Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1058: conventional

The first thousand and fifty-eight chapters

"Iron column, isn't it?" Chen Xinshou went to sit next to Zhao Tiezhu and asked with a voice that could not be said to be indifferent, but not friendly. And the few people who followed Chen Xinshou were interested in exiting the living room.

"Yes!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded politely.

"How long have you been with Lingshan?" Chen Xinshou asked.

"Not long, just after a period of school." Zhao Tiezhu casually swears.

"Actually, Lingshan has a fiancé, should you know?" Chen Xinshou asked calmly.

"Know! Lingshan has told me, but I think it is most important for two people to fall in love together. If it is a strong twisted melon, it must be unsweetened!"

"How do you know that they will be strong twists? People, they have to interact slowly to have feelings, Lingshan is more resistant to her fiancé, so he did not have the same with Cui The kid has been in contact, this has given you the opportunity. I have to tell you clearly about this point. As long as next year, regardless of whether Lingshan is willing or not, he has to marry the person of Cui."

"Lingshan will certainly not be willing, even if you are forced to catch it, she will not be happy!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Oh, Lingshan is still small, she simply doesn't know what happiness is between men and women. I just inform you about it. When you go back to school, you can break up with Lingshan. You can't delay Lingshan." Chen Xinshou, although tone Calm, but there is a majesty that cannot be opposed. It is only if the majesty is placed on ordinary people. It will definitely be effective, but it is placed on Zhao Tiezhu. It is really a big knife in front of Guan Gong. Playing sticks.

"I only know that Lingshan is happy with me. Regarding your notice, please forgive me." Zhao Tiezhu also looked indifferent. Since Chen Xinshou is going to harden to dismantle him and Chen Lingshan, then he This pretending boyfriend naturally has to fight back.

"You think... can you match the spirit of Shanshan?" Chen Xinshou was not annoyed, still asked gently.

"Do you think I can't match him?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Your identity? Your status? Your wealth? I can tell you clearly, in these three ways, if you work hard for a lifetime, there is no way to half the Lingshan! You know Lingshan I give it one year. How much is she spending money? Do you know what Lingshan is going to travel every year? What else is not to say, Lingshan’s childhood toys are an astronomical number. Are you satisfied with these things?” Chen Xinshou Asked.

"Love is not measured by the status of wealth status!" Zhao Tiezhu said in a deep voice, "And I have always believed that love that can be exchanged for wealth status and status is not called love at all, it is just exchange! I believe Lingshan It won't be someone who cares about these things!"

"Oh, maybe she won't care, but we care!" Chen Xinshou's voice suddenly grew a little bigger. "I won't let my daughter be busy for three meals, and she won't let her only look at others to buy clothes and buy shoes." Pack! She wants everything, she can get it, you can't satisfy her, maybe she won't mind, but I will not allow this to happen!"

“Is it still going to fall into the cliché?” Zhao Tiezhu smiled helplessly and said, “The door-to-door is all about TV on these things. You still use this kind of thing to persuade me, is it useful?”

"I think if a man can't satisfy his woman physically, then this man can't be called a man! The happiness of suffering together can only be seen in novels and songs. In real life, I will not let this happen. The situation has arisen."

"Then I think we have nothing to say, Lingshan I will not give up, if you want to use strong, I am a bad life, big deal, if you want to soft, sorry, I don't want anything, I want spirit. Shan!" Zhao Tiezhu did not care, Chen Xinshou smiled and said, "Young people, listen to me. As long as you break up with Lingshan, I will give you 10 million immediately! Ten million cash Now, this year, there is nothing better to make money than this? If you break up with Lingshan, you will give it to you at 10 million. When you have this million, will you still have a woman?"

"It seems to be a cliché." Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly, "Can you talk about money? Don't talk about money and hurt your feelings."

"No money, no feelings." Chen Xinshou said, "Young people, appetite is not too good, you have to know enough, these days you are delicious and fun in me, I will entertain you, as long as you go back to school And then break up with Lingshan, I will immediately let people put 10 million in cash into your account!"

"I don't think we have a common language." Zhao Tiezhu is really tired of this person who always uses money to say things. No wonder his daughter is being bullied by his stepmother. He is not busy. The people who fall into the eyes of the money look at everything. Looking at the golden color, my daughter will eventually be her own. If she is bullied, she will not lose her meat. Her wife is Zhu’s. If she is affected by the grievances, she will have a relationship with Zhu Chen. The consequences of a daughter’s grievance are much greater. Such a pros and cons may be a successful businessman, but certainly not a successful father.

"Give you a few days to think about it yourself, young people, 10 million, if you work **** your own, you can't make so much money in this life!" Chen Xinshou said, stood up and went upstairs. .

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Chen Xinshou silently, then picked up his own tea and continued to drink. In a short while, Chen Lingshan came to the living room.

"I saw your father just now." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Oh? What did he say?" Chen Lingshan asked.

"There is nothing, just let me take good care of you, and then take care of our children. After I have been pregnant for a long time, I can't do anything, so he said let us take advantage of these days and take the ten-month task. Finished." Zhao Tiezhu said nonsense.

"What!" Chen Lingshan blushes and says, "My dad won't say that! Does he let you break up with me?"

"How is this possible? The son-in-law of the jade tree like me is not able to find a lantern!" Zhao Tiezhu said proudly.

"When I go..." Chen Lingshan glanced at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Really, iron pillar brother, you... will there be pressure?"

"There is no pressure, I am here, I like to give people pressure. This is what I learned in mechanics. I am mainly the one who exerts force. Others are stressed!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"That's good, but, Tiezhu brother, if there is any big pressure, you tell me, big deal... I will marry that person if I can't be big." Chen Lingshan bit her lower lip and said.

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