Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1044: No grace

The first thousand and forty-four chapters are not graceful

"I really have no demeanor, Lao Shi." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and walked around Lao Shi.

"How can I not be demeanor?" Lao Shi's face was not sad, only a touch of light.

"Positive people encounter this kind of thing, they have to be very graceful to say that I wish you happiness, and the villains will say that I will not give up on you, you... I wish people to break up as soon as possible, what? ?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"I thought about it that way." Lao Shi said, "I just thought that they would break up as soon as possible. Then I will be better off, although it is actually not very uncomfortable, but everyone is human, I am not what. Sage, obviously not happy, why should you pretend to be demeanor? I wish you happiness? I wish you a sister, you do not promise me, and then ran with others, I wish you happiness, then I am loaded with 13, and installed 13 This kind of thing has always been my defiance! And what I will not give up? I am not so boring, everyone is an adult, and each has their own ideas, obviously rejecting me directly, I am not ashamed again. If you come, you won’t give up, but who will you listen to? It’s just that people can pity you, so when you are rejected, you will say it directly if you are unhappy. There is no need to pretend to be graceful. For the second youth, the dome is just a literary youth."

"Then I am an ordinary young man." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "If I met that, I would definitely take a few hundred bundles of banknotes to kill her, and then tell her that the buddies are not without money, the buddy's three-month salary." It’s enough to buy a Hyatt, you’re too blind, and your buddies are just low-key!”

"You are a bad thing." Lao Shi said, "How about money? Although it is really impossible to do things in this year, but you really want to take money out to compare with people, then it will fall, You have money, but I can't do it in a word, what can you do? It can only make you grow up, and if you mix up and need money to support your face, then you are really mixed."

"Really." Zhao Tiezhu nodded. "What I said is nothing more than what ordinary young people do. I should be considered a young artist."

"You?" Lao Shi squinted and looked at Zhao Tiezhu. "You count as a literary artist and force the youth."

"I am grass, can't you say that I am good?" Zhao Tiezhu shouted dissatisfied.

"Cut, I don't figure out your money, what do you say?" The old Shi snorted and turned to look at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Okay." Zhao Tiezhu did not care about it. "I don't give you paper when you keep your nose."

"My grass, it's flowing again!" Lao Shi touched his nose and cried, "No, iron pillars, **** gas, squirting out!"

"I will go, no!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lao Shi in horror. "You should not spray twice in the evening."

Just the voice just fell, Lao Shi’s nostrils decisively took out two blood columns, and the old Shi’s eyes turned and fainted.

"I am rubbing, how is your nose so fragile!" Zhao Tiezhu picked up Lao Shi and rushed straight into a clinic.

"It's okay." An old doctor looked at Lao Shi, then took a cotton ball from the side and blocked it on the nose of Lao Shi. He said, "Don't let him get too excited."

“Is it okay?” Zhao Tiezhu asked anxiously as he looked at his old-fashioned white-faced old Shi.

"I said nothing, it's okay, he is a slight halo, blood flow is too much, and I fainted when I saw it." The old doctor explained, "Wake up after a while."

Just finished talking, the old Shi woke up in a faint.

"How did I faint!" said the old doubt.

Zhao Tiezhu was flushed with a red face and said with a smile. "Old Shi, you are so dizzy!"

"I am grass, mildly dizzy, just don't see too much, it's okay!" The old Shi looked suddenly excited. "I am a man, how can I feel dizzy?"

"Don't be excited, or you have to get bloody!" Zhao Tiezhu patted Lao Shi's shoulder. "What's the matter, I will tell you later."

"Well, you despise me." Lao Shi said helplessly.

I have been busy until eleven o'clock, and the old Shi has been out of the clinic.

"I have to go back to sleep, drink too much at night, I also saw that I should not read it. I asked if I shouldn’t ask, I have to go back and digest it." Lao Shi said.

"Well, then go back." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I will not send you anymore. If you want to bleed again, you will find a place to lose some blood."

"It's okay, I won't bleed when I'm not excited!" Lao Shi said, turning and going to the distance.

"If you have time, go back to fj, everyone wants you." Zhao Tiezhu called.

Lao Shi’s body paused, then he raised his hand and waved, did not speak, and continued to move forward.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled. Lao Shi is always the most individual and most thoughtful person in this group. From high school, Lao Shi can almost be regarded as an idol of Zhao Tiezhu. Lao Shi Lao Shi, Zhao Tiezhu would rather call His teacher, because in fact many things are very reasonable, they are all taught to Zhao Tiezhu, and these reasons, although not useful in reading, but after the society, Zhao Tiezhu discovered that the old things that Professor Shih’s own, How important it is, at least Zhao Tiezhu can be sure that if there is no old Shi’s sentence, “If you want to take revenge, you will rely on yourself. If you don’t have the power to die, no one will remember you and compete for yourself.” Zhao Tiezhu is sure If you don't go abroad, you won't be on the road.

It can be said that Lao Shi indirectly created the current Zhao Tiezhu. Today, the old Shi Neng and Zhao Tiezhu let go of the past, drinking a big bowl of meat, chatting and playing, and doing everything, this makes Zhao Tiezhu really feel very happy, and his happiness is no less than a beautiful woman.

Zhao Tiezhu went to the hotel while whistling, and he had to go back to fj tomorrow. The things here are basically all over. Su Yanni will follow her back to fj, and then she will go to her home with Chen Lingshan without scruples. It is.

When I thought of Chen Lingshan, Zhao Tiezhu could not stop thinking about the first time the two met in the building materials market. Zhao Tiezhu’s face could not help but reveal a smile. At that time, Chen Lingshan was really cute.

Back at the hotel, Zhao Tiezhu was surprised to find that Su Yanni and others had not returned yet. They were thinking about whether they would call or ask if they would pick them up. Su Yanni’s phone call came over.

It’s just Su Yanni’s voice, with a hint of crying.

"Iron column... Come to the hospital! My father was beaten!!!"

"My grass, which is not open-minded, dare to beat my future old man!" Zhao Tiezhuteng stood up and opened the door and ran out.

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