you doing in my daughter's room? If Zhao Tiezhu comes to this article, I don’t have it in your daughter’s room, only dry, which makes his face go where? Or is my daughter not bad? Su Shanghe felt that he had to say this, and it really became a brain.

Zhao Tiezhu and Su Shanghe are so big-eyed and small-eyed. Finally, Zhao Tiezhu thinks that he can't let his future Laozhang people continue to be bored there. He broke the deadlock first. "Is this uncle eating?"

"Oh!? Not yet, go eat it together!" When the deadlock opened, the atmosphere between the two was not as embarrassing.

Zhao Tiezhu just asked casually. I didn’t expect this Su Shanghe to actually take him to breakfast.

Although it is more than five in the morning, there are already many shops on the street. Su Shanghe took Zhao Tiezhu and walked into a very old shop. They found a place to sit down, Su Shanghe. Skilled to order the soy milk fritters and eggs, the boss looked at the Su Shanghe very familiar look, after sending things up, specially looked at Zhao Tiezhu a few eyes, then asked Su Shanghe Road, "this little brother It’s very raw!”

"This is my boyfriend Yanni's boyfriend." Su Shanghe said with a smile, although Zhao Tiezhu seems to have a lot of women, but his daughter likes Zhao Tiezhu so much, and Zhao Tiezhu spent the night in his daughter last night, Su Su Shanghe also does not intend to say more words that are useless. The seriousness is to determine the identity of Su Yanni first. This is the most important thing. Therefore, this opening is Su Yanni’s boyfriend, but it is somewhat surprised by Zhao Tiezhu.

"Hey? Yanni's boyfriend? Hey, this guy is blessed! Your family Yanni, that is how many young people in our neighborhood are dreaming lovers, haha, young man, you have to wait for Yanni. We are neighbors of these neighborhoods, but we all watched Yanni grow up!"

"Must be sure!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Come, I invite you to eat two eggs!" The boss took two more eggs from the side and handed it to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Do it!"

Zhao Tiezhuo took over the two eggs and thanked him. "Thank you, thank you, work hard."

After the boss left, Su Shanghe ate breakfast for a long time, but he did not have much to say with Zhao Tiezhu, and Zhao Tiezhu was a bitter and scary. When the soy milk fritters were finished, Su Shanghe was not tight. Not slow to wipe the mouth with a paper towel, said, "to accompany me to run and run."

"Okay." Although Zhao Tiezhu is eager to go back, but Su Shanghe has come up, Zhao Tiezhu can not refuse it?

The two left the breakfast shop and walked to a park on the side. The physical quality of Su Shanghe was very good. Although it was already a cadre, but the figure was not a blessing, and it was still alive and well. With the feeling of wind, Zhao Tiezhu did not run slowly alongside Su Shanghe.

There is a special stone road in this park. Su Shanghe ran to the *** place of Shizi Road, then took off his shoes and socks and said to Zhao Tiezhu, "Running with bare feet, this is good for the body!"

"Okay!" Zhao Tiezhu took off the shoes and socks like Su Shanghe, put it aside, and ran on the gravel road.

It took ten minutes to run, and Su Shanghe stopped breathing slightly. Zhao Tiezhu also stopped, but the look was very natural.

"Good body!" Su Shanghe nodded and praised.

"I have been exercising all the time!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"What do you mainly do now?" Su Shanghe asked, that is, at this time, he has more thoughts to understand more about Zhao Tiezhu.

"I am running a group with a few friends now." Zhao Tiezhu can't always say that I am a mixed society. People Su Shanghe, that is the police.

Su Shanghe said with a smile, "There has been a blood soul church in fj recently. The boss behind the blood soul hall is a man named Zhao Tiezhu. Is it you?"

Zhao Tiezhu is not really surprised that Su Shanghe will know his own affairs. Now he is estimated to have been on the blacklist of the provincial government, although he still has the name of a special officer of the National Security Bureau. However, the provincial government still has to put itself on the blacklist. This is not only for the outsiders, but also for the self. The *** hall wants to tell you, if you dare to dare Do something sorry and block the country, then the country can kill you directly like other people on the blacklist!

"It's me." Zhao Tiezhu nodded with a smile. "But now everyone else is taking care of it, nothing happened to me."

"Well, now that you are in the fj's realm, you should be counted as one of the best characters?" Su Shanghe then asked.

"Should be." Zhao Tiezhu replied cautiously.

"Young people, you can develop the Soul Hall so big, you must have your background and snobbery, but I want to persuade you to say that, mixed black, after all, is only the way to the end, this road, you can go, but don't go too Far, finally, after all, I want to go back to the right path. I hope my daughter is happy, but I hope that my daughter will be safe all the time!" Su Shanghe said seriously.

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