Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1052: Offended Lu Jinhui

The first thousand and fifty-two chapters offended Lu Jinhui

Zhao Tiezhu was also very surprised at the change of Han Dali. He just figured it out. Everyone’s heart actually has a demon. Especially in the first half of life like Han Dali, he was bullied. People, the devils in their hearts are often more terrible than ordinary people. If you give them a chance to wake up the demon in their hearts, there will always be an extreme performance.

Just like Ma Jue, there are still many people. After being suppressed for a long time, the energy released is far from what most people can imagine. After the education of the Blood Soul Hall and the guidance of the Iron Hand and others, Han Dali has been The previous weak shackles have become a bit of crazy bloodthirsty. Zhao Tiezhu is very pleased. After the fangs were added to the sheep, the sheep can also bite the wolf!

"Then bury it." Zhao Tiezhu said indifferently, "Strong, this pit you to dig?"

"No problem." Han vigorously smiled and took a few shovel from the van to a few younger brothers, then he dug up the pit on the ground, and for a moment, his face did not see any other look, some It is just a bloodthirsty that is similar to madness.

"Iron brother, this strong brother, really is awesome!" Xiao Li stood next to Zhao Tiezhu, although he came out early, but this killing is still the first time, especially watching Han vigorously dig That is simply shocking his heart that can be said to be not very powerful.

"Oh, come out and mix, you have to be a bit hot." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged and said, "The kindness to the enemy is to your heart, so ah, although we will not take the initiative to pick things, but whoever dares to mess with us I have to be prepared to die."

"Know it!" Xiao Li nodded seriously.

Not long after, a pit about one meter deep was dug, and Han vigorously tied Chen Fen and other people's hands, and then pushed into the pit, and began to fill the pit, and for a moment, there was no pause.

"Don't!" Chen Fen was finally afraid. The soil had already been buried in his chest. If he went on like this, he would be buried for ten minutes. He would suffocate and die in all forms of death. It is the most painful to suffocate and die.

"Do you know now?" Han vigorously grinned and looked at Chen Fen. "Why don't you be afraid when you hit someone?"

"Big Brother, we...we just collect money and replace people, and just broke the head. Isn't it necessary to be so embarrassed? Everyone is on the road, give a chance!" Chen Fen prayed for general.

"It’s late, dare to provoke us the iron pillar brother, you have to be alive and well." Han Dali’s eyes are full of **** light. "Today, you are a dead end."

While talking, Han Dali was buried diligently, and soon the four people were buried, and then Han vigorously jumped on the mound, and stepped on it a few times.

"Iron brother, it’s done." Han said with a smile.

"Not bad!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded with appreciation. "You are like this, I am also assured that I will hand you the qz site. Remember, vigorously, people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. If people commit me, I will kill them." !"

"Know!" Han vigorously screamed.

"Well, you bring your brothers back to qz, I am basically fine here." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Well. Brothers, let's go." Han vigorously greeted the younger brother, left the van with a van, and Zhao Tiezhu also left.

On the road, Zhao Tiezhu received a call from Lu Jinhui.

"Iron, I heard that you are in Dehua?" Lu Jinhui's voice is very soft.

"Yeah, Governor Lu, how do you know?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Haha, I naturally know. I heard that your old man was hospitalized?" Lu Jinhui asked.

"Yes, it was hit by people who didn't have long eyes."

"Oh, let me greet you with your old man, and, I heard that you and the summer are a little misunderstood?"

Zhao Tiezhu stunned, did not expect this summer to know Lu Jinhui, and can let Lu Jinhui personally call himself, this summer and Lu Jinhui's relationship, will not be shallow!

"He made people beat me old man, I naturally have to avenge." Zhao Tiezhu's voice has become very dull, although Lu Jinhui is the governor, but Zhao Tiezhu really wants to ignore his words, but also can ignore him.

"There may be some misunderstandings here, Tianming that kid, doing things a little impulsive, iron pillar, look at my face, do not care about him." Lu Jinhui said.

"This... Governor Lu, you know that my future old man was beaten. This is what the summer is behind. If I don't do anything, I am really sorry for my old man." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"You didn't hit him in the county government compound? If you look at it, it's a tie." Lu Jinhui said.

"Lv Governor, you may not know that I am Zhao Tiezhu. I am this person. If you want to mess with me, I will not have nothing to provoke you, but you have to provoke me, sorry, you hit me, I I have to beat you ten times, I can't change this temper." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"What are you going to do?" Lu Jinhui’s voice sank. He had already lowered his posture. I didn’t expect Zhao Tiezhu to still hold on to this matter, which would not give him a face.

"I didn't plan what to do, what to do if I did it. In the summer, I was corrupt and bribed, and I was beaten by the police. This is a very bad thing. Let me tell you clearly. I want to step down this summer. It is as simple as that. Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Oh? Comrade Tirezhu, it seems that you are not going to give me face?" Lu Jinhui said coldly, the governor is also a provincial governor. Although he is afraid of Zhao Tiezhu, Lu Jinhui is not afraid of Zhao Tiezhu.

"I don't want to give you a face. Imagine if your old man was broken, what would you do?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"..." Lu Jinhui was silent for a long time on the phone, and then said, "Young, after all, is a kind of capital."

"..." Zhao Tiezhu is also silent.

"That's it, this thing, you can do it yourself. If my little sister-in-law really has something to do with the people and the people, you shouldn't be polite. First, this is the case." Lu Jinhui said, he hung up the phone.

Zhao Tiezhu helplessly rubbed his temples. He really didn't think that this summer was actually Lu Jinhui's little nephew. If he really wants to get the summer out, it would be a complete offense for Lu Jinhui! It is not a wise decision to offend Lu Jinhui now.

"What about offending?" Zhao Tiezhu looked out into the distance, "just a governor."

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