Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

: The first thousand and thirty-eight

The first thousand and thirty-eight

Zhao Tiezhu’s mood is unprecedented. Some things are there. You have been telling yourself that it’s gone, even if you think about it, then you think you are relieved, but sometimes, you will suddenly find out what you call the release. Just to deceive yourself.

Zhao Tiezhu always feels that his feelings for Si Ru are like the flowers that have withered. Although they have dissipated, they have always had so many fragments, and the fragments are fragmented. Zhao Tiezhu feels that it doesn’t matter. Everyone’s heart will have one or A few people will not affect their lives.

Just seeing Lao Shi today, when I heard Lao Shi’s words, Zhao Tiezhu discovered that what he had known as a fragment in his heart was forced to be glued together by a few words of Lao Shi, and then Zhao Tiezhu remembered The man in the distant time.

The Zhao Tiezhu is simply a person who will feel very happy when she looks at her. Zhao Tiezhu likes the person who pulls his hands together to go to school.

It seems that the man was still talking to Zhao Tiezhu yesterday that Zhao Tiezhu wanted to let her go through the door, and then Zhao Tiezhu said happily that I must make a lot of money to buy a big house for you.

It was just... When the man appeared, everything was broken. Zhao Tiezhu’s picture about the woman was fixed in the funeral home, the cold body wrapped in a plastic bag.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes turned red in a flash!

Zhao Tiezhu wants to kill, and he wants to kill like never before! In his heart, a sinister fire almost turned his heart into a flame. Zhao Tiezhu’s body rose and killed, so that the people who passed by him around him had a cold war for a moment, and then they looked at it with horror. The man with his head down, spread out to the side.

For a time, a few square meters of vacuum was formed around Zhao Tiezhu.

"Iron pillar!" A gentle female voice came.

Zhao Tiezhu violently turned back and saw Su Yanni trotting and chasing herself.

"Iron pillar, you..." Su Yanni looked at Zhao Tiezhu, who was flushed with red eyes on her face. In her impression, although Zhao Tiezhu was also murderous, she never had a murderousness to her, but now, Zhao Tiezhu Looking at her with a smug face, and letting Su Yanni's body chill, she also made Su Yanni more worried.

"You... go back, I am quiet alone." Zhao Tiezhu whispered, the voice was a little hoarse.

"No! Go back together!" Su Yanni said firmly.

"Don't come close to me!" Seeing Su Yanni going to his side, Zhao Tiezhu stepped back and whispered.

"Iron column, don't scare me." Su Yanni held her hands together and looked at Zhao Tiezhu with concern.

And Zhao Tiezhu seems to have heard nothing, standing straight and staring at Su Yanni.

At the same time, in the research institute of Suluo, Su Luo was talking to Cao Ziyi and other women. "Everything is too much to say. This is also the case with porcelain. It is not enough. It can't be shaped. The fire is too much. It is easy to burn. Bad, and this heat, how to grasp, you have to look at your ability!"

"It is true. The word "fire" is actually used in everything, cooking, not enough heat, unfamiliar food, the fire is over, the rice is gone, the man is not enough, the fire is not enough, the fire is over, the fire is over. That seems too mature and not good." Cao Ziyi said with a smile.

"Zi Yi is very thorough." Su Luo nodded with a smile.

"Master, we remembered your words. Now the time is almost the same. We have to look at the iron pillar and Yan Ni." Cao Ziyi said.

"Haha, let's go, I know that you can't stay, just now, Xiaoni estimates that I have already comforted the iron pillar. You are now, it is just the heat, haha!" Su Luo laughed.

Cao Ziyi nodded and gestured to Li Linger and Lucy. The three men walked out of the Ceramic Research Institute.

"Zi Yijie, where are we going to find them?" Li Linger asked.

Cao Ziyi looked around and whispered, "Go with me."

The line of sight is back to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Yan Ni, go back, I... I don't want to hurt you." Zhao Tiezhu's voice looked even more hoarse.

"Break me? How do you hurt me? Don't you want to be with me?" Su Yanni's eyes flashed a glimmer of crystal, asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"No... I can't control my behavior." Zhao Tiezhu's voice is very struggling. At this time, Zhao Tiezhu only feels that his heart is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, he is so strong that he wants to kill anyone in front of him. Zhao Tiezhu knows If you don't release this killing, you must be mad, but if you kill yourself now, Zhao Tiezhu believes that he may fall into endless killings for the rest of his life.

Because Zhao Tiezhu's great strength comes from the pharmacy, he does not know that this is the so-called ignorance!

It’s not just a fantasy novel that can emerge. In reality, there is also such a thing. Simply put, Zhao Tiezhu’s force has reached a certain level, and Zhao Tiezhu and a certain degree of Kirin and others, why It’s just that to this extent, it’s not going to enter the gods list? To a certain extent, it is because every warrior who has reached the stage of repairing must maintain a certain degree of stability. To put it simply, it is impossible to reveal flaws, and when the flaws are revealed, the negative effects of the mind can make a normal The warrior is in danger, the light and serious illness can not afford, the heavy directly hangs! This is also why there are only ten people on the list of the world's gods. There are too many people who can't walk the heart of the mind. Zhao Tiezhu does not practice step by step. Naturally, he does not know what kind of situation he is at the moment, but Zhao Tiezhu I am very aware of my current danger.

Zhao Tiezhu was looking down and thinking about how to do it. At this moment, a little cold hand was stuck on his face.

Zhao Tiezhu looked up and saw Su Yanni looking at herself with concern.

"Iron column, you can't do anything!" Su Yanni's eyes were already full of tears.


At this moment, Zhao Tiezhu only felt that what is killing what the devil is doing, what has been martial arts, has completely disappeared, and in his own eyes, there is only such a woman who looks at herself with stubbornness and gentleness.

Zhao Tiezhu’s heart calmed down at once.

"Let's go back, okay?" Su Yanni sobbed and said.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face had a smile, and he reached out and touched the hand of Su Yanni who was attached to his face and said, “I’m sorry, I am worried.”

Just then, three young women appeared not far away.

"Wow, Tiezhu brother, are you here and there? We are all worried about you!" Li Linger called in the distance.

"That is, if you don't say anything, let us run out, let us worry about you, you have to be responsible!" Lucy also shouted. And Cao Ziyi looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a smile.

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