Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1046: Summer

The first thousand and forty-six chapters of summer

"Well, Iron Pillar, I know that you have some power, but this is also a deputy magistrate, do you shock him?" Su Shanghe asked.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "This shock does not work, you don't have to say it, I just want to ask, is this summer county magistrate, or let him make some accidents?"

Su Shanghe looked at Zhao Tiezhu in amazement and said, "Iron column, this is not a joke. Summer is a deputy magistrate, a cadre at the department level. Although you are quite powerful in those areas, a deputy magistrate is not Say it will fall!"

"Oh, uncle, you don't have to worry about other things, this matter will be handed over to me. I can't handle a small deputy magistrate, then how can I live with Yanni, you say yes, Yan Ni?” Zhao Tiezhu smiled and asked Su Yanni.

"Well, the iron pillar, those who hurt my father, one should not let go!" Su Yanni said seriously.

"ok!" Zhao Tiezhu gave a snap and said to Li Linger and others, "You are waiting for my news here!"

"Well, Tiezhu brother, go, pay attention to safety!" Li Linger said.

"Be careful!" Lucy also said.

Cao Ziyi smiled and didn't speak.

Out of the ward, Zhao Tiezhu left the hospital directly.

"Xiao Li, find someone for me." Zhao Tiezhu dialed Xiao Li's phone. At this time Xiao Li was eating with friends. After picking up Zhao Tiezhu's phone, Xiao Li immediately stood up and left, then a phone call. After giving some of the gangsters that I knew, after ten minutes, Xiao Li appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu with three people.

"On three people?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Well, we are all less black, these three are friends I know in the field!" Xiao Li introduced.

Zhao Tiezhu indulged in a moment, picked up the phone and hit a hand to the iron hand.

“Where are we from Dehua’s nearest branch?” Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"In qz!" Iron hand replied.

"Who is the person?"

"Han vigorously!"

"Han is strong?" Zhao Tiezhu appeared in the mind of the prisoner who always bent down and said that he wants to be good with others. He laughed. "You will let him come to Dehua tomorrow morning to find me, bring a few more people."

"Okay, I am a member of the Iron Pillar, do you want me to rush from fj?" The iron hand listened to Zhao Tiezhu’s dignitaries and did not talk about what to do.

"No, it’s good to bring a dozen or twenty people!" Zhao Tiezhu refused with a smile.

"That's good, I made a phone call to Han," said the iron hand.

Putting down the phone, Zhao Tiezhu thought for a moment and said, "Do you know this person in summer?"

"Know!" Xiao Li nodded. "He is a deputy magistrate of ours. It has a bit of background, but it is not very strong, and this person is very greedy!"

"That's good, it's not too late now. Waiting for tomorrow morning, a few of you will go with me to the county government." Zhao Tiezhu told him.

"Okay!" Xiao Li nodded. Then Zhao Tiezhu told Xiao Li to carry himself back to Su Yanni's home. He left the Audi a6, which had been parked here for 2 days, and went back to the hotel. . This evening, Zhao Tiezhu lived alone in the hotel. Su Yanni and all the girls were in the hospital to look after Su Shanghe. Originally, Su Yanni let Li Linger come back, but Li Linger said that they originally intended to accompany Yan Ni to take care of Su Shanghe. This made Su Yanni greatly moved.

Nothing in the night. The next morning

In the deputy magistrate's office in the county government.

"Old Chen, thank you very much this time." A middle-aged man with a bald head and a bald head said with a phone. This person is clear in the summer! It is also the deputy magistrate of Dehua.

"Oh, what you said can help you do things, that is our pleasure." The caller who called Lao Chen said modestly.

"Well, this time things are a bit big, although I have already pressed down the police to prevent them from checking out, but you should better avoid the limelight, and wait for the end of the matter to come back!" Summer said.

"This we know, we often do this, skilled!" Lao Chen said with a smile.

"That's good." Summer nodded, and after a few chats, he hung up and then called again.

"Director Zhao, what happened to the thief's interrogation?" asked the summer lightly.

"This... no results!" Zhao, who was on the phone, hesitated and said.

"The nature of this incident is very serious. The thief dared to steal things from the county leaders' house. This is despising our government staff. I hope that you can take this matter seriously. You said that the thief has any abnormal performance. No?" asked the summer.

"This... What kind of abnormal performance do you hope to have?" asked Zhao.

"For example, if you are restless, you like to play with water. You also know that playing with water is dangerous. Even a water in a washbasin can often kill people. Of course, this is why people play with themselves and blame others. You said yes?" asked the summer.

"What do you mean??" Zhao asked tentatively.

"What do I mean? I don't mean anything. I just want to say don't let him play with water. If you die, it's not good, isn't it?" asked the summer.

"I know." Director Zhao’s voice is a bit dignified. "I will pay attention to this matter."

"Well, pay attention to it. The new round of elections will start. When everyone helps each other, haha!" Summer said, hanging up directly.

At the end of the phone, Director Zhao listened to the busy line of Dududu, and wanted to give up the mobile phone. Just thinking about it, he finally endured it.

"Mom, the person who beat me still wants me to get rid of the thief. Is it really when I am not angry?"

In the summer, I leaned back on the sofa, and I felt very relaxed. Today, I finally finished everything. The **** thief stole something from my family. You steal it. Big deal, I will find someone else, but why are you caught? Still caught by Su Shanghe, Su Shanghe, Su Shanghe, I have heard about this temper. I didn’t expect it to be so arrogant. Even my face didn’t sell, I had to hold it. To check in, the Discipline Inspection Commission did not speak, what did you call a small instructor? Now I’ve got myself in, happy? Everyone is working for the country. What do I charge for the labor service? You really deserve it. This time, I will give you a little bit of memory. I will dare to call you again next time. I may have to take you!

When the summer was clear and cranky, there was a sudden commotion in the government courtyard.

"What happened?" Summer curiously went to the floor-to-ceiling window and went out to see it. I saw it in the government compound. I don’t know when to park two cars. One looks like Audi and the other is an off-road vehicle. .

"Where is this coming from, I dare to stop directly in the yard, too mad!" Summer frowned and said.

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